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Status Updates posted by AdamFlowers

  1. Almost none of my Black friends on Twitter are friends with any of my non-black friends on Twitter. :(

  2. By all means, let's keep endlessly tweeting about Beyonce & Taylor Swift. #Brave #Important #KeepConsuming

  3. Go to Pandora. Artist search for Guru. Create new station. Yes, I know. YOU'RE WELCOME

  4. As team Japan team lines up on 3rd base line to bow to crowd, my 1/2 Japanese American wife asks, "Are they going to commit sepukku now?"

  5. Let's get small.

  6. This "In Time" SNL digital short with Justin Timberlake is funny, I guess, but it's almost 2 hrs. long. Nothing "short" about it! #ShortFail

  7. What do we want? ADD. When do we want...wait. Why do we want that? To make fun of it? Oh, REAL mature. You guys are mean & unfunny.

  8. "No Parking On the Dance Floor" just came on the radio & I am dancing like HELL.

  9. In hindsmell, that WAS a nasty fart.

  10. So many of you have nothing really to be angry about.

  11. The only time a non-Portuguese white person can have an Ukulele is if they're 10 & exiting a Hilo Hattie.

  12. Is Cyprus going to be an economic Sarajevo?

  13. Remember when it was so important to be right? & that we believed there was such a thing as "right"? Ah, youth.

  14. Guys, let's not be so mean, OK. We can be funny, biting, though-provoking, even subversive, and still be kind. #PooPoo #FartSmells

  15. If any of us met the characters from #Girls at a restaurant, they would be the annoying people we complained about later to our friends.

  16. I'm going on a lunch date with my gorgeous wife, @SunsetGamerBabe. Why am I slightly nervous? I hope she thinks I'm cool! #TooLate

  17. I would buy @WilliamShatner or @ABFalecbaldwin's Twitter Style Guides

  18. Rick Pitino is a "Legitimate Businessman"

  19. When I'm cooling down with my Bros after a tough workout, I drink Joint Milk to stave off the debilitating creep of arthritis.

  20. G Maj - D Maj - a minor - C Maj gets me almost every time.
