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Everything posted by Asteck

  1. Let's do this! I started another thread for anybody who wants to play the Challenge League. I also liked the Bozo podcasts a lot, please interview me too bc I'm very cool and smart.
  2. Would anybody here be interested in doing a The Challenge Battle of the Exes 2 Fantasy League? Points are based on challenge performances and in-house behavior. I watch the worst tv out of anybody that I know, so I doubt I could find enough people to do this with in real life. PS sorry for flaking on a meet up in the Bay! I only made it up to the east bay once and was so bored by san jose that I left like 5 days earlier than I'd originally planned. I also hit a car sized tumble weed going 80mph on the 5 and survived so that was v scary #tumblebrag
  3. For reference, here's a picture of my nice white cat from when she was a kitten in a little pineapple. Haha from the SA boards "I'm baffled as to why that Chanson guy called in and how gender politics arguments come up so frequently in their forums."
  4. I still like Chanson after this episode
  5. Hahaha the disappointment in Hayes' voice when asking "This is the one that you want? ok.." after being insisted into asking my question was so sweet. Like a dad taking his kid to a music store to choose an instrument to play, hoping he'd pick a guitar, and the kid presenting him with a lute or something. I think calling any of those hole related questions "jokes" was pretty generous, so thanks for that guys. Edit: I feel like I should say that I understand having a easy to make fun of name. In 3rd grade Danny Chamberlain realized that my last name was only one letter different than the name of a chain of popular discount clothing stores whose jingle went like "You love it, IIII love it, I got it at ___." Then he realized that if you changed "got it" to "shot [my name]" it would be really mean. Buuuutt maybe I'm better for it, because now I run a successful accounting business that I never wanted so how do you feel about that Danny?
  6. To take it easy last night, in anticipation of calling in, I watched The Skeleton Twins and it turns out that it's much scarier than the name implies. I found out that if you've made mistakes or you're sad you should just try to commit suicide bc it probably won't work and your life will get better afterward. Bill Hader shined though.
  7. To everyone feeling bad: I've never been to a show and left saying "whoa that audience member killed it!" just remember that the show's not about you and as long as you didn't try to prank them or aggressively steal the spotlight you probably did really well!
  8. I heard you're portion and it was great! The duck rant was so good. hi brett, thanks for dumping a whole load of 23-29 yr olds on Hayes.
  9. "thank you, that's true" So cool to get to make my mark. Charlie Murphy Brown was on before us and they laid into him for copying Sean which was really funny.
  10. Whoa where'd you get that thing - the toilet store? Haha a little will ferrell movie quote (engingeer cody gets it)
  11. Mr Middleditch, in a scenario where you are buying your burial plot and there are three holes side-by side, which one would you choose to put your headstone over and why?
  12. I know I talk about Top Chef Canada way too much but seriously it is so good. Things like this happen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5EoHe93oZ4&feature=youtu.be ps this HH ep good and good job andy
  13. I forgot to say it earlier, but learning from a recent Shark Tank episode that Howard Stern had read ads for a product called "Squatty Potty" made me feel better about S+H having to read those toilet band ads.
  14. Coool. I'll just send a pm on here if we can work out a day that fits everybody's schedule. Also, I don't think you watch too much tv. I just binged through every season of Top Chef Canada and it is GOOD. On a recent episode they did the "cooking for kids, but it has to be healthy" challenge, BUT they also had to incorporate mayonnaise into everything. So they were putting mayonnaise in soups, in guacamole, on quesadillas. It was gross! Yes! In the Loop starring Zach Woods, whose Veep equivalent character, Jonah, is played by a different actor even though Zach Woods is in season 2 and 3. I wish I knew the story behind that.
  15. I've been bad at posting lately, but I was wondering if any of the Bay Area people on here might want to get a drink or something over the holidays?? It could be fun, we can gossip about which host is cuter and who we dislike on the forums in person. I saw a show with Andy Kneis recently, so I don't know if that proves I'm not a crazy person or a murderer. Hit me up on fb if you're interested!
  16. When I saw this week's guest I was like whoa more like Pauly Score! But then I read the comments I was like oh no I hope this interview isn't more like a Pauly Chore, or worse yet, a Pauly Snore! When it started was like uh oh, maybe I should show myself to the Pauly Door, but then everybody jumped on Engineer Cody's mistake and I was all ROPFLMAO (rolling on the pauly floor laughing my a** off). In my opinion, when it was all said and done, what you've got are the two graham cracker hosts, a sweet soft marshmallow called Cody and bitter chunk'a chocolate of a guest, baby that's what I call a Pauly S'more. Deeelish..
  17. If drama is easier to write than comedy, do you think it's unfair that drama writers get paid the same as you for doing less work? They say the path to a network tv show's writer's room is different for everybody. Can you share which reality tv show each of you won to get there? Were you all given the job after winning a season of Survivor, or are some of you Amazing Race/ Big Brother winners? I've heard the writer's room can be a difficult place for female writers because it's a bit of a boy's club. Is that, like, a gay thing?(totally cool if it is) How did you get out of your worst case of writer's block? Thank you for your kind attention.
  18. Having lived here for a while, I'm pretty sure the only cultural rivalry people in LA are aware of is the one taking place in the kombucha section at Whole Foods. I'm sorry, goodbye.
