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Everything posted by burdrulz

  1. Some dude made an opening title sequence for 'how did this get made'. This is something that needs to happen for HH, and... maybe it will.
  2. 1. I can't believe there are even blockbusters still open. 2. Did you buy it immediately? If they will not let you buy it, you can do what I did ,which was tell the blockbuster worker that I will then rent it and never return it. They might give you a sassy look but then you can look at them and say "it's not like this store will be open much longer anyways" 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcKLPENYBnE
  3. Seriously perfect. that's why the call him 'Sean-e-does it' can we start calling him that please so he's forced to adopt it.
  4. Last year was supposed to be my 10 year and I never got an invite. I went to highschool in Connecticut, and haven't been back since i left after senior year, so I haven't seen any of those people in 10 years. There was a little part of me that really wanted to go, even though i knew it was a really bad idea. So if you have that little part of you, I think you should listen to lil narn
  5. double does of our fav host sean this week. He's on Improv for Humans and it's great.
  6. Max Greenfield aka Mr. Schmidt, What's your favorite facial scrub? What do you recommend for those "crows feet". Also what do you recommend for the shoebox of removed crows feet that i keep as 'trophies' in my closet.
  7. Good build Matt, I also wanted to comment on the scoring choices. I feel strongly about what is going on here. When I think of a cool teenster bored in his bedroom, "jamming out" to punk music, I almost always think of something Greenday circa 1994. To me nothing captures the true feeling and sound of punkers. Smash Mouth needs no comments. That's obviously the right call on that. The swelling emotion of Kings of Lions might be a little underwhelming, but it feels like it works for me. Maybe we can speak on it, but i'll take a bite.
  8. Honestly, I don't mean to disagree with some of Brian's points because I really felt like his input was beyond helpful. But I do think introducing Danny "four on the floor" Marcs as Jason's wheel chair bound tennis partner truly helped illustrate how far the character had come in his journey. I think this was most apparent in the scene when Danny dove for a chip shot, hurting himself pretty badly, and Jason rushed over to his aid, rather than smashing the shit out of the ball, burying it deep in the opposing teams court. We'd like to believe that Jason was capable of this kind of selflessness all along, but I really think we needed this action to drive that point home. Plus Jason uses his empathy for Danny's handicap as motivation to win the game and teach the bullies a lesson. Thus proving that even 'special needs' people can help regular people achieve great things, in big ways. I wouldn't watch the fucking movie if it ended any other way. Bravo gents. Look forward for the invite to design the movie poster when you get the kickstarter going.
  9. Or how about a mid 90s dad doing the tim allen noise with his office buddies in the break room with a mouth full of chicken salad. My friend Will had a pretty good one with, the garbled nonsense that comes out when he tries to say "I'm disappointed in you" while sleep-talking.
  10. I'm sorry I had a breakdown last night and brought you all through it with me. It will most likely never happen again, all though I will also say that it probably will happen again. However, for now, what's your favorite dad sound? Mine is the low grumble of a dad struggling slowly to get out of his college student aged popasan in their dorm room.
  11. btw i'm drunk again... but that's not a surprise
  12. okay sean... you got it right when you fucking said it dude. our team is meant to make it to the playoffs and fucking lose... ur fcking right i gues.!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH SO PIZZEDD for those of you that don't know, I live in Cincinnati, and I'm not proud of it, and we have a NFL team that is forever trying to be a good NFL team. This year seemed really promising team. I've never been to a game before so i was mad excited. WE LOST... AGAIN sean predicted it. (image before noticing imitate loss) after realizing the loss was cuming soon. hate you sean for knowing how much ohio sucks... We do got a street car now though. fucking assholes
  13. Can we please resolve this issue. I'm sorry that I put you on blast, but I was really jellz, and really upset that you never answered my calls, texts, facebook messages, emails, actual mailed letters, sent mixtapes both digital and analog, iphone messages, gchat messages, hotmail messages, all the other email service messages, aol chat room messages, Skype requests, 1-800-Collect collect calls, all forms of Social Media Communications including but not limited too, twitter, snapchat, linkedin, goog plus, foursquare, I tagged you in some vines where funny things happened, like i turned on a light switch and a banana hit me in the chin, happier, instagnar, studio, xbox live requests to play call of doody together, carrier doves and pigeons, scroll in a bottle, morris code, telegrams, singing telegrams, and finally I simply took a boat to stockholm and looked you up in the phone book, went and threw little pebbles at your window, but to no avail. So please understand how this made me feel. I recognize we are adults, and maybe i took this a liiiittttllleeee to far, but you have to understand that I felt really strongly about our time together as brief as it was. Friends? sweden rulz
  14. Everyone in sweden has a sauna in their house... I think that's a real stereotype but i could be wrong
  15. sorry to kill the forums... it was just an idea, you don't have to criticize it... I would comment about what hayes was asked earlier but I honestly have no idea what he's talking about
  16. Also I didn't even realize my friends from 'Everything is Terrible' are on the Fogelnest files this week... so listen to that too i guess.... no big deal
  17. I really like these 'casts' as well. They're good times. I hate to do this, and normally I wouldn't plug randomness to you all but I know some guys that make a pretty funny podcast. It's called tricastatops. It's three chill bros. They have been given the title 'louisville's hottest podcast' even though none of them live in louisville now. Also I'm pretty sure they just called it that themselves. They talk will smith, video games, march radness, internet things, drinking, and trivia. Really the point of the show is for the two co hosts to derail the show as much as possible. It's not for everyone, but i like it. Let me know if you think it's terrible. I myself have guest starred a couple of times, and if you want to I can get them to let you guest star... You can just be on it, and it can be fun.
