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Posts posted by Poika

  1. The thing that did stand out to me about Shane was his comfort level and his ability to play along. I've heard other first time guests just kinda clam up when the character comes on board.


    I love Lauren. I really root for her success (she seems to be doing a pretty good job so far!)

    • Like 1

  2. I think the "most downloaded woman" who had her own show that Matt was talking about was Cindy Margolis.

    I thought the same thing. Men of a certain age and all that jazz.


    Emily LITERRALY said- Fonzie bear.

    Once again, noticed the same thing. I thought it was a wonderful episode, full of laughs (laffs?)! Glad a few listeners noticed other things that the hosts/guests didn't notice that literally made me laugh out loud (LOL?!?).

  3. I may be talking out of turn, but I felt that Mike's obsession with Barkhad Abdi was the fact that he made 65K two years ago appearing as a main character in a Hollywood blockbuster, and that it was depressing that due to his teeth and his awkward appearance, he would be denied roles after an awesome performance. I don't doubt this to be true, and while it is depressing to point out, I think he made it fairly obvious that he believes (and I do too) that this was realistic in Hollywood.

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  4. As far as the shows not being longer, they are doing two shows a week now (and as we know from HDTGM, life sometimes gets in the way of a free podcast!) They save most of the personal stuff for Two Charted.


    That said, MY QUESTION WAS READ! and I feel kind of stupid because it's one of the most generic questions you can ask in comedy, but Alice's first (PFT) answer was what I had hoped for. Hearing Howard say, "Hey Poika" was a huge thrill because I've had that handle online for over 30 years. Maybe Howard and I struck up a friendship in the old 300 baud D-Dial and BBS days.
