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Everything posted by Asteck

  1. Mr Sam, since you are new, the other engineers asked me to give you this note so please do as it says: http://imgur.com/9cUSVHY
  2. In the vein of this recent headline, I'm going to forward this episode to Upworthy under the title: "Epic Negotiation Fail! Podcast CEO Loses 44k, Agrees to End Two Successful Shows and Must Fire Engineer on the Spot - All Orchestrated by Hollywood Mastermind Duo. Comfort Spaniel Exchanged in Unrelated Deal!" That aught'a pique the interests of a few new listeners.
  3. I tried really hard to maintain some artistic integrity and never post again and keep that sweet count. Oh well, my comedy career is a sham and the lure of these forums is just too strong. You know how a few weeks ago we all realized that Sean is in a bunch of commercials but none of us knew who he was then? Well Hayes mentioning Sabermetrics reminded me of this episode of Freakonomics. It's a good show, but if you hate listening to things (I totally get it) skip to minute 25. I majored in Economics and have been tuning in to this since S Dub and Steve Leave announced they were making into a podcast. Obviously had no idea of what humble beginnings I was glimpsing into with this episode when I first heard it. Now I'm a little spooked. What if Sean and Hayes have been in the backgrounds of our lives this whole time and we didn't know it. Like if you did a montage they would pop up on billboards or in the windows of restaurants. Scary. On a coincidental side note, I purchased this filthy Noid from a flea market not a week before the Dave Holmes episode. The resemblance is pretty uncanny. The boys were right to call out Mr. Holmes- the things he did to all those pizzas were downright shameful. PS don't go to that flea market, it was absolutely rubbish. Couldn't find a single chain wallet with a pot leaf or an 8-ball on it. Total waste of a day. Don't give in to the haters Chanson! When a person notices that another person's face is goofy looking, it is the polite thing to tell them so. Otherwise they may live their entire lives not knowing that their faces are goofy.
  4. I went to a focus group for @midnight a few months ago and a lil' scoop is that the other people in the room felt: the host should also be a comedian and Chris Hardwick was not a comedian. The comics were given the categories beforehand so their responses could be planned and not improvised. They disliked the game show aspect and thought the format would work better if the comics were sitting on a couch. Gabrial Iglesias should be a contestant. Would these changes make the show better? Who's to say, but I think they just wanted to be watching comics unleashed. Can Sean and Hayes speak on focus-grouping in Hollywoood? Are the suggested changes mostly really good, like the @midnight example? Edit: given my post count, I think this is a good time to pack it up and never post again. Gotta take ol' Georgey Costanza's advice and leave on the laughter! It's been real, y'all.
  5. Tips on using the toilet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fU7-R8nyJ8
  6. Oh man, talk about a cum-maker of an episode! Not to be vulgar, but when the ol' gf gets home I'm gonna have some splanin' to do. because of all the jizz everywhere.
  7. Hey guys, if anybody's on the west coast or near the bay area, I was looking at the schedule for SF Sketchfest and noticed that one of our favorite podcast hosts (the one whose name doesn't rhyme with "Blaze Havinsport") will be there performing in person! You can get tickets to see him here.
  8. Thank you for mentioning my cat! :wub: Being home for the holidays I haven't even had a chance to listen to this week's episode, and I had to log onto my mom's computer to make this post. But man, this thread has delivered more sweet gifts than Christmas itself! Suck it christmas! The HH forums have shamed you and your measly offerings!
  9. I caught wind of Lady Gaga being at my friend's work while I was helping out once. We tracked her down and took a picture with her. I've also shaken Bob Dole's good hand. These seem pretty comparable in terms of hot celebrity status. I didn't get a picture of him though 2. I don't feel comfortable bothering strangers enough to acknowledge that I recognize them, so I don't think I'd like to meet anymore celebrities. I told PFT I was a fan of his while he was checking out at a grocery store once and didn't realize that, because he was in the middle of a transaction, he couldn't leave. I just stared past him at the floor not knowing what else to say. It was very embarrassing for him. 3. Green ones that have been in the fridge for a little bit so they're really cold when I eat them. I don't know if that's a weird way to eat an apple or not. I play by my own rules, jerks.
