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Everything posted by elizamuffins

  1. elizamuffins

    EPISODE 371 — You Got PreDICted!

    Scott really couldn't be bothered to watch What We Do in the Shadows? Tsk tsk!
  2. I am not the commish but you snooze you lose whether it be a fantasy football league or the chance to take Valerie's virginity. Where you been, bro?
  3. elizamuffins

    Please get Tim Heidecker on the show

    It's Gregg you big dumb idiot.
  4. I don't start work again until 9/9 but yeah wow Mondays do suck. I have to watch tv alone all day because everyone else is at work or school. =(
  5. Any evening is fine for me. I can stay up late if it is better for west coast people. As for a trophy. http://www.amazon.com/Oscar-Trophies-Award-Ceremonies-Parties/dp/B00VUF82VS/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1440426980&sr=8-15&keywords=Funny+trophy I don't wanna spend more than $20 on this.
  6. I love all these long posts. Do you all have liberal arts degrees or something?
  7. elizamuffins

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    Is there a hangout tonight because I am drunk already sitting at my kitchen table surfing the web on my tablet listening to 90s music on Spotify AKA "living the life".
  8. elizamuffins

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    I do a really great impression of Claudia O'Doherty. Remind me and I will bust it out at the next hangout.
  9. If it has to do with the last 2 HDTGMs I don't get if because I can't deal with crackly audio, supr.
  10. I will fight all of you to the death for tommy b!
  11. And we wouldn't be able to trade with those teams
  12. I think they have their own special section of the forums where Sean and Hayes actually interact with them.
  13. I don't want some auto drafted unmanned team stealing a player I want but then at the same time it could steal players from you idiots as well so I am torn.
  14. And they suffer less brain damage.
  15. No one I know irl is cool enough to be into podcasts.
  16. elizamuffins

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    Frankie Muniz
  17. elizamuffins

    Is the show actually in danger of being cancelled?

    He works at Earwolf's Scranton branch.
  18. So much love! Leave it to the friend of the Catfish guy to make the film of his generation. I do have one small quibble with the premise though. I am pretty sure that while being a professional DJ and a seller of things on the Internet are all new professions that if my grandpa (RIP) heard about his mind would be BLOWN haven't party promoters been around for at least 5 years???
  19. I start my new job (okay an internship to satisfy the 100 hours towards my certificate and then I am finally done with Community college and yes it is just like the show) on 9/9 so if it could be before that it would be great.
  20. Did you guys hear we can sell stuff online now? What kind of stuff? I know someone just said socks but do you think we could sell stuff like old shoes and comic books too? Kids today have no idea how good they goit it.
  21. I made all my best friends online. Some may say I made my only friends online. Some people need to mind their own business this is my life and where I choose to make my friends is up to me!!! Please like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter!!!!!
  22. elizamuffins


    I will most likely have to sign up once there is an android app. I will feel a lot better about it if it IMPROVES my experience , which right now it for sure is not. Not sure if this has been answered but will it be like Netflix where my one account can be signed in more than one device? In my household my SO and both listen to pods on our separate commutes to work and my son listens to HDTGM every night to fall asleep (he listens on his kindle and it is very cute. The gooby ep is his favorite). Am I going to have to make multiple accounts?