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Posts posted by ZARATHUSTRA

  1. I'm really happy I woke up and read Paul's messages. I'm constantly blown away by how much effort Paul puts into communicating with the listeners. I have faith Paul will do what is best for the podcast.


    Vis-a-vis the Howl thing, I think people misinterpret the issue. It doesn't matter how cheap Howl is, people inherantly don't want to hand over money for things online. It's a hurdle for new listeners especially. Doesn't matter how low the hurdle is, most people won't jump it. How many times have you been one of those file hosting sites and paid for membership to download without the wait timer? No one does that shit.


    It's not a matter of not loving these podcasts and being grateful to the people who make them. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. There just doesn't seem to be a good business reason, so it seems like it will just restrict access. It inhibits people's ability to share and spread the podcast and for new people to get into it and expand the commmunity and listenership. That means less growth which means less advertising revenue. I don't think the attitude "well if you don't want to pay for old podcasts you're not a big enough fan" or "get them somewhere else" is helpful. This Howl thing isn't much of a hurdle for regulars but for new people, and I love this podcast too much for it to be stunted by that. Excluding listeners, even if its more of a psychological than (relative) financial hurdle is just going to hurt the podcast.

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  2. Hey all. I don't post on the boards too often but trust me when I say I'm a hardcore fan of HDTGM, plus I'm Greek so I think that makes me the Jason of this group... Last night I was preparing a long post on the whole paywall debacle. A post which I thankfully did not finish because after listening to Paul's intro for this ep it had to be revised.


    I'm sure if one does enough digging they can find scattered episodes online. In fact I'm pretty sure an HDGTM torrent is being compiled as we speak. But if we can learn something from this is that a show like this deserves better preservation (even if they do come up with a solution as Paul alluded to in this ep's intro)! And it's been painfully demonstrated that it's up to us, the fans, to preserve it. So here's my proposal: a dropbox folder of a curated archive that is easy for everyone to access and could be updated every week. Obviously not an easy task but surely nothing HDTGM fans cannot handle. If I knew that such an archive existed I would honestly sleep a little better. I would probably not even access it, just be happy to know my favourite show rests safely within my grasp.


    If only a hardcore fan would volunteer to perform such task...


    I got you brother.


    This youtube channel has the episodes and mini-episodes from Burlesque to Timothy Green #54.




    There's alot of others, I found that one with 10 seconds of googling.


    I also have a few original files saved from episodes I relisten to alot. Its far from complete but its got alot of the classics.




    I'm also a fairly heavy listener like you and often re-dowload episodes I haven't saved. I'm gonna fill in the gaps from youtube. It just seems like this Howl thing punishes the new listeners. If you just found HDTGM you'd want to listen to all of them and get all the running jokes. If you just discovered it you're not going to pay for Howl. All its gonna do is put off new listeners and make current listeners hoard episodes. It doesn't really make business sense.


    I assume someone has a more complete collection than me so I would sleep easy.


    Also nice to know I'm not the only non-American.

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  3. I don't agree fully with the hate, I appreciate that these are free podcasts and even with advertisements someone has to pay for everything. For regular listeners like myself this won't change much apart from keeping the episodes I download. The concern is more for new listeners. If you just discovered CBB or HDTGM or something you'd want to go back and listen to understand in-jokes and catch up on all the content already there. That's the first thing I did. I don't think a new listener is going to do that if there's a paywall. So its just punishing the new people and that's bad business. Plus this is 2017. Someone will put it on youtube or someplace else. I just don't see how this makes sense financially or for the listeners.


    Also please put the missing episodes of Jeff Garlin's show back up. I have no idea why half of them were taken down a year or so ago.

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  4. I thought Blake Plissken's joke was "I thought you'd be taller" from the movie on Jason as "I thought you'd be funnier". I got the reference, everyone seemed to take it as an insult. I feel bad for him, I thought it was pretty funny.


    Funny episode, guests were great. Bizarre to listen to though as i still dont think this movie is bad. I didnt notice the CGI at all, let alone how shit it was. it wasn't like Spy Kids where its prominent, it was mostly background.


    I liked all the LA specifics, the plastic surgery reminded me of Bioshock. Alot of this was Carpenter turning around these specifics and throwing it back at us and i really liked that. Plastic surgery becomes a wierd cult bent on collecting fresh human parts. Basketball becomes execution/entertainment like the gladiators in the first film. Surf culture becomes a 60s actor surfing a mini tsunami. Steve Bushemi is the annoying LA agent trope who still thinks he is even after an apocalypse. The slow driveby was also hilarious, reminded me alot of the Futurama episode where Fry gets trapped in an post-apocalyptic wasteland that turns out to be present day LA. I've never been to LA so its probably a different viewing experience if youre actually from there.

