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Posts posted by Fatpossum

  1. This movie was insane. Theres a damn music video in the middle of it. I think it could set a record for most times Jason uses the words bonkers and insane. And for a super special guest, Justin timberlake, who has said since making this movie, he still thinks it's crazy and has no idea what's going on in it.

  2. I literally (ha) went through all the post and was so surprised to see this not on here. I mean, are you kidding me? This is the ultimate bad great movie, right there with point break. I've seen it so many times and I still have no idea what's going on. It's like you got dropped in the middle of a movie. P.S. HEAVYWEIGHTS. An all star cast featuring only a young Ben stiller and a bunch of fat kids and adults. Classic

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