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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. Kickpuncher

    The Wahlberg Solution 8

    I think it's because the show is part of the Sklarbro feed, so if people are subscribed they download it automatically but maybe don't listen to these? Anyway, good show, and I agree that it would be nice to hear more of these, and to hear bigger/better crowds at them.
  2. On that note, Huskey busting out the Besser impression KILLED me. Betsy's Louie Anderson was a close second. Great ep all around.
  3. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    I'm going to assume that this exact discussion was George RR Martin's inspiration for the people north of the wall being called "Wildlings" by others and "Free Folk" by themselves, and he tweaked the phrases just enough to not get sued.
  4. Kickpuncher

    Judy Greer Wears A Navy Blouse and Strappy Sandals

    The TV debut of "sbeenawhile" and "I'm a little stinker in the penalty box" were two of my favorite moments of the season.
  5. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 255 — An All New Era

    Cool! And congrats on getting name-dropped in the new opening theme.
  6. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 255 — An All New Era

    Love the new logo. The format is good but I agree with that quibble. They really need to get a variety of different charts if it's just the two of them commenting on them. And if they're not (or just barely) commenting on the charts, then it feels like too much of a departure. Anyway, I'm sure they'll figure it out and the show will continue to be great. As for this episode, Howard was spitting fire. I like Federman and he was good here, but three straight days of any guest on Earwolf shows is too much.
  7. Did I love this episode? Oh, baby, yeah. Michael Jackson was an especially funny choice for a puppet dummy, because the first thing most people would think of to impersonate him doesn't require moving your lips.
  8. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    That was the first thing I thought of when Wayne's commercial was brought up! Now that I think about it, I'm sure that the pleasurable morning rub 'n' tug that Scott was referring to is actually just Kulap making fresh-squeezed orange juice.
  9. Ha ha, I didn't even notice that when I looked through the photos yesterday.
  10. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 254.5 — 10/16/15 TWO CHARTED 193

    As a huge fan of the New York Mets and Who Charted, I couldn't be more thrilled that their biggest moment in 29 years was immortalized in a Kitchen Countdown.
  11. Great episode throughout, but the Muppets bit at the end really put it over the top.
  12. Yes! I was pleasantly surprised to see her on, because she seems super cool in all the interviews and other stuff I've seen, but I can't remember her doing any other podcasts.
  13. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 254 — We Go to Space to Come Right Back

    Damn, this was so much fun. Mike fit in great and everyone was on point.
  14. Kickpuncher


    I love this. Not only is it a nice thing to do, but it seems like a great source of material (either specific or more general inspiration) for any comedian or writer. I guess the downside (aside from the obvious safety concerns) is that, unless you made a point of only doing it if the person or group was the only one at the bus stop, you'd risk making everyone else there mad.
  15. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 381 — Kitchen Stand-Up

    Props to the Choctaw for the walk-off home run of "They're closed on Mondays."
  16. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 114 — Quip Fire!

    Glorious Paghetti? I'm always pretty far behind on R&B too, and just listened to this today. Great ep!
  17. "Fuck you, sick kids!" Jacob, I also assumed that Paul was talking about Antz, forgetting that this was taped months ago, when Ant-Man Fever was sweeping the nation.
  18. Kickpuncher

    Has WIP been B.A. Baracused?

    "Up" starts with U.
  19. I understand why it wasn't, but I wish the title had been "That Fucking Pilot".
  20. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 342 — A Silicon Valley P-Cast

    Watch this week's TV show, he was great!
  21. Very funny. All good characters and the sing-along section was great. Based on the Mack Weldon ad, I feel like Lauren has been listening to Howard Kremer's theories on gay couples.
  22. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 253.5 — 10/09/15 TWO CHARTED 192

    Based on the description, the new version sounds more like Twooch Plus than Whooch, even though they described it as Twooch ending. If they can do one 80-90 minute show per week and they're both there every week, that will be an improvement over what the shows have been recently. Between that and everyone having other big things on their plates, I can definitely see it as a good thing. Oh, also, this episode was fantastic. Particular props to Stard for "Dos Binocs" and "Vivid?".
  23. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 380 — A Colinary Journey

    As I went to set my DVR to record tonight's TV show (yes Scott, people watch it), I was reminded of how much I laughed at "Benders" and "Gigi Does It" becoming the new version of "an all-new 'Maron'".
  24. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 380 — A Colinary Journey

    Big ups to all people of different stars and stripes, but still, it was worth it just for Scott to hypothetically point out how racist it may have sounded.
  25. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 253 — Muckraking

    Yeah, that was weird. It feels like he does fewer blatant cash-grab roles than most actors of his stature. Interstellar was probably also a bad example, because even though it was a big-budget movie, I doubt he got paid a lot for it.