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Everything posted by Zsinjeh

  1. Hey, neat, Hollywood Handbook
  2. Welcome aboard, enjoy your complimentary Popular Copperâ„¢ tag!
  3. back on topic: i really liked the 21st to 33rd minute of this episode in particular
  4. Guys please keep your posts directly related to episodes of Hollywood Handbook, thanks
  5. ok Thundercock69/Zsinjeh buddy cop road-trip movie 2016 postponed indefinitely
  6. You would love the show 'The Expanse', the Belters speak exactly like this http://expanse.wikia...i/Belter_Creole
  7. Jag med! Du råkar inte vara bosatt nära Stockholm? Det är typ min 'grej' att vara den enda här som lyssnar på Earwolf och Hollywood Handbook, du förstår säkert varför jag måste döda dig om du bor här. Ursäkta i förskott.
  8. DoDetot fofinonnonsos bobarora etottot sosätottot atottot lolisostota utot omom dodu äror enon avov osossos
  9. I've been led to believe that Thundercock69 is Swedish. Is he swedish swedish like me and therefore cool or freja swedish aka an imposter who is deported and living in shameful exile by order of the King
  10. Yo, straight up real talk? Coming straight from the dome: this might be seen as some as the dark times of Hollywood Handbook but I'll be damned if I haven't loved the new emergency format shows they've been putting out in the meantime. ~Please like, share and fav this, it took a lot of courage for me to speak against the unpopular opinions and haters out there~
  11. this would have been so rad if it was embedded
  12. umm actually the phrase is "Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a main B bus undervolt." but it's often misquoted because of the movie, don't feel bad you didn't know it
  13. 21 Tweets About Getting Old That Are Funny Because They're True And Why It's Hollywood Handbook That's The Best Podcast
  14. I'm working today but podcasts aren't? Sexism imo
  15. Cody !!! https://soundcloud.com/hollywoodhandbook/the-secret-story-of-the-missing-episode awww yissss, merry krampus y'all
  16. that's very big of you thanks (will give u a like for this after I cool down!!) in the meantime i made u this, It has been formatted to fit this screen, to run in the time allotted and edited for copyright content
  17. also there's a call-in episode? and it's already been recorded? boo Jerkface (Han Luke Picard), the RSS regular was interested in calling in.
  18. whoa what the heck!!!! my gif??? it is NOT okay to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests please watermark all my gifs with a nasa mug tia thx 4 looking out 4 me fam...iou...
  19. goaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllll