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Posts posted by PWGmark92

  1. I'm glad somebody else noticed that Marc Anthony was in this movie. Before re-watching it again last night, I hadn't seen this movie in nine years(which I saw in my HS freshman CS class). I was shocked he was in it. I'm pretty sure this was his first acting gig.


    Anyways, about the character he played, why didn't they give him any more to do? He thought that the 'Hacker Manifesto' was cool AND was seen dancing(and possibly tripping on E?) at Acid Burn's party. Was he secretly a hacker as well? It would have been interesting to have a scene where he discreetly meets up with the other hackers and forms a secret alliance with them. Instead, he essentially disappears after the party scene only to be a background character during the climax of the movie.


    Also, this movie was obsessed with those round lens sunglasses that automatically make anybody wearing them into a hhhuuugggeee douche.

  2. I wish they'd brought up the music on the Room episode! It was the most dated, bland, generic "slow jams" R&B. Did Tommy see a couple of early '90s movie sex scenes and assume that that's how they all should sound?


    Honesty, those songs sounded like the generic, bland R&B songs from albums you never heard of in the 99 cents bin at Pic-n-Save.

  3. I just saw this movie. All I've got to say is: WHAT THE FUCK TYLER PERRY?!?!?!?!?!?!?


    Are you kidding me with this movie? How was this even allowed to be released in theatres? This movie is just beyond offensive to all the senses. I seriously can not believe that in this day and age, some movie exec said, "You know what? Let's release this movie in theatres." Man...just fucking hell.


    Although, I've got to say, that the protagonist on coke in the second half of the movie was hilarious to me. She was just bad at trying to portray that she had been on a crazy coke bender. Also, I think the reason behind Vanessa Williams accent was that she had just seen the Room before the filming of this movie; was just trying to do her best Tommy Wiseau impression. Finally, did anybody else notice original husband's Incredible Hulk rage strength throughout the movie?

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  4. The trio and Nathan really hit every nail on the head as far as all the bat-shit crazy stuff I saw in the film was concerned. I also agree with Jason that if Gooby was revealed to be a manifestation of three generations of father-son child molestation, this would be the greatest film ever made.


    Speaking of Jason, it caught my attention that he was shocked that the main demo for this movie according to Amazon turned out to be middle aged men and women. I can actually vouch for this phenomenon. My mother and father are 55 and 59, respectively. They both love shitty, dumbass kids movies and it's one of the few things now-a-days that actually brings them together to sit down for more than 10 minutes before some type of argument can begin. It's completely mind-boggling as to why this happens, but I'm not shocked that the prime demo for Gooby turned out to be middle aged adults.

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  5. I also saw the movie a few days ago for the first time. I actually had heard of Gooby as of a few years ago since The Flophouse did an episode on Gooby but was too lazy to watch it and just listened to their podcast. Seeing as though it's been two years since they released that episode, I had forgotten what they had talked about and didn't know what to expect when I saw the film. Not that anybody cares too much, but here are some of my thoughts on the movie:


    - Let's just get this out of the way: Gooby molested the little boy, right? Their relationship was just a bit too friendly(I'll explain in an upcoming point) for it just to be best pals messing about. Well, to me, anyways.


    -Also, this kid has some serious psychological problems at the beginning of this film, right? I mean, the two-headed monsters thing, to essentially behaving like a 5 year old when he and his family moved out of their old home, to his weird, poorly drawn(for an 11 year old, anyway) imaginary spaceships. It just seemed odd.


    - Willie's Dad was JAG, right?


    - I think this point supports my first one. When Willie and Gooby split off in the middle of the film, did anybody else get the feeling that it was like a couple breaking up? First, they have this giant argument and then they go their separate ways. Then, (if I'm remembering correctly), there's like this montage of Willie and Gooby palling around and then Willie is essentially begging for Gooby to come back. Finally, when they do regroup, Willie is like the girlfriend in an abusive relationship, where he's a bit too grateful for Gooby coming back and is begging him never to leave his side. It was all just very strange.


    - I hated the Eugue Levy character. It was all just terrible.


    -I also feel like this movie didn't know whether to treat Gooby as either visible to everybody or only Willie.




    I could go on forever, but suffice to say, this movie is fucking bat-shit insane on so many levels.

