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Posts posted by clancy

  1. Clancy you're being an Amarth Apologist!



    You are correct sir! I'm busted. :-)


    In all seriousness though...I agree these are not the acts of a good alignment, but it sure is entertaining! I can't even call them the acts an enraged barbarian since he seems to shout his catch phrase battle cry with child-like glee, "Fuck Yeah!".


    Where is that version of "Of Mice and Men"...Lennie strokes her hair, but as she realizes his Goliath strength begins to scream. Lennie quickly and calmly snaps the woman's soft neck, leans back his head and cries, "Fuck Yeah!". Lennie now stands before the lynch mob. Roll for initiative.

    • Like 6


    I just can't see how a semi-retarded goliath, raised from birth by terrorist vikings to be a bloodthirsty killing machine, turned out "good".



    He did say he wanted to put the guy out of his misery. So maybe to Amarth's people a pitiful creature crying like a bitch needs to be dispatched to meet his God before he shames himself out of his seat at the table in the Heavenly Mead Hall where stories of epic battles are traded between fellow warriors. The initial act itself was then in fact good. Being denied that just flared his temper.

    • Like 3

  3. As much as I like to do business with my local gaming stores, I went with Amazon and picked up the Pathfinder Beginner set. It was in fact only $23 bucks (with gift card - free!). Followed the amazon link on Nerd Poker's front page, so hopefully they'll get their 5/8 of a penny. :-) Now the wait for Mr. Mailman!

    • Like 1


    Best of luck and I hope and believe you're going to have an amazing time. :D


    Thanks Winterborn! All of that info helps and I'll be checking out all of the links instead of working, shhhh. ;-) I'm pretty sure this is the product I'm going to try first, but I love doing the beforehand research.

  5. While I have played other systems, most of my experience with role-playing was with the 2nd edition AD&D books. We played all through high school and college. My first DM was my friend's dad who had been playing since the 70's. He modified the rules a lot and much of the time left out aspects of 2nd edition in favor of playing how he had always done.


    I still regularly tabletop game, but it's been a long time since I played a straight up paper and pencil rpg. This show and other podcasts have rekindled my love of the game so I'm shopping for something new. I've been reading what people have said in other posts and I'm interested to see what people have to say here.


    I'm currently leaning towards the Pathfinder Beginners box. Then if I like it, moving to the full books. My experience was almost always as a player. This time around I will most likely need to take the reins and be the DM.

  6. ♫~Sir Richard was a hero

    to many a comely lass

    little'd they know

    he lost his arm

    inside a Dragonborn's ass~♫


    ♫~But he'll sing and fight

    and do what's right

    and bed many a young male whore

    to rest his eyes

    just once again

    on his beloved Glinishmore~♫


    This is great! I went home thinking he had said his name was Sir Roger...now I can't stop thinking of this when I read posts about him...and yes Internet, I know the song is Sir Robin, not Roger. :-)


  7. May I suggest something that will require mixing player knowledge and character knowledge. This is for Posehn. If you find out that Gerry needs to leave again, please unleash that epic Deep Purple move on Sir Richard and send him to meet his God! Then do a little air guitar over his dead body (but clumsily).


    I love to hate Paladins or overly noble characters if that isn't what he is playing. After all of the talk about Gerry's past characters, I'm very happy this is what he brought to the table. Should be very entertaining!

  8. I'd pick this one, and dedicate it to Gerry.


    I was listening to High on Fire this morning. After you said this, I get an image of Gerry's character sinking to his death when this song plays...and that is awesome! I also had an image of Posehn's character standing atop a mountain like some barbarian god, hurling bolts of lightning.

  9. This one is a bit of a long one. The Alchemist from the Swedish band Witchcraft! Perfect band to play while setting up a new dungeon/campaign. Go ahead, light some candles, you know you want to. If you dig these guys, also be sure to dig back and check out Pentagram!


