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Posts posted by NeilMiddleton

  1. Glad I caught a free preview screening for this. It is ripe for HDTGM. It was like the filmmakers watched a bunch of other movies and TV shows - Men in Black, Ghost, Dead Like Me, The Avengers, every buddy-cop movie - and took their favorite moments and tried to piece a movie together from them. Makes almost no sense at all. If not for Jeff Bridges hamming it up, it would be a complete failure...

  2. One of, but not quite the worst, I still contest that A New Beginning takes that mantle easily. Robb Hedden who wrote and directed actually agrees with fans about this one. HIs original script had 90% of the movie in Manhattan with scenes in Times Square, Madison Square Garden (a lot of "squares" in New York). The studio cut funding and forced him to reverse the script so most of the movie's on a fucking boat and then they had to shoot in Canada because it was cheaper.


    After all these years I still can't figure out that Goddamned ending. Why do the sewers flood with toxic waste? Why does he turn into little Jason? Why do I keep watching this movie over and over again...?

  3. Jason is the mascot for the franchise, so let's make a film where he literally is not in it. Just the beginning and the very fucking end. Still, for some reason I cannot explain I love this movie. I still get chills when Jason actually does show up at the end...

  4. Will Smith's kid was so fucking annoying in this "film" that I was hoping Keanu would go Neo on his ass and kick him in the teeth. That might shut him up for a few minutes. And what the hell was with Gort? Turn him into basically a fucking cloud. I know he's trillions of nano-robots or whatever, but still, he's just a cloud. What is with Hellywood's obssession with clouds. Not every villain needs to be a damn cloud. Lost, Green Lantern, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer - all villanous clouds.


    The only reason I wouldn't want them to do this film is beacause if they did, I'd have to force myself to sit through it again. Once was one time too many...

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  5. You know what? When I see a Superman movie, I want to see Supes PUNCH something. Not stalk old girlfriends who've moved on. I think Bryan Singer is a good director and could have made a modern classic. Instead of making Bryan Singer's Superman, he make Bryan Singer's Richard Donner's Superman.


    And, yes, liftng the boat while standing on it makes me laugh every time I see it...

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  6. How Freddy ever came back after this I will never know. Most sequels this bad make the entire franchise vanish from the face of the planet.


    I love just making fun of this movie and having a good laugh at all the nonsense. Exploding parakeets? And Freddy looks so cute running around six-foot, 200-pounds jocks. He looks like a kid who got lost while trick-or-treating. The filmmakers claim they were unaware how homoerotic this film was while making it. Really? The lead MALE character screams better than any of the ladies; he frequents a gay S&M bar and he leaves his "girlfriend" to sleep in the jock's bedroom. Easily the worst Elm Street films (well, maybe except for that abomination of a remake), but one of the most entertaining...

  7. Nothing matched the game version or even the first film. Shao Khan at the end of the first film was sort of beastly and in this film he's just a bald dude, Brian Thompson, I believe. The acting - if you can call it that - is some of the worst I've seen save for maybe Birdemic. This would have been bad had it premired on the Sci-Fi Channel. I cannot believe this was a full-blown theatrical film. I bought the DVD some years after seeing thinking it would be fun to just to sick back and laugh at it. Sorely mistaken. It's so bad it's just bad. You can't even laugh at it.


    And you know you're doing something wrong when you make Paul W.S. Anderson look good...

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  8. I recall seeing the trailer years ago and always wondered what the hell happened to it. I recently watched Quarantine with commentary (I know, I'm a geek) and was shocked to hear the filmmakers talking about it even then. Definitely have to check it out on YouTube...

  9. We've got Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale fighting the classic Universal Monsters. What could go wrong? Just about everything. Werewolves show up in broad daylight, full moon or no. Said full moons happen for two nights, skip three and happen again. Richard Roxburgh as the worst Dracula. Vampire babies that explode into goo. Frankensteins creation that annoying and can never make up his mind about living or dying. And, apparently, soft, velvet couches kill people who've been thrown through walls, dropped from heights through ceilings and hit the ground with nary a hair out of place.


    Not a moment of this film makes any sense. I was so looking forward to this film back when it hit theaters, confident that no matter what it would at least be fun. No. Unbelievably bad. It tanked so bad that the sequels and television series were cancelled. Last I heard, though, I believe Tom Cruise was attached to the damn remake...

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  10. This movie was just awful. None of it makes a lick of sense and I've spent years trying to figure out the "...we'll see who shits on the sidewalk" line. I can just see Paul Writing Sucks Anderson patting himself on the back after writing that line.


    The prequels were dumb fun. This one was just dumb...

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  11. I'm not a "Trekkie," but I do enjoy (some) of the Trek films. This is one of the better ones - Wrath of Khan will always remain the best. I love Chekov asking where they keep the nuclear wessels. Makes me laugh every time. There's plenty of other Trek films far better - or would it be worse - for the show. Star Trek V would be perfect. A giant floating head of God shooting lasers out of its eyes. Need I say more...?

  12. I love Krull. The glave is one of the coolest weapons ever. Yeah, it's a bad movie and a guilty pleasure that would be perfect for the podcast. You know, I've seen this movie many times and I still don't have a fucking clue what's going on, but I still love it. It makes me giggle...

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  13. Yeah, the second one had a green dog-worm thing that was kinda cute. And the plot? They've got to find a crystal skull and return it to its rightful place and whackiness ensues. Actually, the first two House films are pretty fun.


    House IV, which is actually House III, but a film made by the same producers called The Horror Show was released internationally as House III - which is why you'll never find House III in America - was supposed to be a direct sequel to the first film, but they botched it all up. William Katt's son is now a paralyzed daughter and I don't remember who his wife exactly is. His ex? A new flame? I don't know, I just hated the damn thing...

  14. A watered-down version of Gremlins, only now they're giant, mutated spiders. You have a spider screaming like Tarzan as it slids down a rope after David Arquette. Crazy. I loves me a good giant spider movie, but this one, I don't know. Keep the creatures scary and the comedy to, well, people who are funny...
