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Everything posted by elizamuffins

  1. I really doubt Hayes and Sean would even want to interview President Obama because they don't get involved in all that political BS. I would like to see them interview the person in marketing who came up with those "no ad please" Cards Against Humanity ads. Or maybe Michael Keaton but not because of Night Shift, because of Mr. Mom and Gung Ho. **Edited to add** Once again I forgot to post my breakast....but here are some short ribs I have going in my crock pot! and I got the dog groomed yesterday.
  2. I also apologize for posting so much but the west coast posters are still in bed so it it up to us to pick up the slack. I didn't vote for Obama so that he would appear on a second rate podcast like WTF. Excuse me for cursing but "WTF" is he thinking?
  3. Did we ever find out of Clay Tatum was related to Channing?
  4. This is a 100% true story. I am in the process of trying to buy a home and recently had a place inspected. We are in the garage and there is a steel beam running across the roof. Inspector guy says we need to clad it with wood because even though steel is really strong if the car were to catch on fire it would melt. He gives me a rather pointed look and says, "JUST LIKE THE TWIN TOWERS IN NYC". So yeah, I do think jet fuel can melt steel beams because apparently a car fire can.
  5. Can I share a picture from when I went to Harvard?
  6. My dog is named Norman.
  7. I love your style. You willfully ignored StevenH's demands that we stop posting pet pics. Back to the ep....if Erin Whitehead cancelled I am glad because Neilerdude is one of my Earwolf favorites and this ep rocked my socks off! PS-you got any dinner pics?
  8. Oh! I am sorry for the miscommunication. I had the salad instead of the french fries. I ate the wings! That is my plate and I ate THEM ALL. They were delicious. I had started into the whiskey already before my post so my apologies! Whiskey is carb free! yes. When is the next hangout? Sounds like I missed a great time. Watched Nightcrawler on Netflix and it was a little too scary if you ask me!
  9. Loving all these pet pics! Sorry I can't make the google hangout and get to meet all you people who have made me laugh all day but I have stuff to do! Some other time I hope! Here is my dinner. I have a deep fryer. I bought lard off Etsy. Lard is the best for you. Don't believe me, look it up. First off I cut up some potatoes and then I baked them for 10 minutes and then I fried them for 10 minutes. I don't eat carbs but I did this for my partner because I am pretty great. I had a salad. Then the wings. I buy fresh wings at the supermarket. I bake those for like 15 minutes and then fry them for 10 minutes too. They are really crispy. I don't want to give away my exact sauce recipe but it is Kerrygold butter, Texas Pete, Frank's. Cholula Garlic, Fresh Garlic, and some seasonings along with a dash of heavy cream. I am drinking whiskey now and in a coma. Good night!!!!
  10. Schnauzers are hypoallergenic so don't blame me!
  11. I am making buffalo wings for dinner tonight.
  12. Since you are all begging for it I will post another pic of my pup!
  13. Great Ep! I didn't ended up listening to it in bed instead of while working out. Great decision. You want pets? I got your stinkin' pets right here!
  14. I am freaking pumped for this ep, you guys! Gonna listen today while I work on my muscles and stuff.
  15. I assume the ER doc who put that blue cast on Dennis has been murked?
  16. You know how old people take guided tours of Italy and stuff? Someone should arrange guided comedy tours of LA for cool, young, hip, taste makers like the denizens of this forum. Get on this LA Scoop Troopers!
  17. Speaking on reddit,have you guys seen this? http://www.reddit.com/r/2spooky4me . Chilled me to my bones.
  18. Erin, If you could smooch ANY podcast host would you choose Hayes or Sean?
  19. elizamuffins

    The Eric Andre Show of Podcasts

    Sean and Hayes would never destroy a set.
  20. elizamuffins

    Sean or Hayes?

    Why can't we vote off Cody?
  21. Thank you very much for this link. I took the survey. When I win the $100 and I am finally rich PRO VERSIONS FOR ALL!
  22. elizamuffins

    HH T-shirt design

    I am more like the guys over at WME in that I don't wear a lot of busy clothing so this might be a shirt I would pass on but there is definitely need for a Hollywood Handbook T shirt or maybe a case for my Samsung phone.
  23. I have a lot of family out in western MA AKA the flyover country of MA. I have to drive to SPRINGFIELD this Sunday to see my sister. Could you please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, Scoop Troopers?