    I dunno, this movie worked for me. Maybe it's just Kurt Russel. i think with any other actor it probably wouldnt. but with him this movie adds up for me. i don't have a childhood connection to this, i only saw it last week, but I like these kinds of movies. you cant make them anymore. You couldnt make Big Trouble now. It would be too serious or overtly winking at the camera. It reminded me of the era of the first Mummy movies and Pierce Brosnan's Bonds and stuff like that. I like this movie because of all the stuff they talked about. not in spite of it. Compared to the seriousneess of shit like Suicide Squad. Theres no fun to it, everythings too slick.


    I think this movie could have been really great if they only had like $10 million. It would have been grittier and cooler like the first movie. John Carpenter makes better movies with less money.





    Also I appreciate Paul addressing the back catalogue issue. If anyone is worried the old ones are on youtube including most of the deleted episodes like Smurfs, Green Lantern etc.

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  5. i have a confession .. i haven't even seen escape form New York ... it's shameful i know. do i need to watch it before LA ... will LA spoil the original?


    I would recommend seeing Escape from New York first, even though they're barely connected. Don't ruin your introduction to Snake Plissken. The first movie is genuinely fantastic, I think it's Carpenters best film and the soundtrack is awesome. I saw it again recently and it holds up really well. It's shot like a noir, plus Harry Dean Stanton is in it.


    To be honest I don't think Escape From LA is bad, its not as good as NY but it's fun as hell and the premise is more believable than the first movie's, especially in light of recent political happenings.


    Also any movie with Kurt Russel is worth watching. Even in bad movies he's good. His hair deserves an Academy Award.



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  6. The directors commentary is fascinating, I think when they keep saying "we were young" they mean we took alot of cocaine. I assumed when I watched it that it was a black comedy. It's so absurd I never got a horror vibe. He's clearly just having a mental break.


    I gotta see Army of One now. Larry Charles is always good.

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  7. False.


    That's one of those movies all my friends tried to get me to see in high school. "Oh, you're into violent indie films. Boondock Saints is the best! You'll love it!"


    I bought it on VHS for $4 at a Blockbuster Video (yes, that's a very old and outdated sentence). And I hated every second of it. I love genre film, but that one just feels like someone watched Tarantino and was like, "Oh, I'm going to do that but without any of the story elements or characterization that makes early Tarantino interesting."


    "Well, what will you replace it with?"


    "I don't know. Just add in even more fucks. IT'LL BE HILARIOUS!"


    I think its for me a bit like Bloodsport; I know its poorly written and there are alot of really obvious elements that take you out of the narrative, but when you see it when you're younger you don't notice, and when older you can enjoy it ironically or just the fun of it where you don't care about the crap. It's in that sweet spot of something that's trying but not quite getting there, but the sincerity of trying comes through. Which I guess is the charm of alot of older action movies. There's a documentary somewhere about the director, who had never done anything in film before, he just wrote a one off script and got given a shitload of money and control and went mental. And the movie feels like that: a fever dream of some Irish Catholic assassins killing all the bad guys. It's not The Departed, but its not supposed to be deeper than that. I loved Machete for the same reason, same with Shoot Em Up or Punisher Warzone. They work cause it doesn't stink of irony or 'im above this' like Lake Placid and alot of other films do. They know what they are and they just do it and its fun.


    Plus Willem Dafoe is insane in it, even without a murder apron.

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  8. I watch most of the movies but this looks bad bad, I think I might sit this one out. Glad I didn't watch Boy Next Door. I also literally didn't know that guy was in anything but Boondock Saints.

    Hopefully HDTGM never does that movie cause its straightup awesome.


    We need to make a list of bad movies HDTGM should never do, I still have a really strong emotional attachment to The Master of Disguise and if HDTGM ever do it I'm gonna be heartbroken.


    For themes, I don't think anything even comes close to Cowboy Bebop and I will literally fight anyone who says otherwise. They play that shit live and people still see it, it works as a song and a theme and ima go watch it now its so awesome



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  9. Regarding dongs, this




    is still nowhere near as homoerotic at Rocky 4





    which is nowhere near as homoerotic as all-male shirtless jeans volleyball to the sultry sounds of Kenny Loggins singing "Playing With The Boys"




    So I think the PG dongs wasn't too hard to get away with, given the subtle narrative of this film.

  10. They pretty much have to do Jack and Jill now. This is like the third time its been mentioned on the show and June mentioned it on DLM before. That film is retarded. Fucking Adam Sandler doing Glen or Glenda, which was already mental. I don't know if there's a thread for it in Movie Recommendations but it must be done on the show soon. WHY HASN"T IT ALREADY BEEN DONE?
