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Toby Keith Sweat

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Posts posted by Toby Keith Sweat

  1. haven't quite finished up the eppy just yet. i was so dog gonned thrilled to hear my home-flyover-state of ohio being said, OUT LOUD mind you, by hayes that i had to go outside and get some air. then while i was out there i noticed that the wheat fields needed tending to so i got on that, and then i realized i hadnt fed the little chickies today, so i need to do that too and it just goes on and on and on here at the farm. its a real "zoo" over here! (not really)


    but i promise ill finish it up just the second that i finish giving the piggies their slop today

    • Like 11

  2. where the heck did that irish guy at the end come from???


    was he in the podcasting chamber the entire time, just waiting to correct someone on how to pronounce the name gourley??


    is he always in the podcasting chamber, just waiting to correct someone on how to pronounce the name gourley??


    is he-- is he here? now? just waiting to correct someone on how to pronounce the name gourley??

    • Like 2

  3. http://www.scribd.com/ValerieBryant


    It's time for us to get famous. I wrote the first episode of a possible webseries for all of us to star in. Unless I forgot to include you, then I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until episode two.


    Click on the link and then click on the page that says "Hollywood Handbook Forum Original Pilot."


    this was very bad and not funny. just kidding. it was very good and especially funny.

    • Like 5

  4. Ps. Excited to finally be a part of this forum, long time reader first time poster..


    You picked a bad week to sign up, muchacho. Hell week is this week, frosh!



    If anybody hands you anything you have to drink it. No matter what. If you don't, we all get to do some seriouslly screwed up stuff to you!!! ←~∋(。Ψ▼ー▼)∈

    • Like 9

  5. greggy posted a hai-fucking-ku on this fucking message board and not one single person even thought to remark about how fucking beautiful and how fucking breathtaking it was and not only am i fucking furious, im fucking worried about the state of our fucking country if something so fucking perfect can just get over fucking looked like this


    its like that time when that concert violinist played in the ny subway and didnt make jack shit in regards to tips. you all should be fucking ashamed. fuck.

    • Like 10

  6. Hey bros, first time long time. I wanna a part of the Hollywood handbook crew/scoop troupe, but I don't feel cool enough. I need a hollywood handbook forum handbook.


    for a couple hundred bucks ill give you the official Toby Keith Sweat Seal of Approval™ and you'll be a made man until the day you die (sorry to bring up your mortality but its a fact that we're all going to die some day)


    you can send me the money on paypal at bigcountrymamahubbabubba69@gmail.com (we all keep our money in burlap sacks around here & the only person i know with a paypal account is my tech-savy aunt, w/e)

    • Like 8

  7. my name is rappin' toby and im here to say,

    that its fun to rap in a disrespectful way,

    your butt really stinks,

    it really, really stinks,

    you need to take your butt,

    and put it in two sinks (cause it's so big)



    tim treese, you could replace "toby" in the above verse with your rap name "tim treese" or "treese lightning" or "whoop whoop thats the sound of the po-treese." whatever it may be.

    • Like 9

  8. So I was putting some frozen chicken in the microwave today and it said three pieces for three minutes and so I put it in for 3 minutes and 30 seconds because I know that those directions are ALWAYS bullshit. Well lo and behold, I take them out after 3:30 and they're still cold on the inside. I had to put them in for another 3 minutes just to get them warm throughout.


    So, I'm going to be suing Tyson chicken for false advertising. This is bullshit...WHAT IF I HAD TO BE SOMEWHERE AND DIDN'T HAVE 3 EXTRA MINUTES TO SPARE. I think I have a pretty strong case and am looking to expand my wealth by 3.5 million dollars now. (1 million for every extra minute I had to wait)


    please use your tyson money to donate $301 to the podcast "Hollywood Handbook" so as to make Tim Treese seem like a cheap piece of crap

    • Like 5

  9. Toby Keith Sweat,


    I'm so happy to see that you are back to being Toby Keith Sweat. Not that Toby Keith is Sweet was a bad name. I'm certainly not saying that. But Toby Keith Sweat is such a bonafide classic. Two musical titans, from two very different genres of tunes, melded together into one bodacious character.


    Glad to have you back in your true form. Maybe I'll congratulate you on Twitter, too. So these people have to follow us to see our deeper convos about life and fucking bitches and stuff.




    two great tastes together at once. im like the freakin reeses peanut butter cup of people who post on internet message boards about podcasts, here!


    and thank you, bozos. its just-- its just nice that someone notices, you know??

    • Like 1

  10. Toby Keith Sweat,


    I'm so happy to see that you are back to being Toby Keith Sweat. Not that Toby Keith is Sweet was a bad name. I'm certainly not saying that. But Toby Keith Sweat is such a bonafide classic. Two musical titans, from two very different genres of tunes, melded together into one bodacious character.


    Glad to have you back in your true form. Maybe I'll congratulate you on Twitter, too. So these people have to follow us to see our deeper convos about life and fucking bitches and stuff.




    two great tastes together at once. im like the freakin reeses peanut butter cup of people who post on internet message boards about podcasts, here!


    and thank you, bozos. its just-- its just nice that someone notices, you know??

    • Like 3

  11. Hey did any of you see the previews for tonight's Challenges, two bros have to climb a wood wall by punching it.


    who the fuck has time to watch reality tv any more? im too busy getting jerked off in the louvre by any number of high school teachers while their powerful husbands greenlight my next blockbuster smash to worry about if CJ is or is not gonna punch a guys face (he is)

    • Like 8