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Posts posted by JamesCrackCorn



    Earwolf posters and racist hypocrites are not an mutually exclusive group. Have you looked at any of the other threads in this forum? Have you witnessed people deny/minimize/ignore any racial implications of a situation? If the answer is yes, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. In the same way, you don't have to individually pick out and name every racist black metal person when I'm talking about racism in that scene, I don't have to individually pick out and name every single wack ass Earwolf poster.


    I see a difference between identifying and classifying every black metal fan as a racist or not and identifying the some 6 people who posted on this thread that you insulted. I believe we have reached in impasse.



    Whoa, take a look through any of the topics on this forum and you will find examples. Don't act like a white person denying that racism exist is the same as the search for Bigfoot.


    I'm not saying they don't exist. I'm saying that you are addressing a specific set of people, not white people in their entirety. If you were only saying that there are racist hypocrites in the world, I wouldn't argue with you. But that's not what you did. You were either addressing specific individuals or lumping the people who posted on this thread with all racist hypocrites.



    No, I have one argument that makes perfect sense. People who try to silence/derail/minimize others for speaking out about racism and racist stereotypes don't get to complain when the power of stereotyping is turned on them.


    Who are these people? You are pointing out the hypocrisy of people you haven't shown to exist.

  4. So, here's the thing with ep and this why all of you are so butthurt over it. Andrew is using the same standard that the mainstream culture judges other minorities by. Other minorities are ROUTINELY grouped together and held responsible for actions that they didn't commit. Every Muslim has a target on their back because of what a few people did. Every black person has a target on their back because of the actions of a few. Someone earlier made an analogy to people stereotyping gangsta rap, WHICH THEY ALREADY DO. Trayvon Martin's character was assasinated because he wore baggy jeans and listened to hip-hop. Apparently, this was enough for a LARGE segment of the population to feel that he was up to no good anyway and that Zimmerman did the world a favor by killing him.


    But what is funny, is that when the standard is applied to you, or to something that you like, then all of a sudden it becomes unfair. Then all of a sudden, the common sense saying, "one bad apple spoils the bunch," and "you are the company you keep" don't have any meaning. I'm not buying it and I'll tell you why.


    Every time a person of color says something is racist, there are always a large number of white people that will attempt to dissuade them from their position. They say things like "its in your head," "no one thinks like that," "you're being too sensitive," blah, blah, blah. But how can you, any of you who posted on this board, say that when Andrew is giving you the same mainstream treatment that has been given to minorities for decades? Its not really congruent, ya see? You can't really go around trying to downplay racism while at the same time bristling when those racist societal standards are turned on you.


    I think you raise an interest and valid point about minorities being unfairly grouped together. I don't dispute that that is a problem. However, nobody here has posted anything opposing that. I, and others her, have taken issue with Andrew applying the flawed logic to all fans of particular brand of music. Nobody said that that logo should only be applied to minorities.


    I think that everything you posted on this thread about the treatment of minorities is well thought out and supportive. I think you put more time in constructing your post than Andrew does in his show. The point that I tried to make is that Andrew is an irresponsible douche nozzle

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  5. I don't understand why Andrew would take this caller if he doesn't know anything about the topic and refuses to do research. If racism is to be treated with the gravity it deserves, calling somebody racist should be a serious charge. Andrew routinely calls people and things racist without conducting even cursory research. This is wildly irresponsible.

  6. Brian Posehn is a fan of the band Skeletonwhich (http://www.hellbound.ca/2010/04/brian-posehn-more-funny-than-you/), which is defined by Wikipedia and the metal archives as a black metal band, so obviously Brian Posehn is a racist.


    Yo, am I racist for listening to his Earwolf Network podcast?

    Are the friends Brian Posehn hosts his show with racist for not ditching their friend even after he publicly labelled himself a black metal fan and, by effect, a racist?

  7. Hello Paul,


    I am a big fan of the show, but after having listened to most of the episodes, I've become concerned about the show's reliance on the terms "bone zone" and "pound town." It is time to expand your repertoire of sexual euphemisms. For example, one could take a trip on the coital causeway. Another suggestion, which would be most applicable to Road House and Tiptoes, is "getting a one way ticket to penetration station on rawdog railway." Heck, penetration station could even reside within the city limits of Pound Town. There is room to mix and match.


    Keep up the good work,


    James CrackCorn

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