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Posts posted by qrter

  1. That little pickup artist addendum to the show was one of the weirdest things I've heard on the podcast. I'm just not used to the Blastoff crew reacting that directly to listener response, which means said listener response must indeed have been pretty substantive.


    David telling off the listeners was a bit mean, I felt - ofcourse I agree that people shouldn't harrass the pickup artist guy online, but it has been actually kind of heartwarming to see all my fellow Blastronauts come together to say in unison "hey, that guy was quite a creep".

    • Like 1


    I definitely understood his first grievance 100% despite not having spent a lot of time in LA, so I don't know why Tig and Kyle acted like he was speaking another language.

    I thought David was being perfectly reasonable, too.


    Bodyrapping still makes me laugh like a drain, it never gets old (".. from my bo-ho-dy.."). The backwards rapping is exceptional.


    You might be onto something. This week's description starts with this, which I suppose may or may not mean anything - "We are back in the comfort of the hatch yet again on this week’s Professor Blastoff!"

    Funnily enough, 'this week's description' is from two years ago - it's the intro text from 2013 episode nr. 113, which is also about transgender issues.

  4. Jimmy's 9/11 jokes, for example, don't ridicule victims of terrorism, but the cult of jingoism and grief one-upmanship that sprung up after the fact.

    This is why it always drives me mad when Jimmy says nobody complains about them joking about 9/11.. because you're not joking about 9/11!


    Always surprises me that a professional comedian doesn't seem to recognise that nuance.

  5. I have to say, although I get that Whitney wants to avoid talking smack about other people, her prepared answers sound exactly like that - prepared answers. Worse, they sound like obvious therapy-speak, which makes them sound insincere.


    I'm with David - sometimes it's just good fun to complain about someone (up to a degree, ofcourse), and having someone say something like "he/she must be in a lot of pain" would come off as a bit ridiculous to me.

  6. The moment he mentioned Neuro-Linguistic Programming I knew exactly what kind of person we have here..


    Remember the 90s craze of feigning self-actualisation through running over burning coals on bare feet..? You can thank NLP for that. And that was just the beginning. You'll have a hard time finding an NLP adept that doesn't have a strong whiff of the huckster or confidence trickster around him or her.


    As a general rule - anytime someone uses the word 'programming' outside of IT, be very, very weary.

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    I don't think I'm willing to go that far, but I will say Tig can be a bit of a bully at times and sometimes quite cruel.

    Ah, sorry, I wasn't being very clear in my original post - I wasn't talking about Tig, that was about Rebecca Corry.


    Tig is a delight (although a bit strange, in this episode).

  8. You guys didn't think the whole 'midget' talk was awkward?

    Yep. Rebecca Corry was on an episode of Never Not Funny a couple of years ago, when it was still behind their paywall, and she told the exact same story about the little person standing next to her, etc. She then went on an about a 5-minute 'anti-midget' rant, which was extremely uncomfortable to listen to. It was supposed to be funny, but it just sounded really, really mean. It's one of the few times I've seen regular NNF listeners turn against a guest. Jimmy Pardo even referenced it the next episode, taking the defensive position.


    I thought she was terrible then, and I think she is awful now.

  9. I think the whole "alcoholism is not a disease" thing is annoying because the hosts just wade into a real scientific discussion without any actual knowledge, and then half-assedly say they don't "believe" in it. This isn't about believing or not, it's about weighing actual facts and coming to a scientific plausible conclusion.


    Ofcourse I don't expect Tig, David and Kyle to do this for every subject, but then it also wouldn't hurt to once in a while say "hey, I don't know nearly enough about this particular thing, I can't make that judgment call."

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  10. wizardoz-thumb.jpg


    Seems like the "Of" is completely omitted (or super tiny). Wonder if that was a real book cover or not.


    The "of" is very small, and half a line lower than 'wizard' and 'oz'.. You can sort of see it here, eventhough the picture is quite unclear:




    I have a real soft spot for Zardoz. Sure, the film is batshit insane, but there's something mesmerising about it, and I kind of like that it tried to do something ridiculously overambitious.

  11. I used to be a big fan of the podcast, it was on my list of 'listen instantly after downloading' podcasts, but I stopped listening months ago.


    For me the problem turned out to be that there seemed to be no stakes for this new group of adventurers - which is just another way to say 'directionless', I suppose. I think it didn't help how the group of characters came together. At the time there didn't seem to be any reason for these characters to be together, and then to continue to travel together. Perhaps that has improved since then, I wouldn't know.


    And let's not mythologise Sark's DM-ing - there have been plenty of Sark episodes that felt like they were 90% of Sark talking and the players hardly doing anything. I believe Blaine is a more than competent DM, the campaign perhaps has a structural weakness because of the lack of goals/stakes.


    And I've always been a huge fan of the tangents, btw, they're an essential part of the fun of playing the game.


    And just to be clear - I'm not saying any of this to take away any of the enjoyment current listeners are having - more power to you. :)

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  12. It aired in 2011 and it looks like there was only one season, but it was really good.


    I thought it didn't work on a really fundamental level - the whole show revolves around whether Penn and Teller could explain how the illusions were achieved, yet they then literally could then not explain it to the audience, because they didn't want to destroy the contestants' source of income by "unmasking" their processes.


    Which is completely understandable, but also basically made the show about contestants doing their acts and P&T then saying "we got it" or "we're baffled", without further explanation. Not the most riveting television.

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