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Everything posted by elizamuffins

  1. Had a busy day but just wanted to check in and say I can't wait for tomorrow's ep!
  2. Nope! And also, I don't take notes in this orbit or any orbitz!
  3. It is Pepsi Clear this guy has comedic chops!
  4. Kudos. What a blast from the past. Give me a Kudos and a Boku and maybe some Cheeto Paws and I can die happy. Why must all good things come to an end?
  5. elizamuffins

    Sean's Prior Career As A Massage Therapist

    This was very relevant to my interests. Thank you for sharing!
  6. Pretty disrespectful to talk about other podcast stars in threads about HH.
  7. Dear Electronic Journal, As you know for my NYE resolution I challenged myself to do new things even if, actually ESPECIALLY IF, they scared me. So when I heard about the Hollywood Handbooks Hangout happening on the Google...well I knew now was my chance. Only just the previous Wednesday I had not gone on a Rollercoaster because it looked too scary..now my chance to redeem myself. I almost fled when I logged on and there she was. VEEBS. Face to face with the lovely lady herself hot off her appearance on my favorite podcast. I am embarrassed to admit I nearly shut my PC down in fright. But you would be proud of me,Electric Journal. I did not flee! I chatted with not just the lovely verbs but with some other less interesting.less enchanting forum posters as well. Hold on to your hat for this next one ,EJ. Valerie has offered me a shot at her V Card. There are a few other contenders. Not sure if it is going to be a battle Royale or an essay contest or maybe even random draw! What I am sure of is that I am glad I finally made good on my resolution! Catch you on the flipside, ElizaMuffins
  8. Have you listened to every I4H on which Sean appeared? They are very funny and good.
  9. Was it when Bobby was talking about sticking his finger up her butt and not in a sexy way??
  10. elizamuffins

    So, Midroll got acquired by EW Scripps

    Another suspicious thing about this is the lack of Hollywood Handbook merch. Any word on that ?The absence of a t shirt is especially troubling.
  11. I have been in an anthropologie store before. Maybe that is what my pod should be about? That is if the one where Greggy and I talk about big Brother from the perspective of old people who don't really get millenials falls through.
  12. How are you using your degree in NJ? Studying carpet fibers to see how much grecian forlmula ancient mobsters used?
  13. I know you are trying to be funny but why do we?
  14. We are never ever ever getting Handbook T-Shirts
  15. His looks don't do it for me but I am a sucker for a man in wideleg jean capris.
  16. i am enjoying Keurig babies as I read these hilarious posts. How deliciously meta am I?
  17. Do we have to start up a gofundme or something to fund our own ads or do we have to come up with something bigger and better like hiring a plane to fly a banner over the Super Bowl or some other event that says "FORUMS R BETTER THAN REDDIT" or something?
  18. Great Ep! Cody, please follow me back on Twitter!!!!
  19. We're the Brother Lovers and we're baking a surprise, Brothers Lovers Podcast Pies! Straight from the internet to you! The pods are delicious you know that's true because they are filled with Ronnie Hog goo (that's vanilla pudding dude) We have the tasitiest, flakiest, greatest hosts Even better than On Cinema and they are white like us! Brothers Lovers Podcast Pies straight from the internet to you! Radical Dudes
  20. If y'all haven't listened to this yet, y'all need to get on it. Will tide you over until tomorrows pod. https://soundcloud.c..._medium=twitter (Andy Kindler's State of the Industry Address 2015)
  21. For a start, maybe focus on relating to one particular woman instead of trying to have a relationship with women in general.
  22. Thank you for hosting, Valerie! I really enjoyed you all. Greggy's kids in the background asking "are you talking to your friends again?" or something like that was a real highlight for me. Wish we could have talked more about Big Brother but for some weird reason I guess not everyone recognizes it is the only show on TV really worth making your whole life about it? Also I go to bed really early compared to you kids. Thinking about downloading season 1 of big Brother Canada. I hear it is amazing. They have only done 3 seasons in Canada so far and apparently they let them drink a lot more and there are better twists.
  23. I can make the hangout but be warned I have been drinking all day
  24. If que aren't part of the solution que are part of the problem.