  10. Man, I couldn't have said this better myself. The riffing and the genuine enjoyment of the topics were the bits that really stuck with me. To this day I think about how funny the segment that followed the "What do you have Wes?" clip from The Challenge was, and I don't think they told a single joke! I felt like there was a little of that when they were talking about the reviews of Inside Llewyn Davis this episode too. I also agree there's no need to be limited to Reality Shows, Hollywood is ridiculous enough! For Mr. Huskey, I would be truly honored if you read some of my script Dad to the Bone. It's a heartwarming family comedy about a distant father who dies tragically in a fire, but is miraculously brought back to life by the love of his son. However, instead of coming back as his normal self, he's a flesh-less skeleton (very scary at first). Over the course of the film he reconnects with his son by helping him solve a series of problems in his life... with the help of his new bony bod. These include: Getting back at the hotshot Actor Bully by switching skulls during a pivotal scene in Hamlet and totally cutting up the audience with a few choice lines that make the bully look like a huge loser. Later he saves the big dance when the power goes out, so his son can kiss his crush, by breaking out some drum sticks and playing a sweet jam on his rib cage like a xylophone, prompting the whole school to Conga-line and get pumped. There are also some gags where he wakes up and yells "Where's my tibia!?" -Cut to the guilty looking family dog bark going "Aroo!" I'd tell you the ending but you know you gotta hold back a little milk to sell the cow. Anyways, it's been plenty fun posting here with all of you over the past year. you're all v funny so please continue to be that way
  11. Is there any way to get a copy of engineer Cody's stand up? Given how quickly he was able to go toe-to-toe with the dudes on this episode, I assume he at least has a tight five out there somewhere.
  12. I couldn't actually follow what you guys were talking about, BUT I still had a great time. Keep it up; love the show! Rating: ★★★★★
  13. I thought I'd watched a funny British show called inbetweeners but it turned out it was actually some show called Scandal.
  14. I don't know... something doesn't add up here. Last week Hayes had a band-aid on his nose, this week his butt implant is ruptured in a freak moped "accident." I don't ever like to throw around accusations, but it's a little suspicious that Sean's the one telling the story. When engineer Bread asked what happened, did Sean put his hand on Hayes' shoulder and say "He fell," then, after tightening his hold on the shoulder, turn to Hayes and say "You fell. RIGHT?" And Hayes nodded and stared down at the floor. I haven't been to the Earwolf studios, but I can say 100% yes that is what happened. I've never thought that Sean was capable of violence, but then I found this gif of him totally wailing on some guy(it looks like the guy deserved it). You have a voice Hayes! And if you ever need a safe person to talk to about your co-hosting relationship, um, there are probably some services online. You could do some research or something.
  15. @Chanson - Definitely not him. My member title says so and everything. @Valerie Bryant - Yep, she's scamping about as I type this! Unfortunately we don't have any crawl spaces, but there is a pantry and some closet space that a person could fit into. Please note that all resort fees will apply.
  16. This may be true, but I would like to point out that I am specifically not Lucas Holmes, even though I may have claimed to be him in the past. I also have a cat. Here's a picture I took of her because I'm obsessed with her. Her name's Effie.
  17. Mac guy m'self. The only turkey in my house this thanksgiving will be yours truly. I may be in the minority here, but around this time of year I tend to become a real gobbler... of sweets! A little fun. Stay safe and god bless everyone.
  18. Mr. TomCats, What's it like living with the voices of all those characters upstairs? Are you ever like "Keep it down already!" When you last reported for jury duty, what was the topic of the case? Why was your ipad all cracked? If somebody recognizes you and you seem really pissed off/annoyed, which impression would you most prefer they make you do?
  19. Asteck

