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Status Updates posted by scratchbomb

  1. done. for real this time, I swear http://t.co/LHnLK2It

  2. Ed Koch and the Electric Mayhem! http://t.co/dMl6SZVd

  3. Enjoying Thanksgiving with my girls http://t.co/ZEkY867L

  4. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Lohse #BadFantasyMLBTeamNames

  5. First ever big sporting event I ever went to was a game at Michie Stadium. I had no idea what was going on.

  6. Flo Rida, guy whose last big hit was a gross song about BJs, performs with Jesus head pendant the size of a Buick

  7. Frankenweenie: well crafted but not without flaws. also, not the best movie for a 5 year old, no matter how much she likes "scary stuff"

  8. From 2011: Kickstarter Page for The Space Between Cushions Collective http://t.co/dOJKOKpr

  9. from earlier: PED use in NFL doesnt mean what it does in MLB because football is defined by images, baseball by symbols http://t.co/kLCiQ9Zn

  10. from ep. 3 of @ReplacementPlay: IBM ad from 2000 gives us a glimpse of the future of Wall Street douchecannons http://t.co/nbU1dM24

  11. from same source as the Avis ad: several promos for quality Fox programming: http://t.co/uH4DTh81

  12. From the vault: Behold "Candy Claus," the worst Christmas special of all time. Seriously. http://t.co/i546FKjB

  13. funny, Sandy Alderson's actual comments seem much less ABANDON ALL HOPE than they seemed when filtered through Twitter

  14. Gary Cohen is a stranger to his own soul http://t.co/rAnptpGIgE

  15. getting mad about horrible cover of Zombies classic because I can't bitch about the things that fill me with true rage

  16. Glad I read that Stephen Marche thing in Esquire. I hadn't been really mad since before Thanksgiving

  17. Greetings from the desolate wastes of the almost-Catskills http://t.co/N50dLKXM

  18. happy Grand Slam Single-versary, everyone http://t.co/Bzi5wO7R

  19. has anyone ever done a Big Daddy Roth-style cartoon of a crazy hotrod piloted by Soupy Sales?

  20. Have 2 big things I need to complete and another I need to start, so I'm back-burnering Revenge Against Those Who Have Wronged Me Fest '12

  21. have you checked out @ReplacementPlay with me and @jasoncfry talkin' bout Rick Ankiel's NLCS meltdown yet? http://t.co/pMVt0go3

  22. Heard radio traffic guy pronounce Scion "Skyon" and I'm now convinced 75% of people who drive one say it the same way.

  23. Hey! I wrote about the 1999 umpires "strike" for @classical. Rec'd for fans of labor strife and hubris. http://t.co/F9btewMA

  24. Hopefully Randy Moss wins a ring and finally shakes the demons of claymation Terry Bradshaw https://t.co/IpSEn6jo
