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Everything posted by denimgremlin

  1. denimgremlin

    Episode 65 โ€” The Cavern Explosion

    hearing brian saying how he was telling his wife about how much he was enjoying playing damian made me tear up
  2. denimgremlin

    Episode 274 โ€” Oh, Golly!

    i was, especially since the other characters name was Gil, it seemed like twice as much chance for that joke
  3. denimgremlin

    Episode 274 โ€” Oh, Golly!

    you could make the case for team good though by saying that in his mind he's not killing people he's slaying vampires and mummies
  4. denimgremlin

    Character Drawings

    theres some fucking incredible drawings of the whole party on the earwolf blog i just found by someone named page branson, i dont think they've been posted here so i'm passing them on http://pagebranson.tumblr.com/post/76865928327/nerd-poker-is-a-d-d-podcast-that-i-adore-so-i
  5. YES! jake finally used one of the clips i submitted, Bad Luck 13 is amazing I was in the jersey hardcore scene around then and i feel like every kid had some crazy bad luck 13 show story, whether they actually were at a show or not
  6. ok so I'm glad theres a forum here for me to be a total weird geek right now, cause as soon as i heard there were going to be new star wars movies i couldn't help but start coming up with ideas of what i'd like to see. so here's my rediculous idea for a star wars sequal After the death of the Emperor and the destruction of the 2nd death star in return of the jedi most of the non-clone Imperial Navy and such fight it out of a short time but eventually surrender to the Rebellion but the Stormtrooper's who have been raised from birth and condition to never give up their posts continue to fight on, like those stories you hear about Japanese soldiers in WWII who never left the jungle because they never got a surrender order. so the war continues on with rogue Stormtroopers for like another ten years until the the rebellion/new republic, now lead by princess leia, decides to unleash a new secret weapon, a genetic bioweapon, like the Legacy Virus from X men, specifically designed to target one genetic make up, Jango Fett, there by only affecting the clones and effectively wiping them out of existence, a clone holocaust, this causes a rift to for between Leia and Luke, Leia has become much ore ruthless after years of leading the rebellion and fighting, and Luke who's been training the first new class of jedi's has gotten more and more peaceful, after his experiences on the death star, watching his father die and seeing what hate and anger and violence can do to a person, this causes luke to disband the new jedi order and go into self imposed exile. meanwhile the genetic weaopn works almost perfectly, 99% of the clones are wiped out in an instant and the war is finally over. the 1% who arn't killed are forced to scatter to the far corners of the galaxy and go into hiding, unaware that the weapon has altered their dna. fast forward 20 years or so, the clones in hiding have set themselves up on various planets, assumed new identities and in most cases started families, their kids would all be in their late teens early twenties, and they children of the clones all start having weird dreams and visions, feeling drawn to some planet they've never been to before, like Close Encounters, and they all start leaving on this pilgrimage to this planet, when they all get there 1000's of them, they are greeted by an old man, whos kinda all fucked up, robotic arm and burns on his face and shit, he welcomes them and calls them his brothers and sisters, it's fuckign Boba Fett! he escaped the sarlacc with the help of a apprentice sith lord and was taken back to this planet , the original home planet of the sith and had his body possesed by the spirit of an ancient sith lord, and is using some ancient force magic to draw the children of the clones of jango fett to the sith planet to form a new sith army, see the genetic weaopn fucked up their dna to create a new kind of force power that makes them invisible to jedi force senses and they can now launch a surprise attack on the new republic. phew, there's bunch more insane convoluted nonsense, maybe i'll post it later
  7. denimgremlin

    Episode 58 โ€” Change of Scenery

    if Sir Richard falls from grace does Bahamut repo his light limbs?
  8. denimgremlin

    Submit clips here!

    http://youtu.be/zSqC6Zf2GDg bad luck 13 riot extravaganza
  9. denimgremlin

    Submit clips here!

    in case you ever get dave foley on the podcast
  10. this needs to be posted here too, for any earwolf fans, there's been tons of hilarious crossovers with earwolf personalities and the best show, paul sheer calling in discussing his experiences on parana 3d springs to mind, but this is the gold standard its so funny i feel like the universe might collapse
  11. wow, just discovered this insane gem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9N3MacZfwg&feature=youtu.be
  12. seriously, this is awesome. I'm still in denial myself, It's been a constant part of my life for 10 years, it's hard to imagine its truely ending
  13. denimgremlin

    Character Drawings

    i love the little detail that the water crown now appears to be an ice crown
  14. holy shit yes! especially the the exchange between Ice T and Liz where she instantly knows he's Santer Klantz cause "everybody knows about Maldives tradition"
  15. denimgremlin

    Richard Harrow's first appearance

    no, the ghost burgers thing was a reference to another episode, cant remember which one, but the one with corddry was the first time with richard harrow, he's only been on twice
  16. denimgremlin

    Character Drawings

  17. denimgremlin

    Episode 8 โ€” Whoโ€™s Got My Goo Balls?

    hahaha i'm a bassist and an editor. oh no
  18. denimgremlin

    Episode 50 โ€” Through The Airlock

    the airlock is clearly just for the old dudes escape ship, never designed to be a docked by another ship, and what gave you the idea that their skiff is the exact ship that gets docked there? Sark said the airlock was invisible from the outside anyway, so its pretty obviously not for any random ship to dock into. why the hell would he let any ship dock ona airlock that leads to the bridge of his main ship and his fucking weird napoleon bedroom?
  19. denimgremlin

    Episode 50 โ€” Through The Airlock

    i believe there's a picture in the character drawings thread