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Posts posted by AndyPacheco-Fores

  1. When my white friend's dad said OJ was guilty a mob of black people hanged him in the town square while the all-black police force watched and distributed free drinks. The same thing happened to his grandfather when he said OJ was guilty 15 years earlier, and his great-grandfather before that. It wasn't really that long ago that white people who thought OJ was guilty weren't even considered real people and lower than even animals.

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  2. The spirit animal thing is so weird to me because it's a super broad concept--special association with an animal that kind of defines your personality is a thing in pretty much all cultures including European/Western (Jesus is the lamb, so many kings associated with lions, Disney's animated Robin Hood). People everywhere have always projected human qualities onto animals and animal qualities onto humans.

    BUT then in the 60s New Age hippy types rrrreeeally leaned heavy on the Native Americans' versions of it and now it's pretty much lost to the racist appropriation bucket. FUCK YOU, HIPPIES.