  6. I really hope Paul, June, and Jason review this movie because this could be the film that could secure Sly Stallone into the annals of HDTGM history a la Nic Cage. Anyways, in case you haven't seen this movie, this is basically Sylvester Stallone's (and Renny Harlin's) piss poor ode to the world of open wheel auto racing. I won't give away the plot(you can watch it or wikipedia it, whatever), but this move has some of the most next level bonkers insane physics I've ever seen in a movie. Not only that, but you have god awful CGI(even for 2001), ridiculous dialogue, a nonsensical plot and the bane of every sports movie: cameos by athletes who don't know how to act. Oh, I almost forgot, Burt Reynolds being Burt Reynolds...but this time in a wheelchair!*


    *fun fact: His character is based on F1 legend and team owner Frank Williams


    Even if you haven't seen the movie, I think this behind the scenes mini-documentary gives you a taste of what to expect if you do end up watching it:




    As a person who appreciates and is a fan of bad movies, this movie is fucking incredible. However, as an engineering student and a life-long fan of racing, this movie makes me want to eviscerate Stallone and Harlin for doing such a pathetic job of capturing American open-wheel racing and the science behind it. Not only that, but you could argue that this movie had a very small part in killing off whatever shred of credibility and popularity CART, America's primary open-wheel racing series from 1979-1996, had left by 2001 since the movie was essentially a giant commercial for the series and the series itself was hoping that the movie would make them hip again to American Motorsports fans. To make a long story short, it did not.*


    *fun fact # 2: The series changed it's name to the Champ Car World Series a few years after this movie came out and by 2008 ceased to be due to bankruptcy. The series ended up folding into the Indy Racing League which eventually became what is now known as Indycar.



    Anyways, sorry for ranting about this movie, but, yeah, I'd love to see the HDTGM trio + guest lay into this shit fest.


    Also, sorry for all the boring real life facts about open wheel racing in the US. Can you tell I like Indycars?

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  7. I really felt vindicated when Paul said "By the way, Fuck this kid." This is literally one of the worst child actor performances I have ever seen.


    By the way, am I crazy, or did no one in this podcast mention the scene where STALLONE CRASHES HIS RIG THROUGH ROBERT LOGGIA'S HOUSE AND IS PROMPTLY ARRESTED?!?!?!?!?!



    Yeah, I don't remember any one of them mentioning that. As soon as I saw that scene, I said to myself, "If this movie weren't taking place in bizarro world, this movie ends right now and Stallone is going to jail for at least 10 years."

  8. This movie is tailored made for me. It's got 90s hockey, it's got JCVD still in his prime, and it's got JCVD fighting a goddamn mascot. If the HDTGM trio ever get the Sklar bros. on, I want them to do this movie to fill in all the sports gaps that June, Paul, and Jason might not touch on.

  9. I hated this movie so much. I saw it last night and listened to the episode this morning. This movie has every cheesy and dumb 80s movie cliche that it's a little sickening. Also, what the hell was up with Lincoln Hawk(s) and his son? Jason hit it right on the head when he said that the relationship between Mike and Lincoln was like a romantic comedy between a man and a child. To take that a bit further though, I feel like the relationship was more like a teen rom-com relationship. Stallone came off as so awkward and pathetic in his attempts to reconcile with his son, that it's almost like the nerdy, awkward kid in teen rom-coms asking the hot chick out on a date. It made the whole dynamic even creepier to me.

  10. I was just about to start a topic about this movie. Anyways, I saw it for the first time a few weeks ago on Netflix and this movie is beyond bat-shit insanity. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPPENING IN THIS MOVIE?!?!?!? Phoebe Cates is crazy to the point that it's a bit scary. The dude playing Drop Dead Fred is like a more annoying and creepy Johnny Rotten (btw, they might as well had gotten the real Johnny Rotten to do this role.), the mother is such a bitch and the new guy trying to go out with Phoebe Cates is just as crazy as she is! Also, was Phoebe Cates' character suffering from some type of Arrested Development? She would dress like an 8 year old and she had a very subtle man-child (or woman-child if you prefer) like way about her character. There just so much craziness happening in this movie.

  11. This movie was in whatever the opposite of my wheelhouse is. Several things...


    1. Was this supposed to be a juke-box musical? It kind of felt like it wanted to be both that and a legit drama, and ended up failing spectacularly on both ends. I mean, either go "full Moulin Rouge!" or don't, guys. Full disclosure: I hate juke-box musicals, but the movie would've made more sense that way.


    2. Same thing with the Christian overtones. Was this a Christian movie? As other people (and Paul, Jason, June, and Fred) pointed out, there was a lot of decidedly un-Christian shit going down. For a general, mainstream Christian audience, I suppose it's fine, but without the overall redemptive Christian themes playing any major role in the story, the only thing making it a "Christian movie" is the fact that it's about a gospel choir. And since it's not Christian enough for the fundamentalist, evangelical crowd (we call that going "full Kirk Cameron"), what's the point? That's the problem with making any movie with a religious theme; the religious theme either means something or absolutely nothing. Which brings me to...


