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Posts posted by ABadIdol

  1. Botches can be great, but a 1 in 20 chance to almost die is a tad ridiculous.


    It sounds like with their botch system you only almost die if you roll a 1/20 and then the DM rolls over a 75/100 (or 15/20) and if i remember my stats right that is only a 3/400 chance. Otherwise it is just a solid fail.

  2. I have used Roll20 with my old gaming group and it worked great.


    When playing live I use an ipad with i4e for my character sheet and DMTools for DMing, both seem to work great and I have not yet found any alternatives that were better.

  3. Having watched a lot of sitcoms over the years, I'd love for a perception botch while eavesdropping to be that it leads to a huge misunderstanding of the situation. The listener gets the exact opposite impression of the speakers intention, Don Knotts style.
    I agree! We always play that any botched roll makes for some unintended outcome. Makes for fun RP.