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Everything posted by elizamuffins

  1. Welcome to the most exclusive club on Earwolf ! Scott is very happy to point out HH has some pretty low numbers as far as some advertisers are concerned. You know what? They don't get it. Not the advertisers, not those idiots at the CBB board (yes offense SteveH), and definitely not Goodbye Mr. Scripppppps!!! You get it though. Stick around and maybe one day you might even get the pro version or a question asked in the PCG (though the future of that segment seems shaky at best). TL:DR what up what up Byeeeeee
  2. elizamuffins

    Recommended starting point for newbie to HH

    And start like NOW!!!!
  3. 2:46 on the eastern seaboard and all is well. Gonna get in on this pod while the getting is good and savor the flavor of the delicious ads!
  4. Well someone has to stick up for Android users. Certainly not going to be you, SteveH! First you leave S&H off your CBB best of list and now you are over there kissing Mr Anchorman's little butt like he isnt even taking away our precious ads!!! Really starting to question your Handbook Spirit.
  5. elizamuffins


    I think people are confused about whether or not the eps older than 6 months will be gone for free forever. Qualifying them as going ad free on howl makes it seem like the versions with ads may still be available.
  6. elizamuffins


    I am another Android person who downloads pods to listen to in the car. For all that Earwolf offersI find $4.99 a month to be a fair price point, however I am dismayed that in its current form it is indeed a step behind what I currently get for free using the Player FM app. You can't take out the ads on Hollywood Handbook! They are absolutely part of the show.
  7. Reading around the forums , I don't think they have all the kinks ironed out just yet.
  8. I would sooner $5 a month for a service where all ads are done by Hayes and Sean. Throw in a HH t-shirt while you are at it Mr. Scripppppps!
  9. Really bummed I missed the hangout! I really messed up. I was living in my parents basement which was a pretty sweet deal but now I have a house. No time or money for whatever this premium thing is and shouldn't it be included with the pro version?
  10. Uh...I haven't received any emails or anything... Wait I did..ESPN emails go to my spam for some reason.
  11. My laptop broke. How do I get windows 10 on my phone? It's a Samsung galaxy if that helps. I want in on these fun times.
  12. For the record, I prefer Yahoo as well. I am a real Yahooligan. PS-Fuck the Jets
  13. Tried to enjoy the story but I couldn't get past the thought of how uncomfortable a metal scrunchie must be.
  14. Speaking of football, does anyone else think Tom Brady is totally innocent and should invite Roger Goodell to "suck on these"?
  15. Will there be t-shirts?
  16. My kids have a last name that ends with wicz. I don't. Long story.
  17. I can see why you choose to go by SteveH instead of your given name.
  18. I think Earwolf engineers should do a podcast called Freaky Friday where they have to talk and the on air talent get to watch Vulture,spill drinks,and catch up on the lad bible. Do I have the explain the title? I think you guys get it.
  19. 100% sure this ep is going to kick magor butt. Time for some good news/bad news. Good news is the place where I got my car is called The Honda Gallery and I got mega loffs from my SO singing "it's the Honda Gallery" when we drove up. Bad news is my brakes are grinding and my car is in the shop but really was worth it for one of the greatest comedic reference moments of my life.
  20. elizamuffins

    Please get Tim Heidecker on the show

    I will do my best. No promises.
  21. I thought you were a nice boy.
  22. Great ep! Wednesday going great! What isn't great? Just got done reading the reddit thread and who is slackchat? Has he even purchased the pro version? Why does he get to design the t shirt? I need to lay down.
  23. Happy Birthday Sean! Gonna listen to the ep later but just wanted to a) get in early on the bday wishes and apologize for not being in the video and to point out how much Mike Still sounds like Meek Mill and isn't that topical. Byeeee!!!