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Everything posted by BrettMorris

  1. BrettMorris

    Episode 210 — Artisanal Podcasting

    I took awesome photos and they got misuploaded. Check the twitter feed maybe. btw I liked Interstellar and I like string theory and string cheese. btw Scott in that photoshop is fucking hilarious.
  2. New 2014 Holiday Single! If you already have the bundle, pick it up for $0.99. If you don't have the bundle, get the whole thing now! It's not an option for chartists. -Stard
  3. BrettMorris

    Holiday Bundle + Brand New 2014 Single Available Now!

    I believe they are high quality MP3s. I can see if we can get a lossless version up, it's not a feature that's been requested really.
  4. West Virginia is definitely a good contender
  5. PSA FOR EVERYONE: Please do not harass this guy, do not try to friend him. If for nothing else, Eric will have a heart attack.
  6. BrettMorris

    Holiday Bundle + Brand New 2014 Single Available Now!

    New single, "Let It Go" out now for Cyber Monday! http://store.earwolf.com/store/digital/3881/2014-holiday-single-let-it-go Get the whole bundle here! http://store.earwolf.com/store/digital/3880/who-charted-holiday-bundle
  7. BrettMorris

    Episode 208.5 — 11/28/14 TWO CHARTED 147

    New 2014 Holiday Single! If you already have the bundle, pick it up for $0.99. If you don't have the bundle, get it now! It's not an option for chartists.
  8. BrettMorris

    Cyber Monday Sale in the Earwolf Store!!!

    Don't forget, the WHO CHARTED HOLIDAY BUNDLE is being released Cyber Monday, with a brand new single.
  9. #2 on iTunes, right behind Serial!
  10. BrettMorris

    Episode 207 — Grown Ups 2 Causes Terrorism

    this is what happened, sorry guys
  11. BrettMorris

    Earwolf mercilessly teasing Lauren Lapkus podcast

    argh i messed that up
  12. BrettMorris

    Episode 206 — Career Killing Commercials

    time to shut it thanks for the kind words though
  13. BrettMorris

    Episode 206 — Career Killing Commercials

    I've never seen you before and you're giving me production notes and talking shit in the same sentence. I'll do what I want! Please don't talk about the people here that way. I edited the episode already, it's over. You can still see Affleck's dong unspoiled. Oh whoops, spoiler.
  14. We need help with the following: 1. A camera operator/assistant to come down to the shoot 2. Someone good at rigging GoPros and willing to get in the water 3. Someone who could make a design for a Shredstauraunt sign and a Gu Cruise business sign and any other ones you come up with, then make full sized signs and help get them down to location. These would need to be seen and approved in advance, so very time sensitive. The shoot is THIS SATURDAY, November 15th at a location in or near LA. Email whocharted@earwolf.com with the subject "Gu Cruise video" and let us know who you are and what you can do. We can't wait!
  15. BrettMorris

    Episode 206 — Career Killing Commercials

    don't be so angry. the dickishness in the tweets i've gotten is crazy. i'm sorry about the spoiler, i have no idea what's a spoiler and what's not on a movie that i've never seen and they didn't say anything to that effect. i'm editing it now. all you have to do is ask.
  16. BrettMorris

    Episode 206 — Career Killing Commercials

    Chartists! Amazing opportunity with Gu Cruise video shoot, please read! http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/19427-chartists-amazing-opportunity-with-gu-cruise-video-shoot-please-read/
  17. BrettMorris

    Episode 159 — Rainbow Bridge

    Listen to the robot next time
  18. BrettMorris

    Episode 205.5 — 11/07/14 TWO CHARTED 144

    Do you know Twin Shadow boi?
  19. hey do u guys like thanksgiven
  20. BrettMorris

    Wolfpop Paul Scheer's new podcast network?

  21. BrettMorris

    Episode 204.5 — 10/31/14 TWO CHARTED 143

    Freud thought everything was mother issues
  22. it goes insanely deep. i tried to stump him on lord of the rings stuff once and he knew every piece of expanded universe lore.
  23. BrettMorris


    You should probably send me an Oculus Rift just in case