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Posts posted by AndyPacheco-Fores


    I'm calling in, and I agree with most of the things you've said on this forum. I just wanted to talk more about "political correctness" and censorship in a more general way rather than just about this one specific musician... I'd be happy to take any tips, though, either way.


    The best thing I've ever heard on political correctness is a long bit by Stewart Lee, this British standup:




    Also timely:



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  2. Now, taking things out of context and attacking people for one-off comments or statements is one thing. Continuing to let them get away with nonstop bad behavior because 'the market will sort it out' is another.

    And that's a huge difference between the Kozelek situation and Tim Meadows' situation that Matt completely glossed over. For Tim, the "reporter" conflated two different bits and took them out of context to force a narrative on to it to be intentionally misleading. Outrage over Kozelek isn't isolating stuff and taking it out of context. Both the Snapes article and the pitchfork review frame his comments/song as part of a pattern of behavior that he's already infamous for, there's nothing dishonest or misleading about how they're portraying him. We all understand the context, and we still don't think he should get a pass. Kozelek's lying in the bed he's made for himself.

  3. Another thing I haven't seen talked about yet--Matt and Mookie's argument that it's better to just passively not consume stuff you don't like instead of publicly condemning it is total bullshit. They use the example of a comedian doing just straight up rape jokes all the time, saying he'll develop a reputation for it, audiences won't go to his shows, and clubs will stop booking him. But he'll never develop that negative reputation if no one calls him out on it. Russell Peters the all-stereotypes comedian is an incredibly successful multimillionaire. Jeff Dunham and his horrible racist puppets broke ratings records for Comedy Central. You can't trust in a passive public reaction to quietly get rid of problems as intractable as sexism or racism. If you want people to stop being misogynist, you have to speak out against misogyny, loudly and wherever you encounter it.


    It's also straight up sickening to hear Matt compare Johnny Rotten spitting on the audience to Kozelek's shtick. Rotten's whole deal was about defying conventions and challenging authority, that's why it was compelling. There's absolutely nothing unconventional or rebellious about a man using sexual insults to shame a woman he doesn't like. That kind of shit is in the Bible.


    Last thing: people are mad about the hate being directed at Kozelek, but he's a relatively famous musician who's been literally asking people to pay money to listen to him for over 25 years. He should know by now that if he says terrible shit onstage it's going to blow back on him. Can you imagine what this situation has been like for Snapes? Before this she was an anonymous nobody doing her job, and then Kozelek basically told his fans to hate her. Famous comedians are shitting on her because she objected to being called a bitch. Imagine what her inbox and twitter mentions and so on are like now compared to a few weeks ago.

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  4. women are lust-addled fuck monsters who can't control their sexual desires and ordered society will collapse if they're allowed to make their own choices.

    oof pfchangs, out of context, this is pretty damning of your attitudes.


    uh oh I didn't expect my words to be taken out of context

    men are lust-addled fuck monsters who can't control their sexual desires and ordered society will collapse if they're allowed to make their own choices.





    ...dibs on The Lust-Addled Fuck Monsters as the name for my feminist punk band, we only play covers of this song and nothing else


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  5. It almost seems like this trend is the flip-side of cyber bullying: while it used to be super common to see a bunch of hate-speech, threats, and insults in the comments sections of articles, now it seems much more common to find people espousing on social justice.

    It's not more common, it just seems like it's everywhere now because it didn't really exist until recently.

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  6. I think there are some aspects of this that hadn't been brought up.


    Don't you need to have people be outraged in order for punks to have any kind of value at all? If everyone and their mom is super into Johnny Rotten spitting on them, it loses all of its power. Without that outrage, it just becomes a Green Day concert. The same thing applies to Matt's "economics" argument: if no one is outraged at someone saying shitty things, then people who actually say shitty things will keep selling out shows.


    Offense is really just a measurement of what is and what is not the status quo. And it can go both ways. When NWA says "fuck the police" or Ice-T talks about killing cops, that's partially intended to be offensive, and it's offensive for the purpose of highlighting how shitty the police system is. But being offended can also be going against the status quo, too: when reporters go out and write the latest article demanding an apology from a comedian, it's for the purpose of saying, hey, I think this is something we should add to our list of "shit we won't put up with".


    I think it goes without saying that most journalists are not very good at this.


    Journalists don't realize who's on their side. If that one writer knew anything about Tim Meadows, they'd realize that he's on their side, and they have better people to write about. The age-old problem with going against conservative thought is that you get overzealous and start attacking people on your side. I have a friend who says "it's easier to punch your neighbor than lead a revolution."


    Journalists are also lazy as fuck, too. That journalist should really be taking a huge hit to her credibility for posting such a blatantly false article, but she probably won't. I think we need to be spending more time shaming journalists who write significantly factually incorrect material than shaming comedians at an open mic who haven't figured out the best way to get across to the audience that their latest joke is against racism or sexism or whatever and still keep it funny.


    I took some Second City classes, and they have a saying: stereotypes, sexism, racism, etc., are the swamp. And if you decide to go out into the swamp, make sure it's clear to your audience that you're going out there to get something valuable. The one comic who does all stereotype work -- is he doing it to show how bad stereotypes are and use irony to demonstrate how to explode that kind of thinking in our own lives? Or is he just doing it because ha ha, I've heard that stereotype before! Because that has a far greater impact on people without power in our society than people with power.


    What did Sun Kil Moon go out in the swamp for? It was to be petty towards a journalist that was rude to him. I don't know if it's misogynistic, but it is establishing power and dominance: if she hates me, it's only cause she wants to fuck me because I'm so great. But at the same time, I'm sure there are a lot of women out there who have dealt with guys who have used that exact attitude to put them down purely because they are a woman, so I think that resonates in a way with them that reminds them of real misogyny.

    Cosign 1000%. And it's not just a reminder of real misogyny, it's exactly what real misogyny sounds like. "(Some woman) totally wants to fuck me" is something rapists say about their victims all the time, and they usually get away with it. Throughout most of history misogynists have justified their oppression of women by claiming that women are lust-addled fuck monsters who can't control their sexual desires and ordered society will collapse if they're allowed to make their own choices. Kozelek wanted to put this journalist in her place and he decided to use the oldest laziest most damaging stereotype in human history. He deserves to be heckled.

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  7. This was Comedy Death-Ray era levels of disgusting/dark/awesome.

    I would also like to echo the sentiment that Lauren asking if rappers act out their sketches during live performances is an all-time great CBB question. I sincerely hope Kanye opens up every show with the Wake Up Mr. West! sketch.

    The Bernie Mac hologram really bums everyone out, RIP

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  8. it's really eerie to me how much joe sounds like harris. like the stresses and cadence and everything.

    When he started talking, for a minute I was like "was this recorded a while back or what?" because he does sound a LOT like Harris.


    If I remember correctly, didn't Harris and Joe both go to Emerson together? I have always thought they sounded a lot a like and I attributed that to them being around each other for a long time and picking up each others mannerisms.

    Joe was in a sketch group with Harris and Armen at Emerson, yeah. They worked on Parks together too. He tried to buy the westboro baptists' "Harris in Hell" poster for a hundo.
