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Everything posted by Zsinjeh

  1. Reality Show Show superstarJerkface (Han Luke Picard) is on the (now canon) Something Awful forums. Greggy, do you have pm's, if so send him a reminder he needs to get back on with da boys
  2. Hello Thomas Middle ditch. In the silicon valley tv-show when you did an adderal drug was that real? if so did you get a ticket or go to jail, I'm asking for a friend
  3. this post is spooky coincidental, I just had an inner ear infection finally go away!
  4. it's pretty much a ckc (cool kids club)
  5. Zsinjeh


    You're welcome! I'm still super psyched for the potential of 360 cameras for podcast style shows, and since it was last discussed here there has been some cool developments. Jaunt VR has a pretty nifty 3D 360 camera that they placed next to Paul McCartney on a live show and it's recently been seen ringside at a boxing match, shows the great potential for being a guest 'there'. However Brett makes a good point with file size and management. A 3d video in fairly high resolution can really run away in size and depending on how many shows get recorded it could be several recordings a week all at several hundred megs. The idea for funding, either Kickstarter or Donation, for something that solves that would be pretty neat though. Come on Brett "lead" engineer, make it work! http://www.roadtovr.com/news-bits-jaunt-vr-360-3d-camera-spotted-ringside-boxing-match/ http://gizmodo.com/meet-the-crazy-camera-that-could-make-movies-for-the-oc-1557318674
  6. Episode review: v. good, sweet aftertaste
  7. Let's all go back to Something Awful please, my regdate is much older and I have a lot more posts there giving my opinions more weight
  8. I was going to like this but then I got an error that i wasn't loged in but i knew i was from before so i'm all "huh????" and now I completely forgot what I was going to say in response!!!
  9. a BMW, a Porsche, a monster truck, a house and 30 companies forever in a loop
  10. And break the bond of trust between performer and artists? What are you, some sort of sociopath?
  11. I'd just like to chime in real quick and say that the comment they read was mine from the Frozen Wogurt episode and thread with the listener story. I wasn't so much implying that he should be arrested for that incident or anything, but more that I hope he realizes (or told that) it's not a necessarily healthy line of thinking to seriously murder someone that slightly annoys you. The "let people know" line was more to send the storyteller a line, or his parents or SO. Every time there's a school shooting there's a large debate on the appalling state of mental health care in the US and wishing you could have known the signs before that he was depressed or not well. So here comes a guy and calls in to a show and talks about his experience with wanting to murder someone and actually making and bringing the poison to school with him and the notion of talking to him is laughed away. Of course I realize it's me being extremely paranoid and overreacting, and the sketch it turned into was hilarious. Every one of us have been extremely mad at someone at some point, especially as kids. It's just the fact that he actually made a weapon that kept nagging me. You can still send an e-mail asking if he's okay today without it having to become a permanent marker on his record/resume or some sort of arrest for intent-of-crime from years ago. Either way, it was a great episode and sketch. Love the show!
  12. Zsinjeh


    Aw come on, you're in LA, there should be a ton of them over there. I had to wait months and months for my unit that I ordered five minutes after they were open for pre-purchase ;_; Also freight from Sweden is hella expensive yo, and I already have to pay Lauren Lapkus appearance fee after I got the pro-version of the latest Hollywood Handbook. If you have an opportunity do check it out though, should be a bunch of meetups in LA for VR. It's really quite cool and makes you all giddy about technology and future stuff like you're a kid again.
  13. Zsinjeh


    Please don't ruin my pipedreams with facts and realization
  14. lol posting on the bottom of a thread...yikes
  15. Zsinjeh


    The people at http://elevr.com/ have done some great research into 360 VR capture and have some information on solutions that range in all sorts of prices. They also have recorded a talkshow/podcast of their own where you can sit as a 'guest' if you have a Oculus Rift, so it's a neat way to test it out if you have access to one. As far as maintenance it would seem, once it is set-up, all it would require is turning it on, stitching the video after the show is over (a drag and drop process), and add an appropriate fade to black whenever the host or guests want a pause or to read an ad. I'm personally a huge fan of VR, as a personal developer with my own Oculus Rift prototype, so understandably it can sound like a gimmick at the moment. But as it's rumored to be launched commercially next year, being on the ground floor with it can be pretty beneficial as a ~trend-setter~ Of course I'm only taking this as discussion, not official word. As an avid listener of Hollywood Handbook I know engineers don't wield any real power, that would be silly.
  16. Zsinjeh


    Unironically, consider a 3D 360 camera and place it in a corner for virtual reality footage as they become available next year. I would defo pay for a 'premium' video version where I actually feel like a guest in the studio.
  17. Put a spherical 3d camera in the studio so when the VR revolution comes next year you can make even more mad dough by being on the ground floor!! Would unironically pay for a service that lets me (a dumb flyover country hick) pretend I could be a visitor in a real life studio with two bigwigs. http://elevr.com/ - A website with some technobabble words on how to do it, you can let Engineer Sam figure it out. ^ Me showing my friend a beta version with Reality Show Show
  18. Zsinjeh

    Hollywood Handbook....in three dee???

    I'm playing an 80's cool guy in my next movie and have to wear this dang thing all month!!
  19. does that make me a racism? I'm still undecided and don't want to be labeled
  20. look everybody jerks it you don't have to make up some dumb story
  21. As producer, can I fire Cody?
  22. nsfw that, i just got fired
  23. Are you at home right now Andy?