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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. "What do you like about this?" "It's rock and roll with a wide-angle lens." "You suck so much." It's fitting that this episode was basically a best-of (I know what best-ofs are) for the Scott & Scott podcasting experience. Looking forward to whatever they come out with next.
  2. Kickpuncher

    In Voorhees We Trust With Gourley and Rust

    They stopped updating the forum for Stitcher Premium at some point.
  3. Kickpuncher

    Episode 563 - Where You Come From with CHVRCHES

    As much as I'd like this to be true, the photo that inspired my observation is the two of them side-by-side, and I don't believe that anyone at Earwolf has the Photoshop skills to make that happen.
  4. Kickpuncher

    Episode 563 - Where You Come From with CHVRCHES

    I never noticed this before, but I was looking through the episode photos, and Scott and Edi are remarkably similar looking.
  5. Kickpuncher

    In Voorhees We Trust With Gourley and Rust

    Hey everybody, this show is fucking great.
  6. Kickpuncher

    Episode 563 - Where You Come From with CHVRCHES

    Best impressions of Samantha from Sex and the City: 1) Claudia O'Doherty 2) Lauren from Chaverches
  7. Kickpuncher

    Fanclub Singles (1999-2011)

    The first half-hour of this episode was pretty much a perfect distillation of the Scott & Scott podcasting style. Although it was weird that Scott asked if "Almost Perfect" starred Jamie Lee Curtis considering that he made Jamie Lee Curtis references every time he read the phrase "less than perfect" in Black Tux ads for like six months.
  8. Kickpuncher

    Episode 562 - They'ven't Yet

    Episode title definitely should have been "Louisville Slugee".
  9. Look, I realize that there's no longer any sound coming out of my earbuds, but I refuse to accept that the episode is over until I hear Adam say "Byyyeee!" (Also, if they want to play a bed of Replacements music under every episode, the show would improve by 5% in my book.)
  10. Kickpuncher

    Episode 59 - Jon Gabrus - Spotlight On: Chris Gainz

    Gabrus is incredibly insightful and empathetic for such a disgusting meathead fuckboi.
  11. Kickpuncher

    Episode 561 - Poke Mitzvah

    Is it actually pronounced "Blast-oys", like it's spelled? Because it seems like it's based on "tortoise" and should be "Blast-us", right? I'm glad Tawny (great charac, BTW) was on this episode since she previously appeared on an Off Book ep with a lot of Pokemon talk and is clearly amused by it.
  12. How does it feel to be right about REM? IT FEELS GOOD!
  13. Great ep! Scott's Lake Havasu story was incredible. They must have been doing something wrong with that boat, right?
  14. This was great. Kyle has gotten infinitely better at improv since the PB days, when he seemed to be physically incapable of not dictating every detail of any scenario they would play out.
  15. Great stuff. For anyone who hasn't seen Detroiters, please fix that immediately. It's phenomenal.
  16. Kickpuncher

    Help us with the CBB 2019 Calendar!!

    July - Dads & Grads GTFO
  17. Kickpuncher

    Episode 557 - Word Down

    Lead singer of the iconic band Cameo, Larry Blackmon joins Scott for a one on one chat on a very special episode of Comedy Bang! Bang! They’ll get into the origin of Cameo’s smash hit “Word Up,” how Larry got involved with the band, and what Larry keeps in his safe. As Larry and Scott continue their conversation, an Edible Arrangements delivery person by the name of Nance drops by with a gift for Scott. But is there more to Nance? Tune in to find out! This episode is brought to you by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com/BANGBANG). *** I had to start a thread because this was one of my favorite episodes of the year. How is every character that Carl creates so perfect? The opening segment of Scott asking him questions that forced him to contort to various semi-musical answers was such a classic old-school CDR/CBB bit.
  18. Kickpuncher

    Help us with the CBB 2019 Calendar!!

    For July: Technicality No Down June Over
  19. Kickpuncher

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    Comedy posting school taught by Howard Kremer?
  20. Kickpuncher

    March 2017 episodes

    Not right now, I'm sittin' on a thistle.
  21. Kickpuncher

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    I'm sure Scott approves of our profiles now calling post count "Content Count". Keep slingin' that 'tent, everyone.
  22. The sports rap segment at the end was amazing.
  23. Kickpuncher

    Episode 556 - Tips 'n' Tricks

    "This wasn't an Ego's one-woman show situation." "Tiny mayors" is a weirdly specific niche that CBB has established.