    3. This movie is a perfect example of what happens when you try to appeal to the broadest swath of popular culture possible. "I know! Let's make a movie about a gospel choir! That tries to be hip by singing popular music! With a popular (former) hip-hop lady! And a (once) popular country singing lady! And they're both sassy! And there's a love story! And a bad boy! And a good girl! And a kid with a disability! And drama! And comedy! And sex! And death! Christians will see it! Women will see it! All coveted demographics will see it! AHHHH-HAHAHAHA!" It's like making a simple beef stew and then throwing LITERALLY every possible ingredient within five feet into the pot. "This beef stew has beef! And chicken! And cinnamon! And ketchup! And glazed donuts! And peanut butter! And popcorn! And Earl Grey tea! And a whole grapefruit! People like all those things, right?"


    4. Dolly Parton was fucking atrocious. "9 to 5" was great, and Dolly was respectably good (though she was no Lily Tomlin or Dabney Coleman), but that was 1980. Surely there was another sassy Southern Belle past 50 that could've lip-synched to Dolly's voice. WHY NOT MARY STEENBURGEN?!


    5. Queen Latifah deserves waaaay better than this.


    So, I'm almost done watching this movie and I agree with every point you made here. One more thing though. Did anybody else not give a fuck about this movie after a certain point? There was nothing that occurred in this movie that made me care about any of the characters. In fact, I kinda ended up disliking all of them. Also,Dolly Pardon's face is terrifying.

  12. I really don't want to speculate, but the actor who played the son, Justin Cone, played a gay character on "The Hard Times of RJ Burger". He may really be straight, I don't know, it's just when you play a gay character and then your attempt at straight comes off as gay, I just don't even know what the fuck is going on.


    With that being said, did anyone else feel that when the son from the other family went into the swimming pool, there was going to be a loving stare by the first son? Because that would have made sense in the context of this movie. I guarantee you that "I can't swim" is just a cop out from the director.


    As for Eric Roberts, holy shit. I can't tell if he is phoning it in or having too much fun with this, or whatever the hell is going on there. This interview is the closest we get to an explanation.




    And when the mom says "Yes, Tina, and No, you can't go to business college.", I fucking lost my mind. How has this not been done? This shit is amazing, Jason will freak.



    Just based on who the director was, I'm surprised the bigger guy didn't take the son right to the bone zone during that scene or vise versa.

  13. It seems strange in the movie that they're making such a big deal about the concert at the end of the movie since the Spice Girls are already super famous. But in real life, the Spice Girls almost never did concerts, they only performed on TV. They only toured one time and it wasn't until after their second album came out. So when they made this movie they really HAD never performed a large concert, even in their home city, which seems so weird. Could they have been that bad live?


    Maybe the studio execs. that created them didn't want another Milli Vanilli situation on their hands?

  14. *spoiler alert*


    *Best Manzoukas voice* THIS MOVIE IS FU-CKING GAR-BAGE!!!!! Holy shit. This movie is just...wow. I agree wholeheartedly with what That Guy said. Also, let's get one thing straight: the son is gay, right? I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, but he's gotta be. That whole scene at the end where Eric Roberts cat is describing what they do post cat-revival (btw, I love how they were all acting like the cat was mortally wounded when all it had was a haphazardly attached piece of gauze around it's head) looks more like gay friend messing around with lady friend at pool than girlfriend and boyfriend messing around the pool. Then there's that other pool scene. I also find it hard to believe that the son doesn't know what to wear; has to rely on that girl's program to help him out.



    One more question: This is supposed to be a children's movie right? Then why does the dad's t-shirt translate to : One fucking day at a time? So many questions...

  15. So somebody suggested I watch this on Youtube and holy crap, guys. This movie is...beyond horrendous. From Master p's (already) horrible Tony Montana impression coming and going as he pleases, to the fact that a Cuban? Italian? Cubo-Italian? mob don had a son like Master P, and so on. Not to mention the fact that like 3/4 of the entire mob look like horrible Steven Segal clones especially the main lackey who looks like if Steven Segal and Tommy Wiseau had child, it is just 57 minutes of horrible everything. If you haven't seen it, check it out:




    A fair bit of warning though: Watch it quickly as it may get taken down for nudity as there's a lot of ass and titties crammed into these 57 minutes.
