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Status Updates posted by gbri10

  1. I'm acting as though there's a #PBOparty eleven hours early, minus the tweeting. But I'm tweeting this.

  2. Oh, Jeremy Irons, Jeremy Irons, Jeremy Irons.

  3. Much #PBOparty love. It's a good ep!

  4. Trillion dollar coin? I had this idea years ago, and even I realized it was stupid.

  5. I feel like tweeting today. But I don't have anything to tweet about. So I guess I won't tweet much.

  6. Toast Results: bread: beautiful golden-brown. butter: like elephant prints in the Sahara--small, scattered, and desolate.

  7. Okay. I'm over it. In 30 seconds, according to Twitter.

  8. Leave Lance Armstrong alone. He cheated and lied and stuff. He's been stripped of his titles and banned. Who cares anymore?


    #MyLifeIn5Words Oh, that's a clever hashtag.

  10. Two Sascha Cohen episodes in a row?! @StevenEYates might be having some competition in the appearances department. @blastoffpodcast

  11. The 11 hours before the #PBOparty will test the limits of my patience, methinks. Too many distractions, yet most of them suck. #Freedom


    #PBOparty hahaha I love it. Tig's great return to standup is with stale hacky material. lol.

  13. And now I'm eating sushi and drinking Fiji water that I had bike-delivered.

  14. At Lafflines! To see @airburple, @huntsbergerjunk, and @kyledunnigan! So excited!

  15. This just in: Scientists can tell if a recently-unearthed skeleton was a dead monarch. Just saying. Oh, and sorry about the parking lot.

  16. I think life as we know it is back on the rise. Just a feeling.


    #BoringTexts @TigFansUnite Person- "Klar!" (That's literally all that's on my phone. No clue what the context was. But I don't text German.)

  18. If I loved pussy as much as @ToddGlass does, I'd be @ToddGlass.

  19. Huh. Haven't checked Twitter on my phone since Jan 18. Was greeted with inauguration speculation tweets.
