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Everything posted by BrettMorris

  1. BrettMorris

    Episode 142.5 β€” TWO CHARTED 81

    No unfortunately. I wish I was going to Bumbershoot at least.
  2. BrettMorris

    Episode 142.5 β€” TWO CHARTED 81

    Is that what I said? Definitely an overstatement haha. Although I don't think they're anywhere near the same universe as how bad cigarettes are. Thanks
  3. BrettMorris

    i4h LIVE on YouTube - 08/22

    Thanks for watching!
  4. BrettMorris

    Episode 94 β€” Hands In The Air

    All of the videos are in the submission thread on this forum!
  5. BrettMorris

    Episode 94 β€” Hands In The Air

    You did a great job, and the show was hilarious. That said, I do think for future reference, this is the wrong way to approach it. Being reasonable and agreeable are good qualities in a debate, but these guys don't need any kid gloves and definitely don't need any help finding comedy fodder. It would have been equally funny with a truly outraged caller like Matt wanted. Things tend to work better with the caller just being honest and themselves and not strategizing to be funny. Maybe for other shows this is a totally understandable mentality, but not so much this one. Again, very fun debate! I don't think you were trolling and you made plenty of serious points, it's just a slippery slope mentality for callers in general.
  6. BrettMorris

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Just to remind everyone, as funny as some of these are, we don't use music vids on the show.
  7. I think his argument is really clear if you listen. He's suggesting that we're projecting our own sexual boundaries and values onto the animals. Maybe the dog would thoroughly enjoy a handy? It's hard to imagine they wouldn't. At the same time, separation anxiety just from us leaving the house can be near-traumatic for some dogs. I'm gonna go meditate on this for a bit...
  8. BrettMorris

    Episode 139.5 β€” 08/02/13 TWO CHARTED 78

    Has Howard not mentioned this on air yet? It's all he/we have been talking about for like the last two weeks. Yeah, awesome doc. I want a goat to take care of me.
  9. Mike Still's british accent is one of the funniest things I've ever heard
  10. I have a feeling at least one from the upcoming episode 92 will have a place in there. You guys are in for it...
  11. BrettMorris

    Episode 91 β€” Biohazard Acoustics

    Hey guys reminder, please put your BEST OF submissions in the dedicated thread at the top! Episode #s and time-code helps tremendously as well.
  12. BrettMorris

    Episode 91 β€” Biohazard Acoustics

    When Mookie went right into that impression I almost pissed myself. I was actually trying to avoid the camera shots for a while on that last scene cuz I was dying.
  13. Pretty sure all of them. Don't quote me on that.
  14. BrettMorris

    Matt and Kanye

    what the fuck, i had no idea about that
  15. Yeah I was gonna say, that word doesn't mean what you think it does.
  16. Well you clearly have, at the very least, a defensive posture about this, if not a personal stake in the fight, which worries me more about talking too much since it's a legal matter. I am not a patent expert, it's not my role to go toe to toe on this. I definitely personally support strong intellectual property laws, but they can always be improved. I appreciate your opinions, but I'm sure there are many who disagree. But I'll say that this isn't as abstract a fight as you think it is. You make a lot of assumptions about what has and hasn't already happened. Personal Audio has definitely taken actions. This isn't just mindless greed from podcasters.
  17. BrettMorris

    Episode 137.5 β€” 07/19/13 TWO CHARTED 76

    No worries guys, just mixing it up a bit. This next Tooch will be for the purists.
  18. It's not "fashionable" it literally threatens our existence. From what I understand, they somehow claim a catch-all patent on distributing digital episodes, basically podcasting itself, which would mean everybody would have to pay this "company" a prohibitive license fee to even be on air, which feels like a shakedown. They don't produce anything themselves, they just sue people for a living I guess? This isn't just Matt buying into some media hype, Earwolf and pretty much every major broadcaster are facing legal threats from this and hold the same position, he's reading on behalf of Earwolf. If you have a counter opinion, feel free to share it rather than just berate the entire industry's position.
  19. BrettMorris

    Episode 112 β€” Yoga

    Sorry guys, somehow the wrong file went out. We screwed-up, please erase your memories of that moment.
  20. BrettMorris

    Episode 137 β€” Gender Rolls

    This was a really fun one. Howard was on fire, and Jerod is always the perfect guest.
  21. BrettMorris

    HAVIN' A SUMMAH 2013!

    Thank you so much! Youdaman
  22. BrettMorris

    Howard's music!

    HAVE ANOTHAH SUMMAH is here!! You can listen and get it here: http://howardkremer.bandcamp.com/ Please download a copy, rock it all Summah long, and spread the word! Thank you all of those who already got it and given us such great feedback!.
  23. BrettMorris

    Is the Rafflecast dead?

    It's not dead. Jon has just been insanely busy, he's blowing up! Cy and I have been busy as well. But have no fear, we have another BTT in the can, and we love doing it so much I can't see us entirely stopping any time soon. Keeping it strictly weekly is just tough at times.
  24. BrettMorris

    HAVIN' A SUMMAH 2013!

    Summah is about to explode guys. I can barely contain the power in my hands right now...
  25. That goes for so much of the Internet though. It's real. It's just a weird guy who is so obsessed with being the joker, he probably doesn't even realize how cringey that vid is. Here's his youtube page, he's got more vids. http://www.youtube.c...oLuver63/videos