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Status Updates posted by loubot

  1. thanks new itunes for reminding me i bought Europe's greatest hits

  2. whoa copelanddd

  3. ok i finished laying out a sappy comic. the text makes me wanna barf tho

  4. nah chill, boardwalk empire! RT @AlphaGirlComics: Who is excited for Walking Dead tonight? #weare

  5. part3 3/4 of my shawtiez comic ! http://t.co/39jGPCyb

  6. "photoshop quit unexpectedly" nah, i expected it

  7. On this morning commute, I am thinking about what each Monopoly piece might symbolize. Note to google later.

  8. Yo where the 1 item or less line at

  9. i'm rewatching undeclared on netflix, and i enjoy the early 2000s wardrobe on the show

  10. Bummed that the last ep of undeclared is out of continuity. They should have rearranged it

  11. A panel from my story in Girls Night Out. Check out the Kick Starter and help us out! http://t.co/czqgVtNc

  12. gyp rosetti rydaz

  13. no snacks no peace

  14. Ooh snow in Springfield

  15. who wants a fake store in this panel filled with buildings

  16. felton bang banggg

  17. these grapes are too soury

  18. Wanna read this freaks and geeks article but hate reading long texts on a computer

  19. i just want to redraw everything

  20. sames RT @chemicalcolour: hungry constantly, is this a winter thing?

  21. sporadic income life style

  22. i wanna watch the espn 30 for 30 bo jackson thing