  18. That was a very accurate depiction of Freja. We've met and I will say she sounds almost exactly like a disgruntled new yorker who I guess needs some kind of incentive to bath.
  19. I had a music project when I was younger called Rob Thomas Cruise. The album was called 'down in the dumps' and the cover art featured the artist surrounded by a bunch of butts. other songs included: 'i'm just window shoppin' (referencing butts in a window) 'I feel like partying with my buds' 'don't mind if i do' (once again referring to a row of butts) New forum topic, even though it's already monday and this forum will soon become ignored due to tomorrow episode airing. Have you ever been in a band, and what was it's name? I have a couple others that my friends Sean Steiny and Aj the Mercenary made up: Band - Boner Ghost. Album - Beatin' around the bush Band - Blood Wang Album - Heavy Flow
  20. Hey Andy, Or anyone? Is there anyone that is good at mastering tracks? I've been sitting on this 'album' I sort of fake made for myself for like two years. It is supposed to sound 'lo-fi' but it sounds too terrible and just bad. If anyone would be interesting in collaborating or trading services, or just straight up wanting to get paid for their services let me know. Thanks buddsssssss
  21. White men can't jump was on HBO somethign ntogiht.. i loveedi it,
  22. I don't have an internet girlf. I've always wanted to go to Seattle. How does one even have an internet girlf? Does that make real life girlfs angry? I have a real life dog,
  23. Hello Everyone. There's been so much love on the forum today that I can't help but feel totallly pumppppeedddd uppppp to unveil this new creation with you guys. Christmas is the time for receiving gifts from your parents and not getting them that much because they still make more money than you, HOWEVER i've been told it 'feels good' to give as well during this holiday. So, Hayes and Sean are constantly giving us a one way ticket non refundable to the funniest of funny zones. I feel like we're always looking to give each other laughs and chuckles here and there, and it's been fun to get to know some of you in the process. This past episode with Ben Shorts was crazy funny and the idea of a Hollywood flag added to said funniness. When asking myself, what can I give for the holidays, it seemed pretty obvious that I try and put a visual representation to the brilliance of Sean, Hayes, and Bin. So Here we go... (process commentary included) We begin with Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams embracing is the softest, juiciest kiss. (please notice the chest hair and nips, this was a little personal touch) If we take a step back we see the flag in it's entirety. I admit i went a little brush heavy, but I couldn't really help it. Here we see an idea of what the flag could look like when flying. Maybe a little busy? maybe a little too many illustration styles clashing? But shit it had to have all these things on it to comply with The dude's original vision. I just want to take a second to admire this detail shot. Now unfortunately, When shooting night shoots, or 6 day alien encounter shoots, there can be some accidents. It's a necessary part of the process as far as an actor doing his actings, and sometimes he needs to pound your skull and 'feel the crunch'. If this leads to someone perishing... jeez it's a bummer, but at least we know that this unfortunate bi standard's family will be comforted with this flag draped over the casket of their loved one. (poor rendering but whatever) and finally here is the Sean Clemdawgy approved version. He had noticed I did not include the proper representation of an 8 millimeter. Just a quick change but I'm cool with it. Hope you guys are enjoying your time home wif yer fams. This show has been beyond fun to follow, as has it's forums buds. So thanks and look forward to seeing all the goodness next year.
  24. Christmas break chillzones here's a sneak peak of the hollywood flag. Hopefully it will be lovely and romantic.
  25. Holy shit wow. 'what up what up, it's funny how too scary they are' incredible.