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Posts posted by Poika

  1. I loved this episode! Besser made me laugh so hard (I LOVE his CBB appearances), and Doug is as always a great guest, but I really noticed Paul. You didn't hear much of him, but I thought he was very funny and comfortable for someone who is not a 'podcast regular.'


    Edit: Just finished the show. Matt had me laughing so hard with the Puff the Magic Dragon bit! It was so wrong yet so fucking funny. I'm guessing intellectual Matt is arguing with ironic Matt over this. I know I am.

  2. This episode was really firing on all cylinders. Paul, Jason, and June were all awesome, Dan Harmon was the perfect guest, they had a great audience, and the first second opinion was supremely depressing. To think that this second opinion was less depressing than the one Paul didn't read for June's sake!


    One of my favorite episodes ever. A real standout.

    • Like 4

  3. Great episode Jake, and a wonderful panel of guests.


    I HAVE ONE ISSUE THOUGH. Concerning the Kars4Kids jingle. Since it's primarily a radio ad, they go out of their way multiple times to remind the listener that it's "Kars with a 'K,'" but never once do they mention that it's the number "4," not "for." Their Youtube channel even calls it the "1-8-7-7 kars for kids song."


    There could be someone out there with garages and garages crammed full of cars trying to give them to all the kids, but he's dialing 1-877-Kars-For-Kids so he can't get through.


    That was just something that concerned me as a newcomer to the Kars4Kids phenomenon. Personally I think this needs to be remedied next time they do a remix.


    I have had this thought since I first heard this commercial a couple years ago!


    Also, we had a dog that would howl every time Steve Miller's The Joker would come on the radio- only at the "whistle" part that comes after the "Some people call me Maurice." We listened to the local classic rock station in the shop, so this was a daily occurrence.
