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Toby Keith Sweat

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Everything posted by Toby Keith Sweat

  1. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 17 — Dominic Dierkes, Our Close Friend

    The guy used his psychic powers to figure out who the murderer was but then he used his psychic powers to figure out that it was actually a different guy. Not the first guy.
  2. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 16 — Grace Helbig, Our Close Friend

    Sound Cloud? What is that, like thunder?
  3. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 16 — Grace Helbig, Our Close Friend

    Damn, I guess Im too late. I would have loved to heard what it was like having Vin Diesel play Dom in The Fast & Furious movies and what that process was like. I've heard Mr. Diesel is a very Daniel Day Lewis-like intense actor so I'm sure he followed Dominic around for days, studying his movements, speaking voice, bathroom habits, etc.
  4. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 16 — Grace Helbig, Our Close Friend

    It's a shame you missed out on the 3rd Annual Arbor Day Spectacular that they all appeared on, it was a real hootenanny. Gere had a few too many and, well-- I don't wanna ruin it. I'd suggest buying the Pro Version so you can go back and find it in the archives, you'll never think of Rupert Grint the same again.
  5. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 16 — Grace Helbig, Our Close Friend

    Great epi (episode) as usual. I guess what I liked most about it is that the virtual clogging community got a little love. And to think, I thought I was the only virtual clogger (or vlogger for short) out there! I guess I'll have to check out this engineersamtube.com or whatever once I get my rock tumbler connected to the wifi. Speaking of which, I have some really, really nice rocks I'm trying to unload for cheap if you guys want to check out my antsy. ...I put all my rocks by a big ant hill. Bye.
  6. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 15 — Shelby Fero, Our Close Friend

    Grace, how many times have you slipped or fallen down and someone made a joke about you not having much grace? You may round up to the nearest million. How much money do you get paid for an appearance on @midnight and how much does that average out per minute of screen time? Also, is Chris Hardwick as charming in real life as he seems on his hit television shows @midnight, Talking Dead, Talking Bad, The Nerdist etc etc etc or is he a total sleazeball (like I suspect)
  7. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 15 — Shelby Fero, Our Close Friend

    I loved that guy on The Daily Show
  8. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 15 — Shelby Fero, Our Close Friend

    Dominic, what's it like to work so closely with one of the Hollywood's hottest rising stars in Sean Clements? How do you deal with the pressures of constantly trying to impress him? Also, how does TVs work?
  9. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 15 — Shelby Fero, Our Close Friend

    Hello, this was a very funny episode of a podcast, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you. Also, this is kind of just a funny little aside, but I tried to follow you guys on Tumbler but my rock tumbler won't connect to the internet or wifi or whatever; it just makes these beautiful polished rocks which is really lame(right?)
  10. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 14 — Brian Huskey, Our Close Friend

    Oh wow, guys. Great show as usual. If I'm being real honest though, I only made it to about the 18 minute mark. As soon as I heard my (hilarious) name said out loud I-- how do I put this politely, "freaked the fuck out." First thing right off the bat, I turn to everyone in the Sears where I'm blaring the podcast and I say "you hear that you no talent pieces of shit?! That's my name they said! Was it yours?! I didn't think so!" This went on for sometime until I was eventually fired and escorted from the building but whatever. Then I got on Cracker Barrel's website to see how many there are in Kansas or Wisconsin or wherever the fuck I live (its so boring I cant even remember.) It turns out it's the most popular restaurant in the state (and with good reason, it's freaking delicious,) so I call up mom and I say "mom, throw some tire chains on your Jazzy Rascal, we're going out tonight, my treat" (I had gift cards from Christmas, nice.) Unfortunately mom's tire chains were no match for the brutal Missouri or Ohio or whatever winter and she sadly passed away after getting her Jazzy stuck in a ditch by the Cracker Barrel. RIP Momma Sweat, we miss you. Anyway, thanks again for saying my name on your podcast! Totally stoked!
  11. i dont want to step on your toes, but what about "the hobbit 4: the insulation of smog"? modern day LA is overrun with smog and Robin Williams harnesses some science to use it to insulate houses. it does some flubber type shit and bounces all over the place or whatever and he's dressed as a woman the whole time.
  12. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 13 — Andy Daly, Our Close Friend

    what in the hell is going on here
  13. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 12 — Ben Schwartz, Our Close Friend

    Don't cry for me Argentina Hollywood Handbook, the truth is I never left you. The real truth is-- man, this is tough. The real truth is that the Toby Keith Sweat that you've all come to know and love and admire and that many of you have actually named your children after is in reality a fraud. "Toby Keith Sweat" is the product of a team of writers that I pay handsomely to come up with stuff like that hilarious "don't cry for me Argentina" joke that we all enjoyed so much from earlier. I gave the writers the holidays off, so what you're reading now is pure, unfiltered, plain ole me. So let's take a whack at one of those patented Toby Keith Sweat jokes that you've all been clamoring for! Do you know about butterflies, guys? Have you heard of these things, folks? Butterflies? Why do they call them that? They're not made out of butter, and they're not flies! ...the writers will be back after the new year.
  14. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 11 — Jake Fogelnest, Our Close Friend

