Transporter 2 is probably the best film ever made. For a group of self described Statham fans it is inexplicable that they have not done a show on his greatest masterpiece Transporter 2.
Chellini, a villanous Ricky Ricardo, is an amazing villain. The acting of his female henchman Lola, epic. The collection of henchmen under his command, some from Roadhouse, some ninjas, and one a guy whose hair makes him look like a pineapple.
Jason Statham also orders a pizza with NO cheese and EXTRA anchovies just before he delivers the greatest line of all time, "It's not who you are, it's who I am." It is Statham and Luc Besson's best effort at adding emotion and depth. Second best line in the film is delivered by Audrey, "Everyone's an expert!" Classic, in fact I am going to pop Transporter 2 into the dvd player right now!