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Everything posted by HitlerBadDavidGood

  1. HitlerBadDavidGood

    The Gate (1987)

    Little known gem starring a young Stephen Dorff. "Next level bonkers". At one point, a kid is dancing with the ghost of his dead mother, a little awkward hugging later, and his mom turns into a DEAD DOG.
  2. HitlerBadDavidGood

    Masters of The Universe

    My fav Dolph flick. This would be a fun episode. Saw this awful/great flick dozens of times as a kid.
  3. HitlerBadDavidGood


    I assure you, I'm chill, HTML ninja.
  4. HitlerBadDavidGood


    Why are these Reagan babies getting so defensive over a mediocre film. Oh that's right, nostalgia. I think it would be a fun movie to do because it has Stiller doing is Dodge Ball character. Its one of Judd Apatows first films. Its Disney, so it has silly morality tales to tell. Also it was the cusp of the P.C. era, so I don't think this film would get made today. Notice there isn't any girls at fat camp. You guys need to watch Mighty Ducks, eat some chicken nuggets, and chill out on defending this movie.
  5. HitlerBadDavidGood


    Totally blew my mind when I found out Apatow wrote it. I remember seeing this film as a pre teen and thinking it was bad, but its really fun watching now. It has every kid who was ever in a McDonalds commercial in the 90's. And you see Ben Stiller doing the same exact character in "Dodge Ball". So bad its good.
  6. HitlerBadDavidGood


    A camp for over weight kids and Ben Stiller plays the camp director who loves reminding the kids how fat they are. Bad movie but easy to laugh at.
  7. HitlerBadDavidGood

    Where is Episode 3?

    I swear every 2 or 3 days im checking for a new episode.
  8. HitlerBadDavidGood

    The Gate (1987)

    damn, the burbs. gonna have to check that out