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Posts posted by clancy

  1. What would life be without music? I'm probably as big a fan of music as I am sci-fi/fantasy/role-playing. It seemed like a good idea to get an ever-growing soundtrack going here in the forum. There are a lot of songs that I really feel like listening to when I'm in a heavy role-playing mindset. I'd love to see others share the music they associate with their gaming lifestyle!


    Thought I'd kick things off with Blue Öyster Cult's "Black Blade", from the 1980 album "Cultösaurus Erectus". Lyrics penned by sci-fi writer Michael Moorcock. A song about Elric of Melniboné's sword Stormbringer.

  2. Great band. Saw them in Glasgow a few years ago w/ Biomechanical. Tore it up.


    Got to see them a few times here in Portland. They've come down and opened for some great bands and I've always felt if the main band had to cancel, I would have left satisfied from their set. I always make a point to blare some 3 Inches of Blood on Nerd Poker day!

  3. Hey Sark,


    I was just curious if you or this group of players have felt hindered in any way by knowing everything is being recorded and sent out into the world? Have you noticed any change in play styles or does everyone feel fairly comfortable? I can imagine taking something as intimate as gathering around a table to "face to face" game could easily be interrupted when you throw a bunch of microphones and equipment into the mix. Or possibly you're all just natural D&D pornstars?


    Love the podcast and really dig your DM style! Thanks!

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  4. Dropping some Blackstreet Posehn?! That's even less metal than NOT crushing the skulls of thy prisoners! :-) Speaking of the Prisoner, RIP Clive Burr! Now I'm going to crawl into a corner, suck on my thumb, and question my own metalness for quickly knowing what he was singing. I'm also loving them taking shots at "the Internet". Great episode this week!

  5. I love when Sark pointed out, "sound the alarm...or they could just continue on to work where they were headed!".


    I can't wait to see how Gerry will be reintroduced into the game. I have to imagine it will be similar to a scene in the movie, "The Gamers".


    The Gamemaster: Guys, please! I want you to roleplay this. Remember you've never met this guy before, the last guys you met tried to kill you, and you're standing in the ruins of an evil, cursed castle. Just act appropriately.

    Magellan: Hello, I'm Magellan, a traveling mage. I notice your group has no wizard.

    Rogar, the Barbarian: You seem trustworthy. Would you care to join us in our noble quest?

    Magellan: Yes. Yes I would.


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  6. That story about the barbarian and the bear skin in "Shit that happened in past games" segment reminded me of an old character of mine. We had this guy in our party who was walking around with this trained monkey. I don't know if it was how he kept talking about the monkey, that I was jealous he had a monkey, or he kept having this monkey snag all the treasure (which he did!)...point is for some reason my character HATED this fucking monkey. So I passed a note to the DM that simply said, "I kill the fucking monkey!". DM does some rolling and announces what I have done. I swear I thought this guy was going to cry. So he stuffs the dead monkey in his bag. About a half hour later I pass a note, "I want to pickpocket the dead monkey". Success. Another half hour goes by, another note, "I fashion the monkey into a hat.". So the DM whispers, "you can't really make a hat". I whisper, "no...just slice, gut, on my head, monkey hat". When the DM announced, "you all notice that Lothar (or whatever character, I can't recall) is wearing a bloody monkey carcass on his head with a giant smile on his face, I can't describe the rage on my buddies face. I wore that monkey cap till the bloody end of that character.

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  7. I would love to hear the occasional bonus pod that was nothing but a one hour "Crazy Shit that Happened in Past D&D Games". That Top Secret SI story was awesome. If anyone wants to know what would happen to Posehn if he actually played, just watch the classic Tom Hank's cautionary tale, "Mazes and Monsters"!

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  8. So now that the cat's out of the bag on these comments and I won't be spoiling anything - the purpose of the hooks was actually to kill him and not capture him? He was being dragged down to the other... half-sphere?... just because he'd die on the way? I guess I assumed he'd be dragged into it and survive the way Mildred did.


    It sounded like one of the hooks had got his leg pretty bad. So I don't know if the intent was to kill him. As was said before, Sark seemed rather shocked by his last action. I loved the character and his roleplaying, but if he's rolling up another...I can't wait!

  9. I think this is my favorite episode yet. It really shows how great of a DM Sark is and how fun he makes the game. He's awesome at keeping the game together even with a group of players who make tons of WTF choices (don't we all players). Posehn's Viking Voice interaction had me laughing to the point of tears. "I SAID where'd you take that naked asshole and the bear?!" I loved the roleplaying of Ell Ryan at the end of this episode.

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