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Posts posted by denimgremlin

  1. I think I used to get a lot more worked up about product placement, but like Lando, I've more or less given up on it. I'm not sure how things are in Ireland, FirstTimeCaller, but in America I am so inundated with ads for this or that product, that I find it more jarring when they try to use an ersatz product for something pretty common. For instance, I would be far more likely to be taken out of a movie if the characters were drinking "Lager" brand beer or "Rude Bull."


    I agree, and I think integrated marketing has made people overly sensitive to any kind of product placement. The fact that people in a film or tv universe drink Coca Cola or wear Nikes or eat at Subway, you know like people in the real world do, even if those things are placed there intentionally is totally not the same thing as like what you see on some network shows these days were they actually have dialogue with the characters extolling the virtues of the new Nissan whatever or saying the phrase "bing it" like its a real thing people say. people need to chill out, just seeing a logo on screen is not them shoving the product down your throat.

    • Like 2

  2. I don't know what it is about Brendan Fletcher, but he just shows up in the most awful, awful shit. Uwe Boll has used him several times and he's in a bunch of schlock like this movie. Does he work for cheap? Does he enjoy being on film sets with $6.50 budgets? Please get him as a guest on the podcast because I am interested.


    judging by his imdb he works a lot. I bet he makes a pretty good living. I'd guess it's either he simply can't get better parts or more than likely it's a conscious career move that gets him paid and working consistently in a business that's super hard for most working actors. He might even be getting parts, like with Uwe Boll, just straight up offered to him at this point and he can skip all the hassle of auditioning and hustling for parts. not every actor is an artist, it's his day job, and probably a pretty great one.

  3. "I'd fuck the shit out of a Vitamix"


    Holy cow, Betsy murdered it in this episode, everything about that character is hysterical to me, I almost died when she said Cogsworth was a little bitch.


    also, everyone should watch the Another Period pilot it's really really funny and the whole cast is a comedy dream team.

    • Like 10

  4. Dolores' ad was TOO SAD. I felt legitimately upset for her. I hope Mitch gets out of that coma soon :(


    p.s. after re-listening to all the eps this weekend I want someone who makes supercuts to make a supercut of all the things Paul says to almost every guest like...

    - You are not on trial here


    - Ignorance of the law...


    There are more that my brain is forgetting, but I know I can't be the only one who loves a running gag like this


    I don't know if he's said it on Spontaneanation yet but I've always loved "You're being willfully obtuse."

    • Like 4

  5. Not to mention the main character is super hot as a guy.








    I absolutely agree!


    this movie and Martha Plimpton in Goonies ruined me as a kid. Now I've grown up to be super attracted to androgynous women with short hair and attitudes and I'm doomed to accidentally hit on lesbians forever.

    • Like 2

  6. Mr Turd: all I meant was that the more advanced Balldroid should be able to kill with fewer bumping events. I don't know nothing about the life cycle management you are on about


    hahaha I know, I realized that about half way through my nerd out but I was already in to deep.

    • Like 4

  7. I guess advanced Balldroid models go lower in number (B-oid 1 is the ultimate?)


    well, R2D2 is a R series astromech droid, (one of 9 different types of R unit) and the R series seems to be the standard, even slightly out of date, at the time of the original trilogy. If the droid manufacturers continue with that naming convention then they would have to eventually start using double letters after Z units. So BB-8 is actually 9 generations more advance than R2D2 let's say they introduce a new tyoe of droid every 3 years or so then BB-8 makes perfect sense.

    • Like 9

  8. Not having Jason in the last full ep made his return this week jarring.


    He made fun of an actor with a 60+ year career -- which Jason should be so lucky to have, was a complete dick to the audience -- a shtick that's more than worn itself out, called the women in the audience bitches, and just proceeded to yell over EVERYONE -- audience and hosts alike.


    If I have to choose between not having June at a live show or not having Jason, I'll kick Jason out any day.


    Someone take the cocaine away from him before the live shows PLEASE.



    • Like 9

  9. Fun fact: Until I googled it yesterday, I was not aware that Tom Leykis was a real person. Also, until I googled it today, I was not aware that Huell Howser was a real person. To be fair, I think these were regional celebrities. I had just assumed they were fictional characters.


    Every one he does is a real person. Except, Sheriff of Nottingham and Maximilian Blanc but those are just Alan Rickman and Vincent Price really.

  10. (Spoiler alert!) This post is gonna be a stone cold bummer.


    Ben touched on one of the most heartbreaking moments i've heard in any podcast. It was his appearance on the dead authors podcast when he played Roald Dahl. (this is just from my terrible memroy) He was asked a question about Dahl's apparent anti-semitism based on a quote "There's a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity ... I mean there is always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere, even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason".


    Dahl also wrote the screenplay for You Only Live Twice, a contender for the most racist Bond movie of them all, and that's not an easy feat.

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  11. Holy shit, the reference to Alan Moore's Promethea killed me. I <3 James Adomian.


    I loved that too. Though Nick Swardson's stupid Wizards of Waverly place joke kinda bummed me out. I hate when clearly one of the comedians has no idea what they're talking about so they just toss off some sort of related thing to derail the bit.

  12. so for some reason, I don't know why Itunes is fucking stupid, but the other day all my CDR/CBB's up and disappeared from my computer (same thing happen with improv4humans) 5 years worth of old podcasts completely deleted. anyway I've been trying to redownload them but in itunes it only starts at episode 66. I already know there's a bunch of those early episodes I love and will want to hear again. does anyone have any tips on where to get them? or does anyone want to send them to me some how? I know it's silly but I like being a completest and CBB is one of my most re listenable podcasts it bums me out not being able to go back and hear them again.
