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Everything posted by burdrulz

  1. I've never heard anyone say that before.
  2. you guys get a chance to check out the rapsters today?
  3. I'm so happy cody has a new nick name: Code man. http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/4700000/Codeman-cody-lambert-4776790-768-576.jpg
  4. Birfday boyz When you shot the skit for the 'creepy cabin website' guy, did any of you get really fucking scared and lose their shit? I'm talkin' cackaling skulls, Scary spiders, and grave stones!!!! ---- This isn't a question for anyone in particular. Is everyone boarding up their houses getting ready for hurricane season aka holloween?
  5. sorry to burst your bubble. This documentary about this guy turning into a dog is fucking gnarly.
  6. Dude that dawg is straight chillin so hard.
  7. I was hoping this dog thing would happen. Can I get like, october or something? Or march? This is King. He's a movie dog, he's the dog in the movies that's cool. He's the leader but not because he's cocky, he's more just such a cool guy everyone wants to be his friend. Straight up nothin but smilessss
  8. Usually if you hold your breath, cross your eyes, and have someone smack you on the back of the head... You get out of your impression zone. but unfortunately your eyes stayed crossed. on a side note, is impression zone similar to funny zone? Depending on the impression. Frank Calliendo does impressions. Is he funny zone?
  9. One night I found myself having a drunk conversation with the creative director at mtv. We got into a pretty in depth conversation about nooks and why I thought they were dumb and why he thought they were pretty cool. no joke. ---- this was before ipads I think. I still had a flip phone cellular device. To tweet you had to text your tweet to a certain number or something. Also to find out something on the spot you had to text cha cha and some dude would text you back. If you got lost on your way somewhere... you had to find someone with an iphone (first gen) and get them to look up where you were supposed to go. This is all real things.
  10. Were you thinking more of a homeward bound kind of thing where the talking was just a voice in their head. Or more like a discovery kind of observational rock doc? Because cosmos. ------ Btw everyone want to take this chance to talk about how the bengals are going to crush this year. 3 and 0 my Stevens
  11. You guys rule. I need to stop doing all the dumb "life things" I'm doing so I can hangout on the forums more
  12. Alright... So This first submission was actually made a long time ago. It's crazy when you live by yourself and you're single how much shit you can get done. This was around the time when Black Swan came out, and it was a short film inspired by such... --------- This is also a random thing I tried to do with my friend sean who now lives in Australia. This one time this old guy Doug who lived in the same building as us ate like a whole jug of maraschino cherries and vomited all over this girl at the bar. So this was mildly inspired by that. I hope to see some shit you guys have done! Let the film festival begin?
  13. I remember this, and I submitted a feelm on the facebook page, but I remember being really nervous and I didn't want to put it on the forums because I didn't want you guys to judge me. Should I submit feelm to loff or not loff at?
  14. I have the biggest perma smile after this episode. This was perfect.
  15. You guys thanks so much. About that hair. This girl that helped with the video actually used computer air duster to "do" my hair. I was like, "is this safe?" and she was like "I don't know." Luckily I still have hair, and it's still sultry and luscious and full of body and movement. --edit--- She also kept saying, "When it gets too cold and hurts let me know, but that means it's working." I'm not kidding.
  16. You guys!!!.... I got challenged... I'm fucking just as pissed as all of you and I was this close to just say eff naw. But my dad challenged me, and he's like mad at me for some reason or whatever. Probably because I didn't mow the lawn. Also it might have been a good idea to leave the patio furniture on the deck instead of throwing that shit all over the yard like the angry understand suburban kid I am dudeesss... So here's how I 'interpreted' the ice bucket challenge. Also I realize no one is doing this anymore and I'm late to the game, but you gotta realize that my crew doesn't do this 'kind of shit' and my parents are about 2 weeks late to anything existing in pop culture. (to be real it is really cool that something like this happened organically amongst people and raised tons of money or whatever.) But fuckk that!!! (notice I didn't challenge anyone else... because it's over everyone... we're done.)
  17. Also they were wearing their tighter pants that night so you could see how massive their redacted's are. I know from experience that can be very intimidating to other guys...
  18. I feel like I need to comment specifically what happens in the episodes more... But I just wanted to make a quick note about how I've really been practicing my Crip walk, and the girls still don't think I'm 'cool' Sho Sho Bro, what do I do?
  19. Toilet bowl cleaners is actually a thing. I'm more of a 'my dick' fan I think.
  20. http://www.google.co...ved=0CAUQsCUoAQ yall hear about all these noodz?
  21. These are all fucking choiceeeeeeeeeee Thank you for answering VBs questions about your gender and pet situation. Also thank you for providing evidence that you are in fact, cool.
  22. I was thinking about doing that one too!!! So I wanted to try and take it a different route. I wanted to imagine scoring a scene to something, maybe it's driving related maybe it isn't, but I thought it could be gnarly to imagine a narrative in my head centered around 'dead mans curve' and then provide the song to score that narrative. So here is the song I chose ma bruvs. Plus I wanted to change it up a bit, hopefully you're not too offended and I get kicked out of the club. Fuck you guys!!!! https://soundcloud.com/erasedtapes/rival-consoles-odyssey
  23. I like your style my man... Michael Bay of Pigs, at last we share some common ground. Not only to you not like Ft. Lauderdale, but you dislike it for WAY cooler reasons than I dislike it. I was upset at the lack of Putt Putt. You see when you're from the part of the country that I'm from, you go to places like 'destin' or 'panama city beach' anything in the pan handle that you truly know is going to be something of a nightmare. --- I'm sorry for posting so much, but I don't have to work tomorrow so you know it's a drink fest / post fest up in my apartment tonight!!! I got like six different Buzz Feed quizes going, all of them have something to do with Sean and or Hayes and or Both. To give you guys an example of some of the quizes we've got on here: 'which sean and hayes sex position do you aspire to use the most?' - I got 'the dinner bell'... Not sure what that is, but in the explanation it said it had something to do with a penis. One of the quizes was about having seen brides maids or not, turns out I haven't seen it, even though I remember watching it via red box. So I'm going to have to re take that one because I don't understand which question I might have answered wrong. It was simply a Yes or No quiz... I don't know. I sat for a minute and realized I couldn't think of any relevant jokes from the episode, or recent episodes... Can you guys think of any?
  24. Photo bucket you guys. It's like old and terrible, straight from 'live journal' days.