  10. What edition would you (or anyone else reading this) suggest for a first time group?


    In addition to what Chaosound said above...if you look into Pathfinder and feel it sounds cool to you, they have a beginner box set for that as well. I never moved past 2nd edition AD&D, so I can't say if it's good or not. I've looked into Pathfinder as an option and it looked interesting. Worth doing some research. Best thing about an intro box set would be if everyone is new it's nice to have something designed just for that. I would imagine they include helpful info for the starting DM as well as players. Whatever you do, get ready to have a blast! I think it's so cool that the podcast is getting people into tabletop gaming regardless of age.

    • Like 1


    This is another song I love that fits D&D. The ending alone...



    Very fitting. I was going to say, "especially since Cliff Burton was a D&D player". Found this, so if the internet isn't lying...


    "Ktulu was the name of a Dungeons and Dragons character used by Cliff Burton - as stated in Metallica's book "So What". Just a random piece of information."


    - Jamie, Noel Shore, Canada


    Other than that I think Saxon's Frozen Rainbow/ Rainbow Theme is a good one



    Everything you said about Maiden...spot on. I fucking kid you not, I dropped this Saxon record on the turntable after work just last night. I was getting things ready for a game to coincide with that http://www.tabletopday.com/ Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day started. Anyway, was a great record to spin while doing that and when I saw your post...simpatico dude!

  13. I have a new segment idea. I would love to hear Sark's thoughts/notes on creating the story. I'm interested to know what inspired the water elementals. Sark, where do you get your ideas and how much of the story is prepared before hand and made up on the spot?


    Toss this question into the forum topic, "Questions for Sark" and there is a good chance you'll get an answer.

  14. Iron Maiden. Goes well with any fantasy. One of my friends has been seriously into them since we were like 12, and now calls their brand of metal "Quest Metal."


    First of all, throwing up the horns for your friend. Not only because he's a fellow Maiden fan, but because I LOVE when people make up their own genre names. "Quest Metal", I dig that and may have to steal it! Man I'd rather be at an Iron Maiden show right about now. Granted I'm at work. I'd rather literally be in a fucking Iron Maiden. At least the new Nerd Poker is up!

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  15. Hopefully Amarth will survive this epic tale, so he may then "come to know the pleasures of women, when he is bred to the finest stock". Granted if they don't get out of this tower soon and get to a tavern he may start longing for the Beer Hall of Valhalla!


    A little Mötorhead on this Nerd Poker Eve!


  16. Play anything you want, that's cool, but 4e has only the past and no "future" (material).


    I believe this group will more likely move away from something resembling "by the book" 4th edition. Whether they change systems all together, who knows. I know I saw Sark at least mention the possibility in a post somewhere. As for 4th going away...I think as long as there is a strong community still playing, even if the company halts production, you will see a steady flow of new material generated by fans. ...and of course as others mentioned above, you can continue to generate your own material until the end of (your) time.

  17. Start a new game system (DnD Next, Pathfinder or whatever) and leave behind the 4e system. That ship has sailed in the RPG world. All new material produced in the future will be moving to 5e and I would like to see NP leading rather than following.


    I wanted to say thanks for mentioning D&D Next. Being someone that still dusts off the old 2nd edition manuals, I don't really pay attention to what the company is currently up to. Because you mentioned it I looked into the D&D next playtest. They just released a new version of the playtest packet yesterday. At the very least I'm finding it interesting. Haven't decided if I'll try and set up a game or not.


    Frankly I'm just glad Sark modifies 4th edition to his liking. I've heard other podcasts that heavily focus on the rules, tiles, and miniatures. It just sounds like they are playing a board game.

  18. When they started talking about "Present Day Kelly LeBrock" I instantly thought of this mockumentary from 2006. Gamers.




    It's worth a watch, especially with a group of fellow tabletop gamers. The fact that 2006 Kelly LeBrock is playing the MILF character is hilarious. I have to imagine if you don't know who she is, you're watching it like, "what the fuck?! I don't care if you are virgin nerds, keep your dick out of that!!!". I wanted to tease a scene with a cameo from William Katt that is especially funny, but couldn't find it. Internet! Shakes fist!
