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Everything posted by elizamuffins

  1. I actually left the house last night so it has taken me all morning to catch up on the thread but I finally did it! Dairy Pillows!! Do they sell boxes of wine over there in Australia? If they do I strongly suggest that you pick one up and don't even bother with a glass. Just pop that tap and go for it. Put the box up high and open your mouth below it and then let the wine flow. Am I making sense? Does wine flow up in Australia? Please report back. Anyone else going to the Oddball Fest?
  2. I am not really sure what coffee has to do with women but I am kinda partial to pour overs.
  3. My at the time boyfriend was taking me to NYC because he felt bad that he had taken a trip to Disney with his family (he was 21) and wanted to make it up to me. I was definitely going the wrong way.
  4. I went to NJ once. I was on my way to NYC to see The Late Show with David Letterman (Donald Trump was a guest so this adds to the riff session we got going on BONUS) this was before everyone had cell phones with GPS (1998) and I took a wrong exit and it cost me FOUR DOLLARS. I was like well let's get some gas anyways. I tried to pump my own gas because I am not some diva and some guy comes running out yelling at me because I guess that is illegal in NJ? I am never going back.
  5. I have used variations of this username for quite some time and I am ashamed of how long it took for me to think of that joke. If I were a real loser I probably would have read it aloud once it was posted and been like "good one, muffins" but I am not a loser so I didn't do that. Do you guys ever wonder why that Piano Men tour is ALWAYS Billy Joel and Elton John? I mean every once in awhile maybe Stevie Wonder could sub out for one of them? Is America not ready for that?
  6. Gonna be hard to keep up once you have to go back to school though.
  7. elizamuffins

    Sean and Hayes - Ads on Comedy Bang Bang

    not me.
  8. First off , I would like to commend you on how brave you are to use your real name as a username. I try and fool people into thinking a muffin can type. I am obviously a muffin baked from low moral fiber, but I digress. Second off, I would like to welcome you to the forums. People are funny and nice here so don't sweat the small stuff!
  9. Will we get to ask any PCG questions this week or are S&H punishing us for subpar threads still?
  10. Finished this ep while I made dinner. Really is top notch. Had some microwaved ice with my meal. Gonna watch some Animaniacs with the kids before I put them to bed. That Carmelo really cracks me up.
  11. Great ep! Enjoyed Bozo's Mencia joke as well. Very relieved the show continues. I had dental work done today and I don't feel so good.
  12. He was like "Look this dumb bush blooms for like 1 week and 1 week only so you better take a pic of me with it now or never" and also commanded I post it to bookface. Here is a pic of us together when I was just a kid but talking to me was just like talking to an adult.
  13. Sons of Anarchy is for sure in my Netflix que but I haven't gotten to it so you will have to show me a pic of this guy or something, SteveH. I am probably going to watch SoA when I am done with Supernatural but actually I am not even sure if I am going to ever watch that show again. Does it get better after it gets terrible? I hope your fancy new job allows internet and we can sort this out ASAP.
  14. Why did they go crazy? Were you dressed like Herman Munster or something?
  15. I spent the 4th at an old time carnival capped off with a really spectacular fireworks show that had TWO finales. The carnival was actually pretty disgusting and my kids were terrified to ride most of the stuff because I have to admit it didn't look safe. There was even a ride where a couple of the seats were draped in caution tape. It was only $10 for "all you ride" so I guess you get what you pay for. The fireworks were good at least. To make up for this boring post here is a pic of my D pretty sure he is drunk.
  16. elizamuffins

    Calvin and Hobbes

    If you don't know Calvin and Hobbes I don't want to know you. Sorry. Maybe read a book before asking dumb questions next time.
  17. 7/1 Never Forget okay I made this now
  18. I went to go listen to another podcast for my drive today and I just listened to this ep again! I know they said it wasn't safe to listen to while you drive but I felt the risk was worth it.
  19. I don't think Hayes would go to NYC. You know what Sean says about NYC, "If you can make it in NYC congratulations now move to LA"
  20. Okay it is summer so my kids are off school and hanging around demanding to be fed and bathed and stuff and also constantly looking over my shoulder but I did the best mock up of a Teen Pope 2 poster that I could do under those conditions.
  21. elizamuffins

    New to the forums

    I haven't seen Joe this week. Is he okay?
  22. Great ep! Truly one for the ages. Brett, you did good! Can't wait for Teen Pope 3! **edited to add* Top o' page 3 Hooray for me!
  23. Love the hat. Hate that you get the pod an hour before me. I have to go to bed, I can't stay up until 3am. I can't stay up past 10:30 PM if I am being totally honest.
  24. Call me racist if you want but I am just not attracted to great apes!
  25. I mean yeah I don't want anyone to mow down my kids but I want to live too. I am gonna put up a sign that says "Drive like human lives are at stake and also cute dogs and cats" maybe that will get people of the gas pedals and cell phones. And back to the show....you think tomorrow will be the live ep???