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Everything posted by Poika

  1. I'm hoping it will be a supreme Yank-a-thon! I really missed my Monday CBB. Guess I'll have to get on the you tube and watch Scott in bed with Joan Rivers while I wait.
  2. Poika

    Episode 188 — Summah Donkey

    There's a lot of red and white vertical, horizontal, and combination thereof (checkerboard) going on in this screen shot. It's a little overwhelming!
  3. Poika

    Episode 83 — Crammer or Creamer

    This was definitely recorded in April or May, so I understand the lack of summah. Plus Ronna and Beverly DEFINITELY control this show. I laughed so hard at the dog food portion, and it really seemed like Howard was having a great time.
  4. Poika

    Episode 297 — Canadian Apparel

    Holy shit that is about as Fogelnest/best Donald Duck artist meta as you can get!
  5. Holy shit I can't believe there aren't any comments! That pizza cooked on the stove story was one for the ages. Howard: It was probably a little too much, a lot of that just wound up on the bottom of the pan. Brett: Oh, no shit? No exaggeration, I nearly lost control of my car at this point. Super fun companion episode for the Jason Nash show.
  6. Hmmm where's Jake been? I'm not a regular listener but I do listen and notice he's been absent the last couple weeks.
  7. It kinda surprises me that the older episodes don't get more love in the comments. I love digging through the archives during a lull in my podcast schedule.
  8. Poika

    Episode 186 — Showin' Arm

    I really enjoyed the chemistry between Jason and Howard a lot. It sounds like they've known each other quite a while.
  9. "You think this guy was going to use the flashlight to finish off the bodies? Like, hey- this guy's close! This guy's got no legs. CLUNK!" I had to pause it and rewind it because I didn't hear anything for the next 30 seconds.
  10. I just googled 'Marilu Henner disease', and by golly, I got results! Then I googled 'Marilu Henner disease dog penis' and things took a turn for the worse.
  11. Just saw Matt's post- season 3 of UCB is (finally) coming out next week! Don't forget to use the Amazon link on the Improv4humans page.
  12. So what's with the talks with the Nerdist empire?
  13. Poika

    Episode 183.5 — 6/6/14 TWO CHARTED 122

    Welcome back Howard! Glad to hear the trunk of the Hi-undai didn't have enough room for two chopped up comedians.
  14. Poika

    Episode 291 — Summer Haunted House

    https://www.youtube....h?v=cnR3BZu0-mc Here's Adam Resnick on Letterman about a month ago. Letterman seemed quite tickled by him, and he was hilarious. Loved this episode. Adam's reading had me rolling (both when he stopped because he fucked it up and when he continued and actually gained some momentum.) I will definitely be picking up the book!
  15. Still not done with the episode, but when he talked about his mom I laughed through my tears. It was really touching.
  16. Holy shit I can't wait to hear this.
  17. This episode may break the forums!
  18. Poika

    Episode 290 — Shed Busting

    Little dick big dick is a timeless classic joke.
  19. Goddammit I still can't down load this on my iPhone. I had to download the Jessica/Lennon/Jason episode again. Still great, but I'd like to hear the new one!
  20. LOVED Armen's playlist. The first Paul Simon solo album is my favorite by him- even better than Graceland (even without thinking about the fact that he didn't give the musicians who wrote the music any writing credit.) Papa Hobo, Paraphernalia, Congratulations, Armistice Day- that album is solid.
  21. Poika

    Episode 182 — Gandalf Vs. Snape

    Listening to UTU2TM, I noticed that Todd Glass also does not like to shit on stuff, a la Armen. I can appreciate that.
  22. Rather than having a band that features good jams, can you please focus on the rockin sauce? If there's one thing I like about music and improv, it's rockin sauce.
  23. Poika

    Episode 182 — Gandalf Vs. Snape

    It was a lot of fun listening to Besser rip on Armen, and I like Armen! I like the tough love, and who wouldn't benefit from some UCB classes? Also, always a thrill to have the one and only Kulap read my question. Humblebrag!
  24. I'm looking forward to Howie coming back because I miss him, but I have to say I've really taken a liking to Armen, especially as he gets more comfortable.