    Episode 39 — There Is Ninjas

    I tried to dramatically end my time on these forums after the end of the last episode by gulping down the lump in my throat, pointing a remote at my monitor and saying "Well, I guess it's time to turn off my favorite podcast." Then I made a big show of hitting the power button. But instead of giving me a quiet, powerful moment, hitting the power button turned my tv on in the middle of a Chopped episode. It was a leftovers only challenge and, although I'd already seen it a few times before, I got kind of sucked in and ended up leaving it on while I goofed around on my phone for a while. Anyways, I think what I realized was this isn't like turning it on or off, it's just changing it to a new channel. #deep #Chopped #hashtagsinreallife #theend
  20. Asteck

    Episode 39 — There Is Ninjas

    I can't say anything better than what's already been said, so I'll just add that on an episode of Dragon's Den (the Canadian Shark Tank) one of the entrepreneur's dogs took a crap on the set and Kevin O'Leary said "That dog just told you what it thinks of your valuation." Really gonna miss the Tank Talk and goof'n on the forums with all of you other pod-rats. I'd like to say for sure that I'll listen to the new show, but there were a scary amount of words in the title and I'm still pretty spooked just from listening to this episode. Bye!
  21. I guess the changes were due to happen sooner or later. I mean, each year thousands of podcasts go under and if nothing changed, RSS could have become just another statistic. I'm sure when the call came from Jeff Ulrich and Spot Soccermom you guys said to yourselves: We gotta pull back the cans, bust open the mp3s and make a call for help. Whoever came in presented a layout of the median listener's age, income, etc. and explained that only focusing on reality shows was alienating to the earwolf locals. You gotta broaden those topics and add some glitz and glam to make the show successful.You're letting thousands of listeners scroll by because you don't got the right signs out front inviting people in. I get it. It's sad to see it go, but it's for the best overall. If you guys haven't thought of a name for your new show yet, I'd like to suggest "The Funny Bones." It really gets the message across that you two are funny, but can be a couple a boneheads at times. It really lets everybody know what they're sinking their teeth into. That over here, things aren't taken things too seriously. Anyway, best of luck with everything! So long til next week and then goodbye forever. *turns to chomp on fist hoping nobody sees me buss up (in a bad way)*
  22. The detour about Aziz's roast was so great. That was a scoldbrag he did, right? Is there a twitter I should forward that portion of the roast to? Hey Aziz -> I feel I need to make a confession about the post that led to the fake nerd girl things: I never had any intention of not watching Heroes of Cosplay. I've seen every episode and loved every minute.
  23. @MichaelStanford you seem like a really swell dude and your story was legitimately heartwarming. I picture it as a 90's disney movie, like Rookie of the Year or something. It has the humble beginnings and an all is lost moment when you're in LA realizing you may not get your one chance to see live improv, only to be saved by the very person you're there to see. Then there's the game changer, when you're given UCB manual. I'm guessing a rehearsal montage of you and your friends messing up at first, but eventually nailing finding The Game, followed shortly after. Then you're off to the big city where you get called up to the big leagues and everybody's like "is he gonna blow it or rise to the occasion?" and the orchestra swells when you get the big laugh for calling out Ian's flub. I guess what i'm saying is I hope you win the big improv competition so you can pay for the heart surgery, or you learn the true importance of friendship after your meteoric ascension briefly alienated you from them.
  24. I feel like Sean has been dropping the S-word a lot lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm afraid of many things, but somebody's name? Come on! For full disclosure I think the top three biggest scares out there are: Disturbia/Disturbula A Borg Whatever this abomination is... (Warning: very scary)
  25. Asteck

    Episode 34 — Total Math Wiz

    I tried to give her a light hearted scratch behind her ears, but, after I made an offhanded comment about comedy, we ended up getting into a long, pointless debate over whether Louie is our generation's Seinfeld.