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Everything posted by elizamuffins

  1. What kind of drugs in the rockstar dentist on? I am serious. Or was on. He has that look. Should we make a new thread to discuss BB or something? I am still new. LET ME KNOW.
  2. I think you meant to say Shazza.
  3. Very good assessment! I have 2 favorites as of now. JASON obviously! That man is a TREASURE. We are from the same state but I swear to you I do not talk like that! They other hamster after my heart is Engineer Cody Steve. My heart is swooning at his inept nerdiness and I am pretty sure he should have a job at Wolf Cool one day!
  4. I am about half way through the first ep of the new Big Brother. So far I want to kill the bartender from NYC. Gonna be a wild and crazy summer, you guys!
  5. You know who else watches every episode of Regular Show as a family? MY MOM!!!!! (my daughter drew that)
  6. Finally got to listen to Souprman over on I4H! You were really great, man! I just have one question now. Do I want a Leesa or a Casper mattress??????
  7. Never heard of Wonderfalls but Pushing Daisies was totally amazing. Anyone seen The Secret World of Alex Mack?
  8. Great vid. Very offended by the cover of that zine but I got over it.
  9. I can't think of anything funny to post. How are Hayes and Sean so on all the time? Respect.
  10. I really enjoyed when Erin admitted that Sean had made her cry.
  11. Great ep but since when is Brett so into Peace? I listen to HH to relax, not have some engineer's radical hippy views shoved down my throat.
  12. Why does Hayes always look so sad?
  13. Huh. I thought Battle Toad were an urban legend.
  14. He grew up very close to where I grew up and we are around he same age and we both went to catholic school so what made his life so different to mine that he is on Nerdist pods and I am sitting in bed in bathrobe posting to the Wolf Cool forums? I did some research on Wikipedia and apparently he moved to LA in 2007 which I think may have been the deciding factor. Maybe he had an in or something.
  15. It has been a heady week and mistakes were made.
  16. This podcast This forum This post A bear..... Things that have made my life better in ways I cannot even begin to tell you. God bless us, everyone. (and by God I mean Shaq)
  17. I am not very close with my dad and I am divorced from the father of my children but I still wanna say Happy Father's Day to all you dads who are not total jerks and maybe are pretty cool and nice and funny. I don't know any personally but I hear they exist. Mostly on Facebook which I suspect is full of lies.
  18. I saw Tom Bergeron at a Starbucks in CT and he was humming the theme to Dancing With the Stars.
  19. Just popped open a bottle of wine to get ready for An Adoption to Die For tonight on Lifetime. Anyone else tuning in?
  20. elizamuffins

    Hayes sighting?

    I read Math book once.
  21. Colt told me that his one regret in life was that he didn't have his copy of Shaq Fu in his fannypack. Can you even imagine how much $$$$ a signed copy of that game would go for on the open market?
  22. What if next weeks guest is Erin Whitehead? I sure hope so because I have to leave in about an hour to go to my son's baseball game. My son is very funny and very nice and I would hate to miss getting my popcorn gallery question in because my son's team made it to their little league championship game! Also I really want to know if Erin would rather smooch Sean or Hayes. I know who I would pick but that is between me and the lamp post.
  23. Your mom is lucky to have a son who is so nice and funny, Chanson! I join you in your hopes that your mother gets a famous golfer boyfriend. This is going to be funny. Why are internet friends better than IRL friends? Internet friends never ask you to help them move!!!!!!!!! Okay maybe I built that up too much. Here is how my crockpot shortribs came out to make up for it. Don't think I really needed to ladle any of the juice over it but it is what it is. As usual, served with whiskey and soda. Not as usual, I made brussel sprouts and bacon too.