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Posts posted by AndyPacheco-Fores

  1. White people in calavera makeup is usually ok, but that's pretty much just from Day of the Dead being so close to Halloween that it's like whatever, same shit. That parade looks iffy, actually--I see a lot of white people and no Latinos, which is problematic for an event that openly copies our shit, but maybe that's jus the photographer/editor only choosing white people for close-ups. On the fully terrible end of the spectrum, white people celebrating Cinco de Mayo is almost always fucking racist as shit.

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  2. About the question of whether the Hollywood timing structure is intrinsically what we want from movies or just what we've learned through decades of movies like that--I think it's definitely the latter, because of Bollywood. The average Bollywood movie is like 2.5 to 3 hours, with an intermission halfway through. And Bollywood movies are as popular in South Asia as Hollywood movies are here.

  3. Yeah yall got it right. In a dangerous, mostly non-white neighborhood, the white people are probably much safer than the nonwhite people. People who do crimes know that the cops are way more likely to actually investigate shit when it happens to a white person, so why take that risk? But only a racist asshole would brag about benefiting from that.

  4. Tru Confessions: I used to make Mexican jokes about myself and laugh along when other people made them at me (which happened all the time) and I'm not even Mexican, I'm Venezuelan-Cuban. I also started going by Andy instead of Andres when I was like 10 because I was sick of people not being able to pronounce it. I let myself be colonized sorry yall.
