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Posts posted by AdamFlowers

  1. I know I totally bombarded you, but I have (belatedly) just started listening to the podcast and it is RIGHT in my Funny Nexus. Pre-YouTube, my buddies and I used to keep a VHS tape in the VCR to record stuff at a moments notice. If you have ever seen the Mr. Show sketch about the party tapes, that was us. I have a lot more to share, but I will post judiciously. I really, really enjoy your show. Your show is what my friend Joe and I do when we get together. "OK, just one more video..." is our mantra.

  2. As an Opera singer, this one is close to my heart. Background:

    Dragana Jugovic is a well-regarded mezzo-soprano and was singing in this concert for Bulgarian TV. Alexei Steblianko is the tenor singing in the duet. Even though he looks like a biology teacher, he is a bad-ass dramatic tenor. According to some, Dragana was drunk. According to her, she had taken some clashing medication, either way, she sounds like Foster Brooks trying to sing Opera. What makes this video insane for Opera lovers is that he is REALLY good, so we go back and forth between marveling over how BAD she is and how GREAT he is. And he is trying SO hard to keep it together, a total pro and great colleague. He even tries to keep her from taking a prolonged bow and helps get her off stage ASAP. But his "frustration" tell is that he adjusts his glasses every time I think he is restraining himself from just yelling at her and leaving. This disaster happened on LIVE TV...what an agony this must have been for all involved. It is totally insane.



  3. Elena is the lesser talented sister of world-renowned Operatic soprano Catherine Malfitano.


    She would just go to random spots in DC and just burst out into song. The best part of this, and I found this out from a good friend of mine that has sung with Catherine, that the camera man is Elena and Catherine's father. This makes the off-camera interaction at the end all the more terrifying.


    The fact that this exists and it isn't a cynical goof makes me happy all over. Except for my ears.

