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Mathew Shit

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About Mathew Shit

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  1. Mathew Shit

    Episode 63 - The Earwolf Finale!

    I knew about Jo Firestone before I knew of Joe Pera. I have no idea who is ripping off who, or maybe if that voice is some strange regional accent. God I hope not.
  2. Mathew Shit

    Episode 258 - Lennon Parham, Our Goals Friend

    Kevin has really grown up on this Podcast and I think he's pretty good. I did feel bad for him this episode.
  3. Mathew Shit

    Episode 257 - Max Silvestri, Our Dessert Friend

    Daddy. Come to Brazil.
  4. Mathew Shit

    Episode 564 - Svelte Scale

    Byron is in top form but the racist caricature of an Asian woman I found a bit tiring.
  5. Mathew Shit

    Episode 157 - Adam Pally, Our Bumper Recorder

    This episode is just laying on a bed of mouth noise.
  6. Matt, You are known for being one for being one of the great business minds of our time. With one of the highest reported earnings on celebritynetworths.com, you, Matt, are well positioned to take Improv, your staple product, global! That is why I am calling upon you, Matt Besser, to become a guest judge on NBC's Shark Tank, to haggle with the Sharks and assert yourself and the UCB to a national audience. I've made this change.org petition (https://www.change.o...hark-tank-shark). To anyone reading this: please go sign it. This is a guaranteed success and a slam dunk. Join with me in making this real.
  7. Mathew Shit

    Episode 436 - Rich Mind Vain

    Little Garry is back!
  8. Mathew Shit

    Very Exciting Time News

    http://globalnews.ca/news/2807854/a-leap-second-will-be-added-to-the-end-of-2016/ CBB should have someone on to talk about it.
  9. Mathew Shit

    Episode 432 - Dana Carvey's Micro-Impressions

    The Aveon spots are the perfect pairing of worst product and worst ad. Great episode, though.
  10. Mathew Shit

    My Friend, My Boss

    I want to do an audio project that requires the involvement of near perfect strangers and I want those strangers to be exclusively sourced for the HH forums. About me: I produce talk radio professionally in LA. In my free time I do funny make-em-ups on youtube and sometimes on my website, here: http://www.treasurezine.com/ What I'd like to do is begin recording a weekly phone (internet) call between myself and people who I'm only superficially familiar with. The conversation would be structured this way: I propose something (not huge) for the person to do, that I think I could reasonably convince that person to do, taking into account their own wants and circumstances. We spend around ten minutes hashing out the pros and cons of undertaking such a task and they then they decide if they are going to do it. The next week we talk about how the thing went (or didn't went) and we start over. This continues weekly until they are fired, retire or quit, for reasons that will become evident throughout recording. The length of each session would be no longer than forty minutes including an unrecorded pre-interview before recording. Whoever wants to participate would need to be able to record relatively clean audio. I think it's a small enough commitment and it could be fun. Post your interest or criticism in this thread and other threads.
  11. Mathew Shit

    Episode 425 - Sunday Afternoon Taped

    When Mailer Daemon made his entrance I shouted with joy.
  12. So it looks like this person is saying she was sexually assaulted by Al, refuses to address the specifics of said claims and then goes on to argue that Al is a threat to no one. I'm uncertain as to what they are trying to accomplish. EDIT: For the record, the poster above me had posted this link http://realalscorch.tumblr.com/
  13. Mathew Shit

    Episode 241 - Guess the Bigfoot

    The focus of the debate was narrow. I dislike Hillary, but I can't really express that without leaving the topic. Also, I'd have weakened my position by making any attacks on Clinton at this point in the primary. That said, any pretense of a debate was quickly abandoned as the entire segment shifted to a needlessly adversarial conversation with no clear sides to speak of. Shamp: I had expected to be arguing with Besser and you can hear the disappointment in my voice upon find out that I'd be going up against someone else. That said, no one ever told me that it would be with him and you know what they say about assumptions.