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Status Updates posted by ashsultana

  1. Can we ask for mayor of #Steubenville to RESIGN, after allowing those rapists to participate in football game? #VAW #fem2 #sheparty


    #Anonymous in light of #Steubenville, does your group wants to put these posters in different areas #DontBeThatGuy https://t.co/vkuds1oJr6


  3. RT @sudixitca #Florida student may have plotted dorm #massacre before suicide - http://t.co/Ma3gv39x6r …

  4. "Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality"- Edgar Allan Poe... dang I need to read more abt him

  5. I thought I will be in bed sleeping peacefully rather than fuming over asshole kid who cant get over the fact tht he gets boner -.- #VAW

  6. hahahah @bbcweather is HACKED!!.. whoever did they are awesome!!

  7. I call'em "lefty wanker syndrome" "@hocinedim This "y are u aqua willing abt tiny issues when we have greater enemy" line is really damaging

  8. Oh yayy! The asshole @DuaneCotton is suspended!!! I am so glad multiple people reported him #VAW #fem2 #RingTheBell

  9. She wrote: "Some even go to extent of saying that any & all interactions men have are solely for purpose of inviting sexual encounters"#VAW

  10. I am so glad that both of those vile women are arrested #Steubenville


    #KARACHI: Salauddin, a 25-year-old #Bangladeshi, came to Karachi in 2004, so he could support his six family... http://t.co/WXmVEqRgUD


  12. Summary of my research on stability of silver nanoparticles https://t.co/doNLi2CYjN #Science #Environment #Chemistry #Nanoparticles

  13. HAHAHAHAHAH last time I asked help for a girl facing #DV, they told me I was lying and she didnt existed #PakistaniCommieProblems @wr4i7h_

  14. .@wr4i7h_ I aint really #Anonymous na; I have zero knowledge on the system otherwise I would had used it for #UmerkotRapes @spin_ghar

  15. Because @harikondabolu is awesome!!! The best rebuttal to PMS argument @raheelred should learn from him http://t.co/6FeXpLMTHI

  16. .@Rnb129 yup cos if they were "feminist" they wont be acting in vile manner against the integrity of principles :)

  17. RT @OccupySteubMain Rick Ross' Rape Lyrics Spark Petition, Fan Backlash #FuckRickRoss http://t.co/OiF36ZakCb

  18. .@BemetOr8 You can get "minions" at the nearest douche store available to you or u can find women w/ self esteem issues tht work too

  19. I will be speaking in Chicago in July so do I know twitter peeps from there cc @curryman

  20. Ugh Claire #TheFollowing and tht whole thing in bedroom, y even do tht "@Ghozo yea ! Then I love u in the car, I fucking hate you fool"

  21. .@ExMuslim_ I recognize there is huge cultural context of being forced into it but my question was is colonization taking over our problems?