    I would very much like to hear about any of the following movies. Thank you for your consideration. Teen Pope. The movie where a teenager becomes Pope. Air Bud 19: Going South-PAW. The movie where Air Bud becomes a boxing champion. Air Bud 20: The Fast & The FURRY-ous. The movie where Air Bud becomes a street racing king. Air Bud 21: WNB-STRAY. The movie where Air Bud poses as a woman dog and infiltrates the WNBA. He is also homeless for the purposes of the title. Between The Rocks & A Hard Place. The movie where James Franco gets his arm stuck between Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Alcatraz (aka "The Rock") for 127 hours. Gravity 2: Son of Gravity. The movie where Gravity's son Gravity Jr. exacts revenge on Sandy Bullock. 22 Jump Street. That new Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum movie. Looks funny as fudge! Thank you again Mr. Huskey.
  15. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 10 — Kyle Newacheck, Our Close Friend

    Mr Jake "The Snake" Fogelnest, I'm scared of snakes (they're too scary.) How did you overcome the inherent fear of snakes that's ingrained in all human beings as a natural instinct to preserve our own lives and become the world renowned snake charmer that you are today? Also, what cut of jeans is best?
  16. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 10 — Kyle Newacheck, Our Close Friend

    I know we've had some rough patches in the past and we've both said some terrible things about each others friends and families that we wish we could take back, but I'm happy that we can finally bury the hatchet here. Namaste. I'm the hero Hollywood Handbook deserves, not the one it needs. I'm a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight. I just made all of that up.
  17. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 9 — Michael Showalter, Our Close Friend

    I've always been a glass half full kinda guy, so I guess the silver lining of this whole tragic Hayes butt injury thing is that maybe it will finally bring Bull Helmet awareness to the public at large. We've been campaigning for years to make Butt Helmets mandatory for moped riders and maybe a huge, public megastar such as Hayes will kick-start the whole process. Thank you for your sacrifice Hayes, you're truly doing G*d's work. BUTTSTRONG
  18. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 8 — Damien Fahey, Our Close Friend

    RIP Paul Walkman. 2 Gone 2 Soon.
  19. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 8 — Damien Fahey, Our Close Friend

    This episode just goes to show you that this is the big leagues, folks. You can't just toss any old question out there and expect to get it answered by a big time Hollywood insider. You really have to put some time and effort into wording it juuussssttt right. For example, my cool & funny question made it on the show for one simple reason. Know why? I ended it with the phrase "in that joint." That's because A) I know that Hollywood Insiders are in a big time hurry and only have time to listen to the last 3 words of a question, and I know that big time Hollywood Insider types love. doing. drugs. Just a little tip from your old pal and soon to be Big Hollywood Insider Fatcat Toby Keith Sweat.
  20. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 7 — Ellie Kemper, Our Close Friend

    Damien, you were a guest on Cupcake Wars once. My question is how did you keep from eating every friggen cupcake in that joint?
  21. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 7 — Ellie Kemper, Our Close Friend

    Steve Buscemi has been making his podcast rounds outing himself as the original Gaga so I would assume it'll be him.
  22. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 7 — Ellie Kemper, Our Close Friend

    I know we're all trying to get real PC these days and saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas" or whatever, but please don't take the "tanks but no" out of tanksgiving. Don't forget the reason for the season.
  23. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 7 — Ellie Kemper, Our Close Friend

    Andy... Vibes? Andy... Andrew. Andy. Vibes? Vibes, Andy? Speaking of Vibes, I came into some money recently (just had to stay in my great uncles "haunted" mansion for a night after he died. nice) and finally sprang for the Pro Version. Apparently this time of year they do this "42 Days of Pro Version" thing where you get something new in the mail every day for 42 days. First thing I got the other day was a VHS copy of Vibes signed by none other than Mrs. Sydney Laughtner herself (who I'm told is the world's number 1 Cyndi Lauper impersonator.) So sick. Anyways, I can't recommend the pro version enough. If the next 41 prizes are ANYWHERE as close to as good as this, it's well, well worth the 45 grand that it costs.
  24. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 6 — Paul Rust, Our Close Friend

    am i reading this wrong? sports... ON TELEVISION?
  25. Toby Keith Sweat

    Episode 6 — Paul Rust, Our Close Friend

    Mrs Kemper, Wikipedia tells me that you went to Princeton University, so my question is, I bet you think you're pretty smart, huh? What is "Kraft Services"? Is it just like, cheese and stuff? Do you ever get tired of eating nothing but cheeses while on set? How much money is Christina Fay paying you to star in her new series? Was it hard to get used to those cameras always being around in Your Office? Is Russel Brandt nice? What are your favorite type of jelly beans? Are they Ellie Bellies? Or do you prefer Jelly Ellies? Just kidding. I know that they're called Jelly Bellies.