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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. I'm pretty sure that was just a mistake, like she misunderstood the way he asked the question, but yeah, Joe getting flummoxed and trying to recover was hilarious.
  2. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 247 — Running With My Walkman

    Great episode. Aimee is always a treat and I liked the balance they struck between discussing her career and sports. [That said, I had to laugh at the idea that she should put her old albums out on vinyl so that people can hear them, as if that's the way that most people consume music, and/or they're otherwise unavailable.] Also, lots of good potentially-titular lines, including "Boxing Kangaroo".
  3. Possibly my favorite line in the short history of WSGLL. These two share a silly streak which makes them fit together so well. Fantastic episode.
  4. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 228.5 — 4/17/15 TWO CHARTED 167

    I love how Howard does his entire chart, then as soon as Kulap's first chart entry starts, asks "Can I talk about something?" Lots of really funny moments in this one all around.
  5. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 108 — Con Air LIVE!

    Jason felt threatened and threw "June" down a flight of stairs.
  6. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 183 — Tatertown

    I'm vaguely aware of this guy as an actor, but I had no idea he had a large teenage girl fanbase, and don't see anything in his IMDB that would explain it. Anyway, good episode, the prank e-mail story was really funny.
  7. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 228 — Riff Raff the Rapping Dog

    Did I love this episode? Yeah! Eugene is great and fits in with Wie and Ku so well, there was a real Twoochy feel to this one.
  8. LIST! Also, Love Shack. Oh man.
  9. Kickpuncher

    Episode 203 — Trauma

    If cooking with olive oil gives me cancer when I'm 80, I'll take that over heart disease when I'm 60. Anyway, this was really good. I've never been a fan of Whitney's work, but she's always cool when I hear her on podcasts. She also seems pretty humble, not so much because she explicitly downplays her success, but because she's willing to be so candid and just seems genuine. Pound blessed.
  10. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 3 - A Secret Society

    Oh yeah, well I was also on a family vacation when Kurt Cobain died! [PS, imagine this being said in the same tone of voice as Jason reacting to other people talking about Kurt Cobain dying.]
  11. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 3 - A Secret Society

    We got very close to some #ClassicJarles for a minute there. Paul's delight at Jason's teen angst was great.
  12. Kickpuncher

    Are the minisodes worth listening to?

    Following along live, I'd say they're worth it, but not essential. Going back through the archives, I wouldn't bother.
  13. "The Hamburglar of the Hardwood" is the best nickname ever. This was delightfully silly, and I hate to nit-pick the premise too much, but did anyone else find it weird that the hosts (characters) didn't really know about basketball OR sound like NPR hosts? I guess it just wasn't what I expected when I saw the episode title, but ultimately this was probably funnier since NPR parodies have been done to death.
  14. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 227.5 — 4/10/15 TWO CHARTED 166

    Great Howard-ism from one of the promos that I forgot to mention in the Whooch thread, regarding whether t-shirts can be considered entertainment - "T-shirts, they give you something to look at. If not, we wouldn't write on 'em."
  15. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    Don't EVER let Scott catch you saying that content isn't important.
  16. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    So much good stuff going on here. Almost too much for a mere 77 minutes. In addition to the guests being great, Scott was really on fire in the opening interview part.
  17. Kickpuncher

    13 Going Hooray

    Um, ever heard of a little band called NICKELBACK?! Great, fascinating episode. I've always liked "Creep"; who knew that all it was missing was a little dab of mmmcocoa butterrr.
  18. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 227 — Movie Theater Plug Life

    I don't think they have musicians on often enough to worry about any change to the format really having a significant effect. To me, the biggest plus for this way of doing it is that it can be awkward for a musician (someone with more self-consciousness than Nova Rockefeller, at least) to have to comment on other music, especially if they're young and still trying to really break into the business. Of course, a lot of artists are too self-conscious to want to talk about their own stuff, so I guess neither is ideal. Anyway, fun episode, Kitty seems really cool and the various validations of Howard's "finger on the pulse of youth culture" were hilarious.
  19. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 219 — A.R.I.T.

    Does anyone else want to go in on a crowdfunding campaign for a teleportation machine so that Jason can come to the studio for 3-5 minutes and do a Mitchell segment every week?
  20. Kickpuncher

    Episode 202 — Pickup Artist

    Easily. I think the only question now is whether the negative feedback is so overwhelming that the hosts actually acknowledge it with something other than the usual dismissiveness.
  21. Kickpuncher

    Episode 202 — Pickup Artist

    When I saw this episode title, I thought it might be about how "pickup artists" are scumbags or something, but after reading the intro and these posts, I think this might have to be the first PB episode I don't listen to in its entirety.
  22. You forgot to count down from 100. This was SPONTASTIC! The baby monologue, the Batman talk, and the Powerpuff anthem were my favorite moments, like apparently everyone else.
  23. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 343 — Athlete's Head

    Grepisode! I don't think of Alicia as a 'comedy person', but she fit in perfectly and was really funny. And the characs were great as always. Victor passing out is one of those classic gags where you 100% know it's coming and it's still really funny every time.
  24. Kickpuncher

    EPISODE 107 — Lake Placid: LIVE!

    Yeah, that gave me a good chuckle when I saw it too. I pictured Jason watching it and jumping up off his couch and yelling "FUCK YOU, DUM-DUMS!"
  25. Hearing him tell stories about taping "Driven to Drink", I'm a little surprised he'd want to do it.