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Posts posted by jimkiler

  1. I loved Running Man when it came out and then I tried to watch it years later and i could not believe how much of a piss poor performance every in it gives. But i still have good feelings for this movie even though it is not good. Apparently back in the day yours movies could suck eggs and still make lots of money and be considered good.

  2. Hey we made the 100 replys mark, how many days has it been... anyone counting? we are not going to let you walk away from this paul, jason and june.


    Why not just listen to the Yeah Its That Bad podcast on this horrible movie? Those guys were just as entertaining to listen to as HDTGM. Too bad they closed up shop.

  3. On the surface, it might appear to be any run of the mill sci-fi fan-service boob-fest, but underneath that tasteless veneer, there is actually a really really bad film going on.


    Features a peculiar time travel mechanic...that the film itself can't keep straight...and never manages to utilize. Questionable morality of a story played so earnestly it's clear the writer was entirely unaware of the disturbing creep factor. Not that he doesn't attempt to make it creepy, it's just the underlying creepy bit at it's center seems to fly over the writer's own head.


    Unapologetic racism and misogyny are always best when the one presenting is unaware they are on display. "But you said boobs and fan-service in your first sentence. Of course it's aware." No...no it isn't.


    Most of the WTF moments are derived from character motivations, how straight and natural these motivations are played, and how exactly it reflects on the writer and exactly what the point of this story is.


    A character witnesses the encroaching 'loop' in which he observes himself observing a nude body sushi woman perform a flying Lui Kang kick across a room sending a kid crashing into a chinet cabinet. You must understand, he had to see this event from not 10 minutes earlier happen a second time before he recalled it. THAT'S what the off screen commotion was earlier in the film?! Why isn't the movie about this body sushi performer?!


    It's streaming on Netflix at the moment.


    Is it wrong that i added this film to netflix after watching the trailer? But seeing the netflix consensus rating i knew it was not as good as I expected.

  4. i think you can dedicate a full episode just on the trailer for this movie




    aaron eckhart deserves to be in better movies than this...


    all of those actors do...


    Agreed, the trailer alone makes this look as good as Hansel and Gretel. Maybe a double feature for HDTGM for both movies will happen?

  5. This movie is a mess as others stated but i watched it late at night and loved it the same.


    This movie has an identity crises, it starts out as horror with the supernatural backstory. Then it goes into military mode and finally becomes a thriller where they have to stop the bad guy. Yet this movie is so creative and unique that I feel compelled to enjoy it. Seeing the fight inside someone's brain is truly original.

  6. I heard the story a little differently. The way I heard it, he knew his time was limited, so he let his kids choose the role. (The fact that it probably paid very well didn't hurt, either.) Incidentally, of all six or so video game-based movies I've seen in my life, this is probably my favorite*. It's so over-the-top and looney that I can't help but love it as a comedy, which I suspect is partly what the filmmakers intended. * The only decent competitor is "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within." Go ahead and make fun of my terrible taste.


    How could you like Street Fighter over such quality as Super Mario Brothers? /sarcasm.

  7. I agree 100%. This movie is the poster child for "so bad, it's good" and the music just sticks in your head. So many things to love about this movie. ShoNuff has been mentioned. But can we also mention that Bruce Leroy is so stereotypically Chinese that he eats popcorn with chopsticks. oh and he can chop arrows in midflight and catch bullets with his teeth. William h. Macy is in this movie. I can't stop please review this one!!!!!


    The music sticks in your head because Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown records, produced this movie.

  8. I saw this theaters, there must have only been 5 theaters total playing this NC-17 movie. I never really felt like i undestood the story or theme of the movie unlike most Cronenberg movies like Videodrome or ExistenZ. But i do have a lot of respect for Cronenberg regardless. Did anyone see the movie his son directed, Antiviral? Definitely felt like he is following his dad's footsteps.

  9. This was possibly the most confusing movie trailer I have ever seen. Also the music felt like it was from a fighting game that no one remembers, like World Heroes or Art of Fighting, but worse.


    Wait till you see the movie. Just like Sleepaway camp this spawned 3 sequels that i never knew existed until I checked the wikipedia last week.