  19. Hayes and Sean: What was your first memory of a movie? What are the main differences between good movies and bad movies? You seem to have a lot of celebrity friends- who is your favorite celebrity and why? Thank you for your time
  20. One time I was in a Borders Cafe teetering back on my chair and I lost my balance and really loudly went "whhooaa whhoaaa" for like 3 full seconds before falling backwards. Later when I went to the bathroom a group of japanese girls all pointed at me and laughed. I'm glad Borders closed so nobody else has to experience that kind of embarrassment. Also thank you to anybody who liked that post with terrible economics "jokes" in it. I also irl majored in economics and feel obligated to trot out how I had to learn about the ricardian equivalence once, even though typing that out felt like my fingers and the keyboard keys were repelling each other like similarly poled magnets. Oh! I thought of a better embarrassing experience. Once I went to a Halloween CDR that Jon Daly was hosting as zappity-tappity(a human christmas tree) and he had green face paint on. I had to sit in the front row and he came around putting the microphone in everybody's face. I thought I would be really smart and say something hilarious so when he came to me I asked if goblins got offended when he wore green-face and that really pissed him off and he spent the rest of the show making fun of me every chance he got. I learned a lot about the roles of audience members and hosts that night. And I'll never forget it.
  21. All these new people are great! I started on page one and ran out of likes, buss'n the whole way through. Remember when everybody on the forum had to post at least 3 times each for the thread to reach hot status? Those were dark days. I'm so glad S&H are finally addressing the theory sections of the Handbook, like where Hayes uses Eddie Murphy's Delirious as an example of how to use racism and funny faces to achieve maximum sustainable loffs. Something CBS has been incredibly successful with. Or Sean's controversial Ricardian Equivalence, where he argues that trying to keep Ricardo Mantalban out of a movie to increase ticket sales won't work because instead of seeing the movie as a free fun outing, people will generally stay home to prepare themselves, knowing that this will lead to an increase in future Mantalban roles at great cost to the family. So in general, Ricardo Mantalban should be in every movie. It's a messed up theory considering the dude's been dead for like 5 years, but Sean swears by it. Guys, we should all lay off Dan Englar. I met Chris Hardwick recently and he told me to personally thank Mr. engler for how passionately he stood up to the Narnold after he made fun of Hardwick's sister or w/e. So thank you, Dan. He also said that he and Dan would definitely be friends if they ever met. Andy maybe you should put an R in front of your name bc you're phone call was randy,baby (FYI that's from a movie)
  22. This episode was very good for a lot of different reasons. Too many to list. This isn't very good, maybe somebody can do something better with it PS. Freja your egg and tuna friends sound awful, but #tuplife is one of funniest things I've ever heard.
  23. Wait, I'm not trying to be mean! That's what she was doing right? S - "Lauren do you have a question for Charles Barkley?" L - "um, no." S - "Okkaaay, should I just say Lauren doesn't have question for you?" H - "Yes I think that's a good example of playing along." L - "We're not talking right now." S - "Why aren't you talking?" L - "I don't want to get into it..."
  24. Whoa this episode was crazy. I liked how the guest challenged the usual podcast structure by not seeming to want to discuss anything or participate in any of the bits. It was pretty bold. I also liked when Hayes and her did that what am I thinking game from CBB about the name of the actor from Life of Pie. It's a fun game to listen to. I think I missed the beer talk, but I'm trying that black butte porter right now that Chanson mentioned and it's great. Have you guys tried any of EPIC's beers? I don't think I've had one that I disliked. The best though is their Brainless on Cherries. I don't like really fruity beers and this isn't! It's also like 12% and soo good. Also I know sours all hip right now but they mostly taste like rotten kombucha to me. Does anybody have a sour recommendation? @valerie - That's so exciting! LA is very cool and the best part is that you can take a picture of you doing something that virtually anybody who lives in the area can do and you're friends back home will think it's really really fucking cool and get super jealous. People are also really nice and the first thing that almost everybody new you meet will ask is "what do you want to do" and "how long have you been here?" super friendly and not trying to size you up or judge you at all! I've been listening to RSS bc a friend asked me to put together a list of my favorite podcasts and I've been getting pretty nostalgic. I've been watching Canadian Top-Chef and it would be so perfect for RSS. In one episode a guy gets sent home for making an "amateur truck-stop poutine" and in another episode one of the guest judges is like "I didn't like his sandwich, but then I dipped it in this soup and it was good." basically saying he didn't like one contestant's dish until he covered it in another contestant's dish. So entertaining. You guys all have cool dogs. I don't have a dog but I did see a shirtless guy vlogging with his dog last week, so I think I get the jist.
  25. @Anistasia I took a BATS class a long time ago once! It was just a level 1 and there was more than one woman in her 40's doing it "to cross off her bucket list," but it was worth the drive up from the south bay every week (just FYI to Tim "my time is too sacred for traffic" Treese). The boards are great this week. I want to agree with Chanson but TKS is funnier so all you damn fish better do 10 laps in your underwear around Chug a'lug house before you can post and anybody lagging is gonna ripped on by Jerry's hose. (Jerry's a fricken monster with that thing - YOU WILL GET WET)