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Posts posted by therealjayknox

  1. One of the greatest HDTGM episodes and and one of the greatest JDR moments isn't only 'What is a Street Fighter' but the keen observation:

    Boxing gloves. It seems like you would wear boxing gloves for inside fighting. Not outdoor street fighting.


    (sorry if I'm not quoting exactly) but holy fuckeroni I was crying laughing. June is pure awesome and made this one of the great episodes ever!

    • Like 3

  2. Just throwing this out there - the actor Christopher Kirby did a good solid job IMO and might be a breakout comedy/action star given a few more good roles: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0456130/


    But i bet he regrets being a ridiculous Lucas-contrived ethnic galactic senator in that Star Wars Prequel:




    I dunno.. I'm still calling this a good fun B-movie. But I also loved 'Mars Attacks' which many seem to hate so.. there ya go

  3. The visual effects are fairly decent - i liked the look and feel. Acting and directing were fairly good and I liked the pace and nothing came off as bad.

    Of course the premise is ridiculous. But the only problem - as far as an HDTGM episode - its deliberately ridiculous and silly. It's meant to be a hilarious goof.


    This is different from 'Birdemic' where the director sincerely felt these birds would be terrifying and genuinely believed coat hangers would be a real choice inside the world of Bird attacks.

    If you see what I mean.


    But yeah.. actually surprised how fun and entertaining Iron Sky is.

    • Like 1

  4. Oh oh.

    In fact, I loved the original story concept (where people in deep love could resist the plant toxins) and what's more I love the cast and the look and feel of the movie. I also loved some individual scenes.

    Liked where it was going.


    Have no idea WTF happened but heard that M.Night was taking too long and was basically told to finish it ASAP and that he better show some big cash box-office.

    So, he pretty much stopped making the movie (creatively, working on it, etc) and just threw it together with as many outrageous shock and gore moments as possible.

    whatever made an awesome trailer.


    But the frustrating thing is that this had everything I needed to be one of my all-time favourite M.Night movies and... oh nooo... it fell apart on the rails!

  5. It might have been on one of the podcasts but the baffling title choice seemed the biggest problem. John Carter: Warrior of Mars.

    Call it 'John Carter'?

    Or what if we called it 'Warrior of Mars!'.

    Nope.. just call it 'John Carter'.


    I gotta say it - I thought the movie as pretty good overall and I'm with Lando - I enjoyed it more than Avatar.

    yes.. some dumb stuff, lame parts but not bad for a goofy Sci-Fi!

  6. I'm liking Johnny Unusual's scheme where everyone's picks get some kind of score etc. I don't understand the math but I think he's got the right idea..


    ...However, if Shannon is hooking up a sweet integrated site voting thinger then that's awesomeness!



    *my only concern with any voting thing is that it ends up being not just HDTGM style picks but always 'Avengers 2' and 'Promethius' or just basically any new movie that - while not deliciously bad - is simply relatively unpopular or controversial,


    then again forum members here always seem to get it.

    (although the 'Spice girls Feminism complaints' were pretty weird you guys)

  7. Yeah, it does require a registration, unfortunately, although it seems like a relatively low-burden one.


    I'm not sure I understand your point about narrowing down?


    It asks me to vote on 2 movies (which is better).

    Thats 2.

    There is about 1000 bad movie recommendations here.

    So we have to vote 500 times?


    And why do I have just 10 votes reserved?

  8. Oh its terrible, bad, cheap, weird, ridiculous and might be one of my all time favourite most awesome movies of all time!


    *But that still makes it HDTGM worthy because I have to admit 'Sleepaway Camp' is also one of my new favourites all-time awesomely bad movies.


    Rowdy Roddy was actually pretty damn good in this. I put his performance well above most sports/wrestling acting attempts I've ever seen.

  9. I have an idea!

    Taking our already-existing pool of bad movie recommendations and narrowing them down to some kind of Top 10,

    Top 5

    Also a #1


    Only problem is that I suck at math and/or tournament formulas.

    Anyone know how to do this kind of thing?


    I'm guessing everyone starts by putting down their 10 picks yes?

    Then some OCD nerd among us makes a list and we narrow down etc etc?


    I'm going with:


    Return to Sleepaway Camp


    John Carpenters Vampires

    A Talking Cat?!

    Miami Connection

    To Catch a Yeti

    Star Wars Holiday Special because I don't think Lucas can sue anymore

    Superman 4 (the one with Pillow-Man)

    Kiss meets The Phantom of the Park


    Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star


    This is from the recommendations we have already.


    Again, sorry I don't know how to compile and do tournament stuff so someone smart needs to help please.

  10. I don't suppose there is any debate about whether Spice World was doing a 'Hard Days Night' genre and surely everyone understands that.

    I'm with Paul and the gang - yes, we know what its trying to do and be. It just failed. Either it didn't work, or it worked but poorly or not enough.


    Often I got the sense that they were just hiding behind the 'Hard Days Night' self-effacing 'send up of ourselves' concept to cover up fail.

    "Heres a dumb thing.. hey remember this is spoofing ourselves so carry on.."

  11. Saw it last week and liked it.

    Did not love it.

    I could see how the story or genre was unlikable or maybe you don't really like James Franco (I barely do) but I can't say there was any truly bad acting.

    Well written overall, well shot, for the most part the CGI and special effects were well done.


    Sure, I could think of some problems and understand some complaints but this is definitely not an HDTGM kind of film. I could also think of some pretty decent and clever parts.

  12. WOW yes this is a prime candidate - it is one of the worst movies I have seen in the last 10 years and its just awful on nearly every level.

    Just pointless, the man with the iron fists just mumbles about nonsense, some of the worst costumes, humans who don't seem to act or react like any humans actually would.

    Editing, writing, oh man this is a piece of garbage on fire.


    And the odd thing - this has a few decent Western actors and quite a few very good Chinese actors and actresses!


    It's so bad it's an insult to China. I mean seriously - this movie was offensive to China's culture and people. It was really that bad.

  13. Keeping in mind I dislike 'gore' films but I also thought this was a fantastic movie and I bought the DVD as well. Somehow they made this thing work.

    BRUTAL to watch but so bizarre and it has to be some kind of cult-classic. Crazy movie - but not a bad movie. A great movie maybe.

  14. You would have thought Dana Carvey would have have been comedy film gold. Yes, I lost appreciation and it seems like his career ended abruptly.

    (then again I'm told he had epic surgery mistakes for some condition),


    Anyways, ran out to rent this one - a huge SNL Carvey fan and wow.. wow this was a dud. Really really bad. Annoying. I guess 'Turtle' made his kids squeal with laughter but wow bad.


    Strongly agree this is a real candidate - great cast (on paper) and big money and marketing and what a mess.

  15. Absolutely one of the best bad movies I've seen since Birdemic and Sleepaway Camp - Its like this was tailor-made FOR HDTGM.

    Does it take away from the badness because it seems like its being released again for the campy badness of it all?


    Anyways, I could not get past low-budget Oates and his Oates moustache but give him credit - he is just GIVING IT FULL BLAST with no apologies of fuck's given in this movie and on stage.

    He totally won me over:
