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Posts posted by bigicecream

  1. Anyone kind of bummed that the episodes after the recent CBB bump haven't been that great/accessible? Anything to help the show gain popularity is great in my book, I just want the guys to have listeners who stick around.


    Also, I'm new to the forum but have been listening since the start. "'mmm, yes, speak on that" etc.


    Am I part of the forum now?!?! I want the pro version so bad

    • Like 7

  2. Understandable @FUCK! But you can definitely tell how he's so successful - his energy, enthusiasm and intelligence drew in all 3 other people in the room. Almost instantly they all wanted to impress him and learn from him.


    I really admire someone like Giancarlo and I think it's a fun change from the normal "working creative"-types who are the normal Whooch guests.


    Having said that if we're gonna have some one on who knows Howard then I want Brody Stevens 100 times out of 100.

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  3. There were a lot of interesting points brought up and it's really given me food for thought. I just wish they got different points of view from different experts - perhaps futurologists or scientists or economists, not just an editor of a listicle website.


    I was a bit wary of this podcast when it came out but it's really grown into something interesting and is a great addition to the Earwolf network.

  4. I've now heard Shelby on Analyze Fish, The Fogelnest Files and Comedy Bang Bang. So.....her whole shtick is that she's young and doesn't know about a lot of things that older people know about? That's fun. :) El Chupacabra: "Sarcasm!"


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I mean good on her for her success, but I'm just wondering how she gets in the same room as top-tier comedians like PFT on Analyze Fish and Horatio Sanz on this show. She has a shit ton of potential but it just seems a bit premature in my opinion.


    But then again, Scott is successful and chose to have her on the show meanwhile I am sitting in a cubicle commenting on others success. /end discussion.

  5. Love that you guys are giving Mac Demarco exposure (and exposure to all these other great bands), but it's "Ode to Viceroy," not "Victory." Check out his videos on Pitchfork - he's got that star factor, for sure.


    Great show guys! I just got back from vacation, so I love having a bunch of episodes to catch up on.
