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Posts posted by AndyPacheco-Fores

  1. The Lewinsky scene was funny as hell but Besser, why should Lewinsky have to suffer exile while Clinton gets to bask in continued popularity? Is this an Arkansas thing where you're just mad at her because you love Clinton because he's from Arkansas? Lewinsky didn't ask to become a household name and once she was she tried to take control of her own image and at least get something out of this horrible thing that happened to her. She's tried to get a normal job and no one would hire her, those stupid publicity stunts were her only way to make a living. How can you call that shameful? Where's your empathy?

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  2. yeah i think calling the little bit of paraphrasing in the show 'plagiarism' is a real reach and as far as i have been able to see ligotti hasnt said anything about it at all (which is not unusual when it comes to him), the allegations all came from fan sites

    i do think its a little shitty that the dude that made the show doesnt say like everywhere 'hey some of the ideas in this show are based on the work of thomas ligotti and i think hes pretty great and unknown, you should really check him out' but he doesnt need to like appeal for a prayer of justice or anything

    Yeah the whole "controversy" of it seems so stupid. Most of McConaughey's philosophy monologues are either paraphrases or direct quotes from a bunch of philosophers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, not just the Ligotti dude, and Pizzolato's said as much in interviews. He was never presenting the stuff McConaughey's character said as his own philosophical work or anything.

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  3. Β 

    I agree, he was mostly joking, but I do think that men are more likely to fear embarrassment/humiliation as the major threat from women, whereas women are more likely to fear assault and violence as the major threat from men. That discussion was kind of jarring to me, perhaps because I have a lot of feelings about bathroom/locker room/etc. segregation in relation to safety and discrimination, especially with regard to people who are not gender binary.


    Anyway, I really liked this episode and I thought the more serious first half was a nice change of pace (and still had several laugh out loud moments). Todd Glass has been killing it in his most recent appearances, just bought his book and am excited to read it!


    Like Margaret Atwood said, "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."

  4. Smh yall why doesn't anyone understand that China needs us as much as we need them? Without America to buy all the shit they make China wouldn't be as strong as they are, and without China to make all the stuff we buy we wouldn't be as strong as we are. We'll never go to open war with China, there's too much money at stake for both of us.

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