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Posts posted by denimgremlin

  1. fuck... i don;t even know. it's be expressed here how silly it is for fans like us who never really knew the guy to feel so connected to him but i can't help but be deeply pained by this. some one who brought me so much happiness and who's made me laugh harder than almost anyone at times is gone, and someone who's the same age as me too, it's unreal. it's something I've been dreading ever since hearing that Pete Holmes interview and I don't want to believe it.

    • Like 9


    Jesus "Karate Chopping" Christ, man! "Tuna can dick?" I have no idea what that is, but it is the single most horrifying thing I have ever heard. I figure you mean it is short and thick, but I simply can't get the image of a dick that has sharp edges that cut your fingers or, like, a partially circumcised penis and the foreskin is just hanging on by a small bit of skin?


    Thank you for the nightmares.


    I only fuck dolphin safe tuna can dick

    • Like 1

  3. There was a couple mistakes in this movie that I was surprised to not hear mentioned. In that scene when a leather clad biker exits the bar and is revealed to be Teri Hatcher and not Kurt Russel, almost immediately after the helmet is removed Hatcher is cigarette smoke in the cops face and giving him sass. Where did this cigarette smoke come from? She had a closed helmet on literally a second before she blows the smoke. It would seem that there are only four possibilities:

    1. She was smoking a cigarette inside her closed helmet.

    2. She was smoking a cigarette and would open and close her visor any time she needed to take a drag.

    3. In the one second interval after her helmet is removed she manages to pull out a cigarette, put in her lips, light it and take a drag.

    4. She was walking around with a lit cigarette but not smoking it. She took the removal of her helmet as a first opportunity to take a drag.



    another thing about the cigarettes in that scene, Kurt Russel is on lam and part of his act to trick the cops who are looking for him is to literally flick his cigarette in the cops face!

    • Like 2

  4. I'm surprised no one mentioned the rain-drenched zip-line scene, where Kurt Russell uses his belt - which is apparently made out of adamantium since it's impervious to sheering in half from the friction - to slide down a sparks-a-flyin’ powerline.


    The slow motion run-up is great, but the moment he makes contact with the wire and doesn’t get fried is pure 80’s gold - complete with exhale musical score to let you know everything’s a-okay.


    I always wished the Mythbusters did a Tango and cash themed episode, if they did the belt zip line would have to be one of the tests.

    • Like 2

  5. Kurt Russell's boot gun. I don't even know where to start, it got a quick mention but that might be one of the most insane things in the movie. let's just for a moment ignore the fact that he only uses it once in the entire movie, i guess it's to set up that there are insane james bond like gadgets in this world so its less weird when the visit the Q lab but how the fuck does that even work? wouldn't the recoil just snap his ankle in half? also, the movie shows that Owen is terrible at hiding guns in things, he can't even install a gun in a stuffed animal without it exploding and we're to believe he can put a gun in a heel of a boot that Kurt Russell is running and jumping around in without it blowing his foot off accidentally?

    • Like 3

  6. I feel that falls under the category of........ eponymous.



    much like "Black Sabbath" by Black Sabbath from the album Black Sabbath.


    or "Iron Maiden" by Iron Maiden from the album Iron Maiden.




    or "Bad Company" by Bad Company on the album Bad Company

    • Like 3

  7. You misunderstood, I said that referring to the podcast as a whole, not just this episode. I'm not trying to be a spoiled fan, but I just feel like having musicians on comedy podcast is not why anyone listens to the show, yet it's becoming an increasingly more common thing on CBB. This is already a pretty specific somewhat niche comedy podcast, that I am a huge fan of. But when you bring in a musician , it narrows that niche even more so. Which I guess leaves fans like me less inclined to enjoy the podcast.


    how tragic for you

    • Like 7

  8. 1). Teen Witch


    This absolutely has to happen. So many cringeworthy song and dance numbers. Just google "Top That" and you'll learn everything you need to know about this movie.


    2). Ladyhawke


    Jason mentions it enough times, they have to eventually do it. The music alone oozes 80's.



    I second both of these, Teem Witch especially it's all the right kinds of bad, It would certainly provoke Sleepaway Camp levels of freaking out.

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  9. I was impressed by how funny Mike and Steve(x2) were. They fit in perfectly! C+!


    I'm curious.... how many CBB fans were big emo fans in the 90s? I loved AF, Owen, Mineral, The Promise Ring, Texas is the Reason, Cap'n Jazz... all that nonsense. Does the emo/comedy venn diagram have a huge overlap?

    I was into all that stuff too, but in my mind emo/screamo/etc. was just an extension of the punk/hardcore scene so maybe there's a connection with the alt comedy scene being kind of the punk rock of comedy at that time. I was living in Jersey when I was a teen in the early 00's and I was just as likely to go into NYC to see Assssscat as I was to go see bands play, they both felt like the same type of thing to me. Both scenes were exciting and radical and immediate, also super cheap and in the case of the UCB theater literally underground.

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